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aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
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sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
fave part is def when I can't resist posting. I'm vibing so much with my thread partner and literally sacrificing sleep to post one more time. Those moments are fleeting, but when I get in that flow it really reminds me why role playing is such a cherished hobby of mine.
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aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
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Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
good ol one piece

or something shounen O_o

i've been asking the old heads for a OP rp to no avail...

hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
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Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
just because i see the same topic come up: i love villains. i love flawed characters. i've always encouraged and role played them myself. what i don't enjoy is the use of "bad guys" to fetishize problematic material or write for shock value with very little tact on social issues that affect us irl every day: transphobia, homophobia, racism, etc. i think the line gets blurred a lot, and you have people who experience these things irl and want to use rp as an escape from those things.

personally, i often see people who think their moral grey/black characters are being shot down also put negative pressure on forces at work against them (other moral grey/black characters with opposing goals to their own). and i think that comes from the fact that you know your character best; we don't until you really provide that depth to us. when that depth is provided, man it's such a captivating read and i really find myself falling for those characters who aren't perfect and have unconventional flaws like falling for propaganda.

i think it all boils down to tact. if your character is problematic and the narrative is handled in a tasteless way, i'm not the biggest fan. but if the writing is strong enough to handle those themes, whew i'm bookmarking every thread i see them in. i always wanted to rp with characters for this reason 👀 i always felt like her chars had a lot of tactful depth and i wanted to see a villain debut
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
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Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
hellsy Avatar
Aerie Avatar
i just want to write villains who would burn the world for their love interest. no profound characterization just a villain who has one soft spot

Let's start shipped next time. <3

Anything 4 u my love
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
Full Member
Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
i just want to write villains who would burn the world for their love interest. no profound characterization just a villain who has one soft spot
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
Full Member
Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
the role player.

A good writer can make such a cut and dry trope-reliant, popular fc character feel amazing. I can't identify qualities that absolutely make a great character because, to me, the execution is what sells it.
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
Full Member
Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
definitely loving the answers here; thanks so much to everyone for taking the time. i think i'm pretty aligned with much of what has been said.
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
Full Member
Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
If you have muse for modern superpowers, please answer the survey. You can post here or DM.

  • What specifically do you really want to see in a superpowers site?
  • What specifically do you want to see avoided?
  • What media makes you interested in the super heroes/villains genre? (e.g. Marvel)
  • What are your thoughts on power-scaling in modern-day role play? (i.e. "I want a structured system," "I want ample room for creative powers," etc.)

Thanks for any answers.
last edit on Sept 19, 2023 15:35:26 GMT by Aerie
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
148written posts
Aerieearned bits
Full Member
Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
love colored roles

ticketing system is huge and makes things so much easier tbh

most people hate too many channels but i'm in the mindset of if they're used consistently they belong. if not, get rid of it/

i like using forum mode for wanted ads and qotd/w but that's about it. everything else can be normal and use threads if needed.
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ