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internally screaming
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I rarely hoard posts - but I can and will if someone requests it of me. For example, i can bang out replies in 10-20 minutes at the most. However, some people can only post weekly - so I keep them in a sticky note on the side and have reminders to post them- let's say on the weekends for that person. I really want to make sure I'm flexible. Some people use the weekends to post, so I post for them during the week - so that way they have them. Otherwise, unless I have a want ad or obligation, I tend to just reply as they come in.

internally screaming
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I will forever find it funny that when I talk with feral cat people, we trade stories like we're trading war stories and usually the one dog person or the person who isn't really entrenched in cat rescue warfare are just quietly alarmed. I don't know how to explain it to those outside of the sphere I guess - but it is really funny. Though I think the most hilarious comment I ever got was like "neko, your health needs more help than a whole county of cats" and I just sat there wheezing for a minute straight, You're not wrong but still.

Also for updates, two oranges, Cas(tiel) and Gabe(riel) and the torties are Eve and Ariel. Eve is the only one I'm worried about because I don't think her hip grew correctly and she never seems to put weight on it. The vet says she's fine, but, I don't know chief. You don't see her walk. Though good news, the oranges can now eat out of bowls and not actually *eat* the bowl for twenty minutes. You cannot eat metal you idjits.

internally screaming
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traveller Avatar
You could not have been more obvious, though I disagree that you type "like a deranged person".

Bad sarcasm there, but yeah, I really am super obvious about it. That's why I'm not fighting with anyone here about anything. I welcome different perspectives, I just might not rp with you based on those perspectives so I feel we can both communicate effectively on a shared reality and wavelength. I honestly don't care too too much about anything but contracts are contracts because yknow, law.
internally screaming
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clefairy 🌙 Avatar
joined a thread bc I thought it'd be fun... only for it to be the opposite and to have my character get mostly ignored. sighs. this is why I wonder why I should even bother. :/

God I hate when that happens. It doesn't happen too often that I swore off group threads, but sometimes it feels like what I typed wasn't even read. I'm sorry that happened to you.

Also lol, Traveller, I was screaming that developmental disability to you? Also that is a joke, I am fully aware I type like a deranged person and understand nothing.
internally screaming
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
I am neurodivergent and have a problem with pragmatic language. I express myself as best I can. I treat roleplay as fun (as this is in character, escapism is in the game not outside of it) but I always make sure I communicate effectively outside of it and explain how things makes me uncomfortable or I try to question why something obviously went against my boundaries. I guess this might be a point of view, but if someone told me they view their characters as people so much so, that they are real people, I wouldn't rp with them. Characters, even if they have feelings, opinions, etc - are not real. They are not outside the board. The consent principle has been violated time and time again for me, and while it might not be for you, I believe responsible communication and tacit agreements are to be held above all else.

and while I don't treat this like a job, as those have quoted, I have firm boundaries of ic/ooc with the people I write with. If someone tells me our shared reality doesn't exist, then that's great, I'm just going to move along- however we should be up front about that, which is where I'm kinda getting at here. For me, characters have thoughts, opinions, etc, that I would not have. I however am not going to think they're real breathing humans with agency outside a forum. They can't do my taxes.

last edit on Apr 14, 2024 22:01:57 GMT by Neko
internally screaming
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
That's great between you and your friend, but again, this is a general. If someone takes a wanted ad from me as a dad, the express "okay we're going to do this" is an agreement. That's great to have such flexibility between you and your friends, but a stranger is going to have no idea that it was a flexible thing. A character has no agency outside of character, you do. If you enter in a agreement and it's not communicated or respected that other people might not work like you, the consent to the agreement is blurred. That's why if you're going to enter into a express agreement, a contract, one should respect the other's time. It's great you and your friend can mix and match but most of us are strangers on the internet. A character has no agency outside of the board, full stop. There is in character and out of character. You hardly ever fully commit, but other people do. Shirking an agreement that either one or both parties worked with and had the idea that it was at least a agreement - because some imaginary thing is a violation of consent and respect.

You and what your friend do doesn't mean other people will have that understanding that is what you do. Hence communication on that aspect and to communicate with a partner (not a character) to always making sure we're all on the same page is an absolute must.

internally screaming
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since I caused a whole conversation - I am very much a either or and match my rp partner in how I plan. Usually I just need to know how they ended up in the same thread and a vague handwavey idea on where it might go. So like, I need to know they're going to have more than five posts in a thread. Despite me plotting and preferring it - I meet whoever with whatever. The point that Traveller put better than me - was when these decisions are used to shirk responsibility, agreement, and communication. You don't have to change a character's personality to get them to be friends, you do not have to have some grand narrative you need to plan to the iota - however - and this was my main thing, respect the person on the other side of the screen. Do not waste their time as you wouldn't want your time wasted. Don't shirk responsibility and agreements because certain things may be more your character's speed. If you agree to something, if something should change when it was agreed upon, tell the person that because that way that other person can consent if it's something drastically different.

When you end up saying a character is the one in charge (I do mean this literally, not figuratively like oh they want to go this way) then agreements for like want ads and decisions comes across as flaky and sometimes that makes people go "well who did I have an agreement with" and it blurs lines that need to be kept separate. We have had an ethos in the community of in character doesn't apply out of character. This is not something new - I am speaking of the same line and boundary. Respect someone's time and feelings so yours will be respected, that's all I meant by my previous posts. Do not have an out of character agreement, understanding, etc - and then say that a character, something that is not living and doesn't have any say outside the game, is deciding for you.

This has nothing to do with IC decisions or the game itself. It is purely outside of it, which is where I was quoting.

Also I have no muse, I just write - to the new conversation. I am very much in the idea of doing it to calm down my mind and I have no issue jumping from character to character.

internally screaming
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and furthermore to clarify, this is specifically saying "Oh we agreed to have our characters be sisters" outside of posts and then "a character" decides several posts later, that they do not jive with this. I'm saying transactionally, outside of posts, tell people it's not jiving instead of "well x thinks you're a terrible sister."
This is a you problem. You prefer things a certain way. Other people prefer things a different way. Both ways are valid. For some people, the fact that the character thinks you're a terrible sister is more important than what they think or want as a writer.

Sure, I can understand that. I can also understand that when you speak as something that doesn't exist, is also bad form. If someone takes a want ad from me, I don't want to hear from the character, I want to hear from the person I made the agreement with. Call this 'wanting my own way' but I rather hear from a person than an imaginary friend. The "character" can vibe differently all they like, I however don't ask the character I ask the owner of said character when I need to adjust something or terminate an agreement. What the thing you control matters not on reality, they only exist in game. The character does not pay taxes. The character does not have a ID. However, you, who I'm talking to usually does = which I think is much more important.

Better yet, you're the "translator". I can't understand their language, so either tell me it's not working out, but don't tell me the *character itself* has risen out of the grave to tell me something to my face. If we're at that point, the fact that I prefer a grasp of a shared reality which you're right, is totally preference in my partners.
internally screaming
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The thing is, you say that, but the way I write I'm not actively making decisions. I'm just letting things flow and doing what feels right. It's a much more instinctive process and definitely not thought out. There's no sitting around justifying actions or trying to fit square pegs into round holes. The easiest way to describe it is "my character does things" because the decision making and thought process aren't something that I really experience most of the time, or at least not in a way where it feels like that's what's going on.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that this whole "my character does things" method isn't about actually thinking our characters are separate entities; rather, it's a way of saying that writing is a lot less thinking things out and a lot more feeling things out and letting them flow. I actually do a lot more active thinking about an OOC post than I do about an IC one.

I also don't think that people who do not write this way understand what's going on. I've never once met someone who is a plotter and planner who understands that there are people out there who write by letting go.

Writing instinctually is not what I'm talking about here. I'm saying you can write instinctually without saying a character is making decisions. You make decisions maybe in the moment - but what I mean is that people honestly different than you in saying there is a different entity. You don't have to 'plot' to decide the writing of the character. You however decide if you want to plot with someone's characters or make want ads. I am NOT talking about the writing process. This is why I said similar vein, not the same thing. You can write however you want, that's not what my post is about, so please don't assume I'm talking about the writing process for IC posts. I am talking about communicating outside the IC posts, and more about taking decisions for your actions and not saying a spaghetti meatball in the sky is denoting your actions outside posts.

and furthermore to clarify, this is specifically saying "Oh we agreed to have our characters be sisters" outside of posts and then "a character" decides several posts later, that they do not jive with this. I'm saying transactionally, outside of posts, tell people it's not jiving instead of "well x thinks you're a terrible sister."
last edit on Apr 14, 2024 14:37:43 GMT by Neko
internally screaming
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
in a similar vein, I see a lot of people "oh my character decides on the plots and I don't know them" is a really odd position to me. We are in charge of the characters, we're typing for them, we make want ads for them, etc. What you're telling me - personally (And all yous general) is you can't take acceptance for possibly your own decisions. I run the other way when anyone says that and they tell me the character just 'did' something. Your character is not living and breathing unless we're talking about a tulpa situation or something of the sort.

A character is a character. You write them. You are in charge of what threads you make with other people - etc. If a plot isn't going to work, it's okay to say you don't think it will. But let's say I come to you with a plotting idea and you accept, should I have checked in with the character instead that cannot talk and cannot communicate? Like who did I talk to? You can justify a lot with a character, but it's you. It's not your muse or whatever, it's what we decide. I'm seeing a lot of this in some younger fandoms (warrior cats) but it's not absent in animanga either. We can justify a lot, we can figure out a lot, should we think of it.

If a plot doesn't work for me and I don't think I can justify it, how do I justify it? If I can't think of a way, I tell the person. I think it's good to have responsibility for our own character choices, sure - but we should also wonder how or what can be used to break the little brats into pieces if we need to.

internally screaming
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I have kittens again (no one is surprised) - and they're two boys and two girls and I'm going with an Angel theme cause Mom named the stray angel and I lack creativity. But they got registered today so I got them in so they can be put up for adoption. I am pleased. I coded, I did all the fun things today.

internally screaming
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
I think many people here are old-fogies in the space and have many different aged partners and the like when it comes to the rp.

I have some who are from 20-30+ - and I noticed no single person technically has wildly different things that we expect in our friend groups - which is like in total probably 30 people or so. However, we all have a borderline list of wants for long term writing partners - IC/OOC difference (So no living vicariously through your characters (outside of like job we think would want to have), the characters are not real and do not make their own decisions so therefore we're not at fault, someone's character insults ours, we don't take offense, etc) - reading comprehension, plotting (or not plotting but only with not plotters if that's your game), profiles vs no profiles, communication, etc - and these never overlap with partners that don't share this set of traits in the shorter term partners we have.

I know everyone's not like my knitting group of old aunties and like I wouldn't want there to be but I just had an epiphany cause a old woman took me to her zoom book club since one of them was having cancer treatment and an old woman hit me over the head over the internet to say what I said above as "some people want tacos and some people want coffee and it's cause some of us get the s---'s with tacos - you're making this way too complicated." and I am feeling attacked with this description of rp partners.

last edit on Apr 4, 2024 6:07:19 GMT by Neko