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geistearned bits
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geist Avatar
Thank you for all the interest and all the support! 

As for the skin and coding and stuff, I haven't done it years, but I'm working off a premade at the moment. So, hopefully, it'll work off the rust and it won't be too bad, but I'll be sure to look to you ( ) for advice when it comes to it.

digimon fans unite! and congrats on keeping faction life running even over a year btw. that's so cool. I hope re:boot does just as strong.

Though I never RPed in Digimon Hazard, I remember hearing about it ages ago. I'll be sure to keep you in mind when beta testing comes around.

That's more than fine. I intend to make the site resourceful enough to have all the necessary info -- and link to wikimon. xD

Kuroya Avatar
my main immediate question is. are you planning on allowing humans to get multiple digimon partners like dawn + dusk did or are you planning on going with the solo partner model most digimon sites use?

i also have a bunch of questions re: questing mechanics (like if they're gonna be staff-made only or if they're member-submitted too and if some are gonna be repeatable or not) but that's probably way ahead in the future since you probably aren't that far along in system concepts lol so. i won't actually ask them (yet)-
Because this site isn't going to start off with the usual 'i was born to be with you' experience, I've been hesitating on allowing it to break the mold and have digimon/human bonds to be more fluid and allow them to share the bonds with various digimon/human pairs before settling on one. 'cause the idea of bonding with a digimon that isn't actually 'your' destined one and still sharing a close bond is intriguing to me, especially because of the easily adaptable and accepting nature of a digimon and human bond. (of which i still need to watch xwars, but ah-) however, the big draw for digimon to me is how digimon were intrinsically connected to their human partner's development as a person, so it's ... a struggle for now. things are planned to have 'one' partner in the end with 3 digivolution lines along with DNA digivolve/jogress and ExE with thread partners, which may be easy enough to adapt to a three partner situation if i change my mind.

tl:dr; you might have one or three, but we'll see. lol.

As you've expected, I haven't hammered down anything permanent about quests, but I can tell you what I intend for them. They will be a mix of staff and member submitted. Both will have rewards fitting of the mission. Repeatable is dependent on the mission-and the direction of the CITY they take place in, like a miss-able quest in rpgs. Member submitted quests will affect the CITY or locations they're set in in some way-some big, some minuscule.

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geistearned bits
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geist Avatar
I always wondered what was the backstory that lead to Digimon World Dawn/Dusk. Why are there human living in the Digital World as if they belonged there? Why did everyone just accept this to be normal day to day? If it was just a game, then why did everyone accept the menial tasks of becoming an operator and backing up and salvaging the bits of data from each CITY?

( Tho, now that I'm older, they're all pretty lucky to have a multilayered house with a beach, various farms, and a house digimon caretaker so you don't even gotta lift a finger and can travel all around the DigiWorld with your mons. )

DIGIMON RE:BOOT hopes to answer all of these questions.

DIGIMON RE:BOOT will be a strictly ISEKAI tale of digimon with no hope of returning to the human world. Humans and digimon learn to work together to survive and make their home in the Digital World, fighting against the natural disasters to the land.

Story As of Now...

A year ago, humans began from around the world begin to appear in the Digital World. Whether through sheer luck or great purpose, they find themselves or appear within one of the three main settlements in the Digital World. Some cities have chosen to embrace them as their own, others adopt them as heroes or tools -- either way, there's a new home to be found and ways to adapt, should they choose to do so.

Recently, there have been distortions throughout the Digital World. Environmental factors such as the Badland's storms have grown worse, and pieces of the Digital World have simply found themselves collapsing.

At the same time, a portal has emerged by the gates of each of the CITIES with the ability to transport them to AMETHYST CITY, allowing the four CITIES to freely intermingle in the first time in recorded DigiHistory.

Expected Features:
  • Survival Theme.
  • Player Focused World Building
  • Various Digivolution methods available. Yes, biomerge too.
  • Certain Digimon Levels are unlockable through events only
  • ExE Style Digivolution Available!
  • No Word Limit
  • Yes, you can RP as a solo or even partnered digimon!
  • Lite Battle System.
  • au canons available
  • Wait - digivices aren't real yet???
  • jcink, probably.

Sorry, if it sounds all jumbled. Organization thoughts without exposing everything on a 30+ gdoc is difficult. lmao.

There's no plans of opening the site anytime soon as relearning how the control panel and skins and what not is a struggle while refining and re-tuning more of the information and how to present them in a easy to swallow fashion.

Ideally, would like to have it out before Winter time this year, but there may be a beta testing if I eventually settle on having it be an open/semi-private site.

Here's a little snapshot of the Humans role though.

5written posts
geistearned bits
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geist Avatar
digimon site
- purely survival in the digital world. nothing touching the real world asides from people trying to adjust to the new world they're stuck in.
- as implied above, all 18+ cast; imo, shooting for 21+
- city / world building 
- villages will develop into cities players get to build via missions / events. areas to be explored for new landmarks, people can crate new areas.
- prequel (in a sense) to dusk/dawn games
- gunna allow au versions of any canon series.
- stats based? battle system.
- probably small group.
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geistearned bits
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geist Avatar

Bingo Post

25. Creation
03. Beloved
21. Emptiness
15. From Afar
18. Burn it Down

29. Coming Home
02. Clean Slate
04. Storm Warning
22. Gold
30. At World's End

05. So They Say
09. To the Moon
00. Free
12. Forbidden
07. Dollhouse

14. 1924
28. Hero
01. Conqueror
27. Free Fall
17. White Sand

20. Going Nowhere
23. Once More, With Feeling
13. Palace
10. Risk
19. Symmetry

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last edit on May 27, 2024 17:13:56 GMT by geist
5written posts
geistearned bits
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geist Avatar
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last edit on May 20, 2024 23:49:32 GMT by pharaoh leap