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where are my relationship tracker fans at

aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
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wdym we're 5 months in 2024
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i didn't get to mention in the dev thread because it has always felt like its own thing for me, but i crazily love relationship trackers. back in Those Days (like when i first started rping), there was this trend of +9 and -9 rating that includes a quote of what the character thinks of them. it's color coded with only basic bbcode colors lol. i'm still fond of it and i love expanding on the deets and making character quotes. just fun all around. though i don't see people making relationship trackers that often. it's understandably time-consuming haha (and a pain to keep up if you have many characters)
the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
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citrinitasearned bits
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i still fall for you like suns do for skies.
i've started adding an optional relationship tracker section when i make skins for sites. the most recent one is a profile field that appears on the main profile.

i love relationship trackers but don't make them mandatory because not everyone is that meticulous, but it's fun to give that option to those that are.
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hannyearned bits
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i like a relationship tracker, i like a lot of the more meticulous dev things (thread timelines, etc) but the reality is that i don't keep up with them and then i cry updating them once every two months. i do like the spread though. i like the exploration.

ashes to ashes, dust to dust
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katearned bits
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citrinitas Avatar
i've started adding an optional relationship tracker section when i make skins for sites. the most recent one is a profile field that appears on the main profile.

i love relationship trackers but don't make them mandatory because not everyone is that meticulous, but it's fun to give that option to those that are.

that is SUCHHHH a cute idea you're a genius

hover @kagoya1219 twit
icon 'heart breaker' manhwa
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Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
Back when I rp'd on tumblr I loved doing that sort of thing. I would have somewhere on my blog a short description about the relationship between the characters. The fun thing though was making up a tag title/quote for the specific character and just getting to reblog a bunch of aesthetics, musics, and etc. that would go with the relationship. :'> Then my partner would reblog those same things too and be screaming in the tags about the feels. I wish I could do this again.
889written posts
Desmond Milesearned bits
Desmond Miles
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we will have peace at any cost
the first rp i ever participated in was a harvest moon rp so OFC tracking relationships was a huge mechanic. not everyone kept up with them, but there was something very exciting about seeing a casual, white or purple heart bump up in the color line over time. i felt like it really gave a sense of an actual, blossoming friendship between two characters, in addition to the ways their romantic relationship may or may not have developed as well. even though it's not mandatory per say on patisserie, i do greatly enjoy when other members employ it! ;w;
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scarletearned bits
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This stuff is my JAM. I like to take it a step further and track arcs as well -- like, threads behind certain large plot points. I'll do trackers dedicated to specific long-running character relationships as well, breaking them story by story so that people can follow that journey when snooping my tracker.

I am a very extra person, though.
no angel in you
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Jenesisearned bits
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Hoarding problematic men for fun and profit
The hard part of this imo is
50% managing to stick with a site (or having the site live long enough) to undergo multi-thread arcs with other people's characters
50% finding a template that looks nice, isn't a pain in the ass to update, and doesn't break
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deenaearned bits
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i love relationship trackers because i just love describing the relations between my character and others, mainly in an ic sense. i enjoy my character just talking smack towards or admirably for another character. it's like they're writing a diary that only they, as a character, can read. it's also fun seeing other writer's reactions when i "talk" smack towards their characters. ofc, all fun and games ooc. :D
last edit on Feb 11, 2024 1:46:39 GMT by deena