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❝ heartlines

77written posts
cinearned bits
Junior Member
cin Avatar
If this is not love, what should we call it?
gonna try & convert some codes :^)

[newclass=.ay]<svg viewBox="0 0 500 150" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="height: 100%; width: 100%;"><path d="M0.00,49.99 C150.00,150.00 349.20,-49.99 500.00,49.99 L500.00,150.00 L0.00,150.00 Z" style="stroke: none; fill: #CA8381;"></path></svg>[/newclass]

last edit on May 13, 2020 1:40:06 GMT by cin

77written posts
cinearned bits
Junior Member
cin Avatar
If this is not love, what should we call it?
honourary post spot to test things to see if they break


we'll never be royals

#gabriel lowell #lysander 120 words


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque quam libero, eleifend id massa non, accumsan porttitor lorem. Etiam volutpat, arcu ac dapibus luctus, nunc massa interdum erat, sed molestie nunc arcu a mi. Praesent elementum placerat odio, non pharetra enim sagittis id. Sed nec ante eros. Mauris faucibus blandit sapien non viverra. [break][break] Duis nec tellus eu urna hendrerit mattis sit amet vitae nulla. Duis rhoncus vel libero vel volutpat. Phasellus vel sodales nisl, a pulvinar nisi. Nunc non pharetra arcu. Mauris ac gravida ante. In semper enim sit amet velit mattis, et commodo nulla vestibulum.
[break][break]Morbi rhoncus tincidunt tortor quis commodo. Nam sed fringilla nulla. Nam tincidunt vel dui nec posuere. Fusce ullamcorper purus vitae augue luctus hendrerit. Etiam et risus laoreet, semper nulla a, efficitur arcu. Phasellus gravida ipsum eget luctus rutrum.

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last edit on May 13, 2020 1:24:15 GMT by cin

77written posts
cinearned bits
Junior Member
cin Avatar
If this is not love, what should we call it?
[attr="style","width:450px;padding:50px;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #dbdbdb; font-family: pt sans; font-size: 13px; line-height: 150%; text-align: justify;"]
Welcome to Kairos, city of chrome and steel.[break][break]

It’s XXXX and humans took to the stars over a century ago, yet they never completely abandoned Earth. Kairos survives as an utopia, a vacation hotspot for weary space travelers and a midpoint for outerlanders to refuel. Black Ash feels like a remnant of history when you can breathe freely beneath its robust filtration system.
People live longer and better, technology that was only dreamt about in movies now at the tips of their fingers. It’s the home of cutting edge research for bionics, innovation seems to happen every year, and a refuge for Synthetics.
Except, beneath its veneer as the perfect place to live, it’s the same as everywhere else. People struggle to get by and the ones who have the deepest pockets are left in charge. The MegaCorps make too many calls as men try to play god, trying to create life through synthetic wire and silicon. Be careful now, there are things hiding in the shadows and bionic harvesting has become popular among the black market.
Ad astra et redi - May you always find your way back.

last edit on Jul 21, 2023 7:00:59 GMT by cin