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Army-Crushing Star
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Benetnaschearned bits
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
Love when a company that had me make an appointment for a class and constantly reminded me to show up just...ghosts me and other applicants when we show up for what should be a 4-6 session.

Felt bad for the receptionist who had to cover for her bosses.
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
Megami Tensei; I've played the main series from Nocturne and up (only lacking Apocalypse rn), along w/ Persona and the other spinoffs. Top five faves in this bunch are Strange Journey, Devil Survivor 1 & 2, SMT4 and Persona 3: FES.

Aside from that, there's the Zero Escape series, Ace Attorney, Harebrained Schemes' Shadowrun games, and a...slew of visual novels. I love, love VA-11 HALL-A and I'm eagerly waiting for the release of N1RV Ann-A. And I ignored the series for years because I didn't care for the art style of the anime, but I've been playing the Higurashi games as they've been released on Steam, and realizing I underestimated them by a lot. And as much as I love Umineko, Higurashi is more...linear?

Also, Lux Pain! It's the first game I played on a DS (ya know, before we got the 3D option I rarely used), and while the localization has some...issues, the story and gameplay makes it worth playing.

Still got a deep love for PaRappa the Rapper and Crash Bandicoot, though...and access to a PS4 to help me relive my childhood.
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
Idly browse the site, searching for new topics and posts to past the time. Sometimes I go to Twitter for these needs, scrolling up or down until I lose joy in that, too. Or, if I'm in the mood for it, I game. Depending on said game, I might even listen to a podcast, maybe an audiobook.

But mostly, I just sit in front of my screen, hoping something new and intriguing catches my eye.
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
Went to see my gf's cats today, and the little guys freaked me out. I swear they have creepy human faces, and I'd be spooked the fuck out if I woke up with one sitting at the foot of the bed.
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
"This video says to use a knife to unstick the Switch controller."

"Use one of mine, they're over there."

"He meant a butter knife not a knife knife!"

"I'm not gonna break the controller, I just wanna have a word with it."

Managed to fix it by jiggling the little grey lever (and w/o stabbing), but Nintendo please. I'm laughing now but I'm going to need to phone a friend when I have the Switch all to myself.
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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Benetnasch Avatar
All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
I don't mind closed settings; I've been in a lot of those school rps (especially Harry Potter), bars, a few uh...mental hospitals, and even a big apartment setup, once. They're fun, and it makes sense for my characters to be there, so finding a way to interact with others is limited only by compatibility with the characters themselves.

For that apartment rp, it was like one of those luxury apartments, with a few onsite stores. I can't remember any events we might have had, but I didn't feel constricted.

I'm not too picky, tbh.
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
I bought Stella Glow like two years ago, but finally picked it up again after ignoring it for a year. I'm determined to clear out my handheld backlog. And then beat Strange Journey: Reduce and replay DeSu2 for the umpteenth time.
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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Benetnasch Avatar
All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
I don't want to do a digital interview because it's tedious af. But the last time I applied for this company, a recruiter periodically checked on me, but the lack of jobs in my only town killed most of my opportunities. Should have much better luck here.
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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Benetnasch Avatar
All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
My cat has two toys she absolutely adores: a small treat ball and a mouse with strings. I haven't seen the treat ball in days, but she's been fussing over the mouse more. She likes to carry it around in her mouth, and sometimes brings it to me or the gf to toss around.

Lately, I've found that mouse in the toilet or beside it, and I am concerned. That's your baby. Please don't drown your baby.