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the watcher returns

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watcherearned bits
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Heeey. It's been a while... I checked my last search thread and apparently it was 2021, hahahaha.

I've since dabbled in other roleplays besides forum-based ones--- discord-based ones, play-by-post tabletop ones, even a little voiced tabletop where the people were nice enough to allow me to type while they talk, because I hate/am scared of talking to people. But maybe it can't hurt to come back to my roots. It's been so long since I've found a site that interested me, but maybe I can try.

Anyway, I'm looking for any of these:

- A medieval fantasy or JRPG-site that would allow me to execute certain concepts like an amnesiac spirit masquerading as a water magician, a mercenary who fights by telekinetically wielding a large amount of swords, and the like. I've probably described the first character a lot of times, and it's been really difficult to put him into most sites, either because of his abilities or his backstory.

Might as well include his profile here...
Rhyme is an angel/spirit/magical being with the (unique?) ability to see people's souls. He becomes attached to an idealistic magician of water who seeks peace, seeing and appreciating his sincerity. With his help, the magician manages to pull off an event that involves the protection or emancipation of several people, but at the cost of the magician's life. Devastated, Rhyme fell into hibernation and lost his memories, and took the form of the magician, becoming that's magician's amnesiac doppelganger.

- A superhero or powers site where abilities aren't limited to genetics or mutation or one reason--- where one can be a superhero based on technology, or magic. A place where I could make a Kamen Rider-esque character would be nice, too. Or maybe a character who could summon their OCs as Stands/Personas to fight for them (blatant self-insert alert). I've also got character ideas of an electromagnetic ghost and a blind woman powered by the gods of justice to have increasing strength depending on their opposition, to even the scales, so to speak.

- A medieval Pokemon site, although I only know one site like that at the moment... I'm not sure if I'm go for more modern ones. Maybe ones where trainers fight alongside their Pokemon, maybe even learn Pokemon moves? Blessings of legendary Pokemon?

- A sandbox site that would allow me to pull off any of the silly things above.

Yeah, a lot of this is what I've always been looking for... I'm a pretty predictable person. Just animanga face claims, please, or none at all. I also hate panfandoms with a passion, unless I can possibly throw Kamen Riders into it... and even then maybe not.
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
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emotional over wallace event/alt
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- A medieval Pokemon site, although I only know one site like that at the moment... I'm not sure if I'm go for more modern ones. Maybe ones where trainers fight alongside their Pokemon, maybe even learn Pokemon moves? Blessings of legendary Pokemon?

Check out my interest check when i finish it! 👀! It def has the last one, and very open/sandboxy due to the premise of multiple pokemon world!
375written posts
watcherearned bits
Senior Member
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💖 ❇️ baa ~ dumm! ❇️ 💖 Avatar
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- A medieval Pokemon site, although I only know one site like that at the moment... I'm not sure if I'm go for more modern ones. Maybe ones where trainers fight alongside their Pokemon, maybe even learn Pokemon moves? Blessings of legendary Pokemon?

Check out my interest check when i finish it! 👀! It def has the last one, and very open/sandboxy due to the premise of multiple pokemon world!


Hrmmm... the preamble sounds a bit grim, but I suppose I'll reserve judgment until you put up that interest check or provide further details.