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aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
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Aerieearned bits
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sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
not an update, but i'm getting "please invite when" dms and i just know i'm going to forget, so:

submit your discord handle here to be invited to the server when it drops
last edit on Nov 30, 2023 18:43:17 GMT by Aerie
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aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
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sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
hellsy Avatar
Aerie Avatar
ready to play an irredeemable villain
Can I play their hot wife? Lmaooo
duh, i was already eying you for it 
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
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Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
sometimes i wanna use a color word so bad that i just know it sounds extra as hell in my posts 😭

look at this MAUVE shirt he has and this VERDANT umbrella
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
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Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
pharaoh leap Avatar
The struggle of having to choose between the wants of the community and the wants of the self as a person running the site. 😔 I know what I ought to do, but that doesn't mean it doesn't feel bad - or that it even being an internal debate doesn't make me feel like a horrible person, dsfkjldhfkjdhfjkdsh.

as a very self-sacrificing admin, i learned this recently. it feels bad, but the site health can't thrive with an unhappy admin. there is almost always a direct correlation between site health/success and investment/muse of admin.

and also...

they'll get over it.
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
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Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
last edit on Jan 1, 2024 18:26:12 GMT by Aerie
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
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Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
Unmasked is an upcoming animanga superpowers role play hosted on Jcink. It takes place in 2034 New Angeles, California. The emergence of powers and supernatural events is a new phenomenon, rivaling the rise of cybernetics that aim to give ordinaries a chance to keep up.

  • No stats but has a supplemental shop system
  • Balance of dark/gritty Gotham-esque & shounen-cool superheroes plots
  • Geographically centered around 2 cities 
  • Built-in networking system to facilitate easier plotting
  • Want to push the boundaries of writing? This is your site.
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
Full Member
Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
last edit on Nov 30, 2023 18:44:02 GMT by Aerie
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
Full Member
Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.

art by 02PNG

Unmasked is an upcoming animanga superpowers role play inspired by The Boys, DC, Marvel, and My Hero Academia. It takes place in 2034 New Angeles, California, where superpowers are a new phenomenon and compete with the rise of cybernetics. Corporations run the city, and the term villain is—according to many—just propaganda against the supes who refuse to join the system.

  • No stats but looking at having an extensive shop
  • Balance between superhero fun and gritty Gotham-esque plots
  • Pre-Cyberpunk setting that functions as a sci-fi lite genre; emphasis still on the superpowers
  • Baked-in networking system to facilitate an easier time getting plots off the ground
  • Slow-burn project that likely won't debut until Spring 2024

This is currently in the building phase, and I'm in search of a staff team to help support:

  • Technical Editor — someone who can spruce up the lore I write. Really looking for someone strong in expository writing.
  • Coding or Graphic Support — Someone willing to either design a skin (paid) or tailor the one I've purchased (following skinner policies of course). Also will be in need of certain graphics.
  • Clerical Aid — Someone willing to aid with general clerical matters such as archiving and processing requests.
  • Feedback team — Non-staff who would like to be my focus group for feedback and poll-voting on lore items as I build the site

DM ghostaerie on Discord with interest.
last edit on Nov 14, 2023 16:22:54 GMT by Aerie
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
Full Member
Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
Aerie Avatar
modern [animanga] superpowers inspired by the boys, 21+

circling back to this with some specificity—

animanga superpowers set 10 years in the future in a sort of pre-cyberpunk era (higher tech but not enough to be classed sci-fi). heavy inspo from DC's gotham, the boys, and some marvel elements (maybe even a bit of my hero)
last edit on Oct 12, 2023 11:56:05 GMT by Aerie
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
Full Member
Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
illidan main Avatar
i'm also not talking taking it into RP where the themes are not already present. i'm talking "an admin writes a setting where women are not allowed to do xyz" and you write a character that agrees with that in a non-violent manner-- and you get OOC backlash for it from people who, if they want to be free of those themes, could easily have read "this setting has misogyny" and not joined.

it's like being yelled at for playing a murderer in a crime RP.

hell, even non-RL opinions that aren't "strictly correct" from the ooc perspective of the site can get you harassed, such as playing someone who supports the Empire in a Star Wars RP (unless they are a sexy white guy).

I understand there's nuance in the situation, and sometimes people do go overboard, but I like when characters have flaws that reflect a setting and limited view of the setting, i guess. A perfect example is, when Sylvanas was doing her thing during BFA, it was expected that your character knew everything exactly as it happened. I respected the players who played with propaganda and limited worldviews in play over those that immediately knew everything Sylvanas was up to and everything Sylvanas did, but you couldn't actually RP them with everyone because odds are you'd run into someone whose OOC and IC opinions were perfectly lined up, and they'd "lore police" you IC for it.

my final edit, i swear: i also had a member afraid to app rose quartz from steven universe on my site because Rose is a character that is definitively flawed within the narrative and is constrained by a myriad of factors outside her control and some within. So it definitely isn't just "well some ppl don't wanna RP with Racism," it's just that some people don't wanna deal with characters that aren't perfect representations of their personal takes on a piece of media, and it's exhausting.

So I really respect when players are willing to not only RP as characters they don't agree with, but *with* characters they don't personally agree with. It's a good sign for me.

i'm ngl your community sounds miserable. might be time to move on
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