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your other interests/hobbies related to roleplaying

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wdym we're 5 months in 2024
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It's common to ask how you got into roleplaying, but what is it about it that coincides with other things you like?

I did know about ff.net (before I was 13 hehe I was so naughty!) before I got into RPing. I may have even written a cringe fanfic back before then. But while I've always had an interest in fandoms, I've always equated my love for rping for acting and theatre. I've always had a love for stage flair and despite my social anxiety, I am paradoxically comfortable performing. It's just different! Even though I haven't been active in theatre for a decade, one of my favourite type of channels are focused on group dynamics. People performing bits in let's play videos for example is basically improv acting and at the back of my mind, I still take notes of that kind of stuff.

I was also an orator back in high school. DEFINITELY lost that skill lmao.

I love writing but it's also just another medium for me. I honestly prefer it if I could express my story via drawings or video game instead, which fits because that's acting - more visual than pure text. RPing also has co-actors, so theatre and rping just have a lot of common elements in their venn diagram.

If you play video games with me, you'll really see me get into the rping 200%. I'm not acting or pretending but it's hella fun to exaggerate and create lore among your friends... just like rping!
aliaspor, sef, jdawg
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porsefearned bits
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in terms of the creativity and writing aspects โ€” it is one part of a bigger picture of expression for me. i'm out here drawing, improving, etc. i'm so creative and love articulating myself through words it is disgusting. i could be so cracked as an individual if i exercised it more.

but i think my interest in roleplaying ties into my love for media such as music, video games, and movies. it helps me study the world and people a lot more than anything else.

it's why i gravitate towards playing characters that push extremes and different perspectives that aren't common place nor match what i think/feel as a person. even characters from different cultures and time periods. it gets me deep into the trenches of research and talking to people.
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aliasbex, jeepers cats
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sister ghoul
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For me, coding is the obvious one. I started coding bc I started roleplaying and had to learn how to do apps on my neopetโ€™s pet pages so I could rp in my warriors rp guilds and I think for a lot of us coders, we have similar origin stories. You kinda have to have at least a baseline understanding of code in order to rp it feels like. I enjoy coding, but I do think it often detracts from what I originally started doing this all for; which was to rp lmao. 

aside from that, I love video games. Iโ€™m not the most confident when it comes to canon rp, but itโ€™s no coincidence that most of the characters I feel comfortable writing as are video game characters. I think it being a slightly more interactive experience makes it easier for me to feel confident in knowing the characterโ€™s personality? I dunno. 

the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
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CELearned bits
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definitely and most evidently, tabletop roleplay if you count it. the added bonus is that my regular group for that is with one of my oldest (and dearest!) close friend groups, whom i've met because of rp (we hit our 10th year anniversary together earlier this year!) . a fair amount of our group have retired from site rp, while some are still going with it, but neither camp has rlly stopped our mutual love of making characters, putting characters through the wringer, rping together, and storytelling as a whole โ€” so tabletop easily became our medium to do that. i also have a second group for it with my oldest and closest rl friend group (15 years!) who all love media and fiction as a whole, with most of us having a long history of novel and fanfic writing + theatre, so tabletop also became a natural followup hobby, with me as the dm. the dm-ing experience also generally just helped me improve my ability in plotting big stuff, directing threads, and coming up with ways to involve so many different characters & factors & people in a larger narrative while finding the balance between giving players what they want in terms of stuff to do + a bigger story that i want to do just as well. absolutely adore it.

other hobbies related to roleplay would easily be writing, reading, and playing video games. and most, if not all, of that rlly just wraps around the greater idea of enjoying media, stories, fiction, and deepdiving into stuff like literary themes, arcs, and authorial ideas. i love digging into ideas and concepts fiction can a) represent, b) reflect, or c) confront โ€” and that all rlly impacts how and what i write. a lot of my characters and narratives tend to revolve around deconstructing tropes, confronting themes and concepts about personhood/identity/existentialism/environments/relationships/destiny/change/what have you and how a person can rise or fall from that. and, consequently, those ideas are heavily integrated into the media i consume.

and then there's just creative stuff for my + ppl i know's characters. anyone who knows me personally might likely know that i do a lot of drawing, video editing, and photoshopping lockscreens, wallpapers, and edits for fun. and i almost always use ocs as the anchor/main focal point of pieces that. i also made my first animatic a week ago! super fun, and i just... enjoy generating content with the material ive made. it makes my writing, characters, and work just feel a lot more Real(TM) in a way, and it's just plain fun.

coming soon.
pronounsshe, they
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hotaryuearned bits
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I was a fanfiction writer and reader and made my own poetry and prose during before, and during my RP phases. I've always had a part of me that was close to fandoms, but then my priorities and life shifted (and I also got trauma from some of that and still recovering from that), but I always did enjoy the writing and community that came along with it.

In high school, I was a theater kid and in college, I was a debate kid, a campus journalist, an actor, and a student filmmaker who entered indie short contests, so I guess all of those came into fruition as a writer when I returned to RP with a renewed vengeance. 

A huge chunk of why I wrote films and love to watch films was because I was always thirsty for stories. It was also why my first job technically was a feature writer. Even now, films still impact the way I write. (Hell, the latest OC I made was a fucking priest inspired by a film I watched a few days ago.) The film love bug's still strong with me, because I moderate and edit a film organization's social media content and we're currently covering a film fest.

The other hobby that stuck would probably be related to my job LMAO I write professionally for my day job.

I recently also got back into making art, to the point I purchased a display tablet this year when I had my birthday, and a lot of the drive towards art was fueled by my love for my OCs and their ships. I draw a lot, and I draw a lot of uh, romance/ship-related art.

Another minor hobby, but something I did enjoy, was video games. I got into them this pandemic, and experiencing them, was a whole new experience that enhanced the way I viewed storytelling.

the waking storm
aliasLuxu, TenebraeQueene
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Galeforceearned bits
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i dunno if this counts but: online research! i love to google things i'm not quite sure about related to my character, the setting, or certain subjects. for accuracy and to get a feeling for my characters! i've looked up things such as "how long does it take to study for archeology in college?", the average height and weight of a male or female at specific ages. and various other mundane things. i also learned all sorts of synonyms for words too! it significantly expanded my knowledge over the years. c:
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Desmond Milesearned bits
Desmond Miles
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For me, writing fanfiction and rping go hand-in-hand with one another.

Back in the day (like, middle school) I attempted writing fanfic after some loose rping on neopets. It sucked. I sucked. I wasn't good at writing, at all. It wouldn't be until a few years later that I found my first actual invisionfree board and started rping on a higher level that I finally gained the confidence again to write fanfic. And since then, it's only exploded from there. Fanfic has helped me write longer posts, add in narration and world building. Meanwhile, roleplay allowed me to write better, more fleshed out characters, and how to write dialogue!

I guess the second closest hobby would have been wanting to learn graphic design. Still don't know jack shit, but I love opening up photoshop to just make cute little things related or for my rp's. There was a moment in time where I was like "I'm gonna become a graphic designer!!!" from how much of my life I spent making 100x100 icons and the like lmfao. Anyway I just recently switched my major for a third time to Anthropology, so you can tell how well that worked out.
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scarletearned bits
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I was a fiction writer and avid reader first! Big theater nerd too. Love singing, love acting, love writing with emotion. Naturally fell into fanfiction, which led me to roleplaying in various mediums, which led me to playing with making indie visual novels and choose-your-own-adventure style games. Never finished one, which is a shame, but learning the coding was helpful either way. Definitely helps with things like forum roleplay, too!

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Asuearned bits
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heheh finally actually became a runner and finished my first 5K this Sunday successfully LMAOOO but stay tuned if I actually turn that into my main hobby instead of RPing, it's kinda painful FFF

But okay related to RPingโ€” I used to write fanfiction and my own fantasy novels (all garbage), I was once a theater nerd, I love playing video games with excellent stories, I was a player and a DM for tabletop games (mostly DND), does cosplaying and getting into character count??? Reading had been one of my very first hobbies, both books and comics. I don't get to be creative in my actual job, so all of these things are great outlets. I'd had a photography phase and am still trying to get back into it because I want to take pictures for my friends instead of us having to hope that photographers aren't creepy sigh.

I used to love doing graphics and layout back when I was still in my journalism phase (I miss you undergrad), I'm longtime out of my music composition phase, I still love video editing upon occasion (and I had a lot of fun making videos for a past couple RPs that I had run to introduce new arcs, including voice acting).

Overall, where does this put me? Clearly I'm just easily distracted oopsโ€”