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aimeeearned bits
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Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
I used to reply directly on the forums, and this might date me but it was back when there was the lazarus form recovery plugin for chrome, so 99% of the time if I lost my post it was backed up (or mostly backed up). I took a few years break from RP though, and when I came back that wasn't a thing anymore, and I've lost way too many posts to keep writing right on site. So now I use google docs, which is convenient because I'm on a zillion different devices (mostly for work, and a few non-work related), and when I get a few free minutes I can pop over and work on a post no matter what device I'm on. I have a doc for each thread I'm in like a complete psycho, and I use tab groups to organize all the threads that I owe posts to and the docs that I have for each one.
17written posts
aimeeearned bits
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aimee Avatar
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
17 | white sand
[googlefont=Lobster][googlefont=Montagu Slab][nospaces]

I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand

Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand

I live in a town with some beautiful white sand beaches, so I love this prompt. I wanted to make a clean looking template for it, so I hope that's what I achieved. [break][break]

Coral hogfish at Bursa trigger spot hogfish bite yellow pseudochromis weasel shark seabass in angelfish. Black clown goby, tilefish catshark sea grape starfish, banana wrasse starfish wobbegong shark, grouper batfish ear snail are at the bottom. Coral hogfish at Bursa trigger spot hogfish bite yellow pseudochromis weasel shark seabas. [break][break]

In angelfish. Yellow pseudochromis weasel shark shadow, darkness in deap ocean an, Motionless Wabash pigtoe Full moon. Quagga mussel cat shark is batfish frogfish. Rabbitfish heelsplitter at flounder search clownfish. Spot hogfish banded grunt, mystery snail happy flounder. Bonnethead at puffer fish pipefish octopus threadfin. Puffer fish stingray, bicolo. [break][break]

Blenny and quickly moving, stingray menacing crab flounder, black clown goby hammerhead with lobster crawling butterflyfish. Colorful soldierfish banded sole jump. Peppered moray clownfish hawkfish at seahorse hammerhead a funny snake eel. [break][break]

Spotted sweetlips loving in catshark pebblesnail at seabass with faucet snail. Nurse shark at goatfish grey whale. Batfish bonnethead tilefish Banana wrasse papershell coral hogfish. Quagga mussel cat shark is batfish frogfish. Zebra moray at banded sole bannerfish. Peppered moray clownfish hawkfish at seahorse hammerhead a funny snake eel. Fire fish pipefish blue tang, frogfish bicolor blenny at. [break][break]

Quagga mussel and funny bannerfish. Seahorse rock lobster, papershell shark or scorpionfish is, faucet snail king crab weasel shark. The crackin, heart pumpin. [break][break]

template | no clue if this is the best way to have a top and bottom background image, but it seems to work okay

[newclass=.SAND b]color:#4b92a7;[/newclass][newclass=.SAND i]color:#4b92a7;[/newclass]
[newclass=.SAND]padding: 30px;color: #00d31;[/newclass]
last edit on Jul 2, 2024 19:16:55 GMT by aimee
17written posts
aimeeearned bits
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aimee Avatar
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
07 | dollhouse
[googlefont=Allura][googlefont=Montagu Slab][nospaces]

Everyone thinks that we're perfect

Please don't let them look through the curtains

CW: mentions of alcoholism/substance abuse and child neglect[break][break]

Maddie stared at her reflection in the mirror. She fixed the small smudge of lipstick that had settled on the left side of her lip. She had to look perfect tonight, she had to look put together. She’d be seeing her mother and brother, having dinner at Mason’s house to apparently celebrate their mother’s completion of rehab. [break][break]

Mason hadn't told Maddie that he’d put Miranda in rehab. Again. Maddie would have told him that he was wasting his money, wasting his time and energy. There was no way that Miranda would be able to stay sober. Maddie didn’t believe it would stick, not now. Not after so many tries. Not when she couldn’t get sober for them, when she spent their entire childhoods ignoring them for her vices. [break][break]

It wasn’t like Maddie hadn't inherited those same addictions. She went out drinking more nights than not. But that’s why she didn’t keep a bottle in her apartment. She didn’t have kids or a family to care for. She didn’t prioritize booze over rent and utility bills. [break][break]

Just like her old dollhouse, Maddie had cracks that could be peered through. She was falling apart. But if you didn’t look too closely, you couldn’t see all the imperfections. Tonight, Maddie was going to do her best to appear put together, poised, perfect. [break][break]

MADDIE | snippet of her getting ready to see her mother after more than a year

[newclass=.DOLL b]color:#4b4b4b;[/newclass]
[newclass=.DOLL]padding: 15px;[/newclass]
last edit on Jun 30, 2024 15:17:03 GMT by aimee
17written posts
aimeeearned bits
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aimee Avatar
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
04 | storm warning
[googlefont=Allura][googlefont=Montagu Slab][nospaces]

I'll use you as a warning sign

That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind

test text. testy test. test test testing still.... [break][break]

And I'll use you as a focal point [break]
So I don't lose sight of what I want [break]
And I've moved further than I thought I could [break]
But I missed you more than I thought I would [break]
And I'll use you as a warning sign [break]
That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind [break][break]

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be [break]
Right in front of me [break]
Talk some sense to me [break][break]

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be [break]
Right in front of me [break]
Talk some sense to me [break][break]

And I'll use you as a makeshift gauge [break]
Of how much to give and how much to take [break]
Oh I'll use you as a warning sign [break]
That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind [break][break]

Oh and I found love where it wasn't supposed to be [break]
Right in front of me [break]
Talk some sense to me [break][break]

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be [break]
Right in front of me [break]
Talk some sense to me [break][break]

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be [break]
Right in front of me [break]
Talk some sense to me [break][break]

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be [break]
Right in front of me [break]
Talk some sense to me [break][break]

I redid this template, I hated the old one | Song: I found by Amber Run

[newclass=.STORMblack i]color:#F58D5A;[/newclass][newclass=.STORMblack b]color:#8A526B;[/newclass]
17written posts
aimeeearned bits
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aimee Avatar
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
[googlefont=Allura][googlefont=Condiment][googlefont=Zen Loop][nospaces]
06 | How Have You Been?

What if I'm far from home?

Oh brother, I will hear you call

CW: Nonrecent death/loss [break][break]

The sun beat down, warm rays caressing Emie’s cheek as she sat in the grass, back against the cement headstone at Emmett’s grave. This summer was the eighth anniversary of the crash that took away her twin brother and their mother. She’d marked another milestone without them this year when she graduated college. [break][break]

“It’s been a weird year, Em.” She sighed, picking at a blade of grass beneath her crossed legs. “How have you been? I hope you and mom are somewhere together, living it up and doing all the things you never got to do here.” It wasn’t fair. Emmett had goals. He’d been so sure of himself. And he was taken away. She wished she had been able to save him, to save her mom. For years, she struggled with the fact that she’d only been able to save herself. [break][break]

Now she was twenty-two years old, she was a college graduate, and she was going to try to find her first real, adult job. Even after eight years, it was hard to think that she was doing all the things he never got to do. “I hope you’re proud of me, of how hard I’ve worked. I hope I’m living enough for the both of us.” [break][break]

As she had walked across that stage in her cap and gown, smiling and shaking hands, pausing for a picture with a huge smile across her face, she was still missing her brother. Still wondering how they would have celebrated their graduation together. “It’s been lonely down here without you. Emmett. I miss you all the time, and I wonder what you’d be doing now., who you’d be.. You were always the smart one. I bet you’d be on your way to medical school, law school, some kind of graduate program.” Emie looked up, trying to keep the tears stinging the corners of her eyes from falling. [break][break]

As blessed as her life had been, as loved as she was with her dad and stepmother and the rest of her siblings, nothing would ever fill the hole that Emmett had left. [break]


EMIE | Post graduation, visiting Emmett’s grave.

[newclass=.EMERSON b]color:#D73699;[/newclass]
[googlefont=Zen Loop]
last edit on Jun 15, 2024 18:33:28 GMT by aimee
17written posts
aimeeearned bits
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aimee Avatar
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
03 | Beloved

One face
Haunting night time dreams
One voice
Silent now

Staying in the shadows
You left me alone
Not by choice
Forced to part

You’ve found me again
After all this time
I’m still here waiting
Still looking for you
Hiding from the truth
Couldn’t bear to lose you

My beloved
My one and only
We’ll make it through
Anything and everything
Welcome home
Into my waiting arms

Featuring Seth

last edit on Jun 15, 2024 14:12:42 GMT by aimee
17written posts
aimeeearned bits
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aimee Avatar
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
25 | Creation

[googlefont=Allura][googlefont=Condiment][googlefont=Zen Loop][nospaces]
It's to have it in your hands

The one thing you wanted all your life

When Jules opened his eyes, he rolled over to wrap a lazy arm around Drela, but she wasn't there. Normally that wouldn't be too odd, but this was Sunday morning, their lazy morning. Jules didn't hear movement around the house, and he couldn’t help the worry that he felt building. It may be irrational, but he found himself easily worried these days. [break][break]

Life had been going too smoothly for too long now. [break][break]

Slipping out of bed, Jules started getting dressed. He was going to go look for Drela, to see if she was okay, but before he finished buttoning his shirt he heard the door creak open. Jules turned, smile spreading when he laid eyes on Drela. [break][break]

"Hi." She greeted, hand not leaving the doorknob. "Can I talk to you?" [break][break]

“Good morning, beautiful.” He started across the room, but paused when she asked if they could talk. Something was wrong. It was a gut feeling, since he’d woken and she wasn’t in their bed. “Of course we can talk. You can tell me anything, Drela.” [break][break]

Jules watched her move to sit on the bed, and he felt his anxiety spiking. "So, I have something to tell you and...and I don't want you to freak out, okay?" Was she unhappy with him? Had she decided to leave the farm? None of that would make sense, everything had been fine, good, even. Jules leaned against the wall and watched her picking at her nails. She was nervous, he recognized the signs. [break][break]

He didn’t have to wait long before she blurted out what she was trying to tell him, what she was worrying over. [break][break]

"Um...I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant. I'm like two months late." [break][break]

For a second, Jules could feel the breath catch in his throat as he let the words sink in, as he processed the fact that they had created another life. They were going to have a baby! [break][break]

“Really?” Jules moved closer, sitting on the edge of the bed next to Drela. They’d been careful, but they’d been together for so long now, almost nine years. They weren’t kids anymore, and as much as his brother had lectured him in those early years, Jules couldn’t imagine he’d be anything other than excited for them now. He’d be getting a niece or nephew, his kids would have a little cousin to play with and teach and protect. Jules was so excited about the prospect. [break][break]

“This is great news.” Jules searched Drela’s face, taking her hands in his and squeezing them gently. “Isn’t it?” [break]

[attr="class","JULESfoot"]Jules ft. Drela new template for KtDA - Jules finding out Drela is pregnant

[newclass=.JULES]height: 400px; overflow: auto; padding: 10px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.JULES b]color:#b4b4b4;[/newclass]
[newclass=.JULESfoot]border-top:1px solid #b4b4b4;padding: 10px;margin-right: -16px;margin-left: -16px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.JULESfoot b]display:inline-block;text-transform:uppercase;border-bottom:2px solid #b4b4b4;border-right:2px solid #b4b4b4;padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;[/newclass]

[newclass=::-webkit-scrollbar]width:1px; background:transparent;[/newclass]
[googlefont=Zen Loop]
last edit on Jun 7, 2024 20:10:37 GMT by aimee
17written posts
aimeeearned bits
New Member
aimee Avatar
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall
04 | storm warning

[attr="class","STORMLyrics"]I'll use you as a warning sign[break]
That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind[break]

And I'll use you as a focal point [break]
So I don't lose sight of what I want [break]
And I've moved further than I thought I could [break]
But I missed you more than I thought I would [break]
And I'll use you as a warning sign [break]
That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind [break][break]

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be [break]
Right in front of me [break]
Talk some sense to me [break][break]

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be [break]
Right in front of me [break]
Talk some sense to me [break][break]

And I'll use you as a makeshift gauge [break]
Of how much to give and how much to take [break]
Oh I'll use you as a warning sign [break]
That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind [break][break]

Oh and I found love where it wasn't supposed to be [break]
Right in front of me [break]
Talk some sense to me [break][break]

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be [break]
Right in front of me [break]
Talk some sense to me [break][break]

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be [break]
Right in front of me [break]
Talk some sense to me [break][break]

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be [break]
Right in front of me [break]
Talk some sense to me [break][break]

[attr="class","STORMNotes"]Song: I found by Amber Run[break]
I have mixed feelings about this template.. I kinda lowkey hate the colors

[newclass=.STORMLyrics]font-family: Karla; font-size: 10px; text-align: center; padding: 3px; position: relative; margin-top:-20px; background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, #8A526B, transparent, transparent);; color: #f5f5f5; [/newclass]
[newclass=.STORMLyrics b]font-family: Permanent Marker; font-size: 20px; color: #F58D5A; [/newclass]

[newclass=".STORMBody"]background: rgb(245,245,245,.80); font-family: Karla; text-align: justify; color: #8A526B; font-size: 12px; padding: 10px; margin-left: 7px; margin-right: 7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".STORMBody b"]color: #F58D5A;[/newclass]

[newclass=".STORMNotes"]font-family: Karla; font-size: 10px; text-align: right; padding: 5px; color: #f5f5f5;[/newclass]

[googlefont=Karla][googlefont=Permanent Marker]

last edit on Jun 24, 2024 12:48:38 GMT by aimee
17written posts
aimeeearned bits
New Member
aimee Avatar
Little pieces of the nothin' that fall

01 | Conqueror
02 | Clean Slate
03 | Beloved
04 | Storm Warning
05 | So They Say
06 | How Have You Been?
07 | Dollhouse
08 | Call & Response
09 | To the Moon
10 | Risk
11 | Magnetic
12 | Forbidden
13 | Palace
14 | 1924
15 | From Afar
16 | Smoke & Mirrors
17 | White Sand
18 | Burn it Down
19 | Symmetry
20 | Going Nowhere
21 | Emptiness
22 | Gold
23 | Once More, With Feeling
24 | Heartbeat
25 | Creation
26 | Judgement Day
27 | Free Fall
28 | Hero
29 | Coming Home
30 | At World's End
last edit on Jun 30, 2024 20:39:48 GMT by aimee