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221written posts
sielearned bits
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siel Avatar
currently playing fire emblem 3 houses. i didn't know anything about fire emblem apart from playing roy in SSBM (my brother likes playing marth and we would have little swish swish fights on the racecar map before getting run over by cars)

i am enjoying the bejesus out of this. playing a professor and raising students?? top-down style tactical gameplay where you lead a mini army?? the tension between the church and 3 kingdoms?? honestly i was p narrow minded before and didn't try turn-based games for a long time bc i thought i wouldn't have the patience. but the slowed-down gameplay really allows for so much more depth to the story and characters. it's really fun ahh
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Deletedearned bits
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noire Avatar
really reinvigourating me to try again on my "play all the FFs!!!!" quest

Been playing FFV re:this and I am utterly convinced it's the "they tried to make an open-world RPG but it was 20 years too early" sheep of the family

It's the only way I can rationalize how vague the next objective can sometimes be combined with how early they chuck ships at you, not to mention just... how many places exist you don't actually have to visit, ever

10/10 game though, Faris, Galuf, Blue Mage, and Bridge Theme are some top-shelf competition to beat
stultifera navis
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ninelieearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
Stayed up past my bedtime so I can finally 100% Octopath 2. Months of grinding to finally get to this point and it feels good to have it pay off! I can now finally retire this game and ponder over the eternal question of "what game should I play next, as I stare at my expansive Steam library of unplayed games?"

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59written posts
pardofelisearned bits
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on all levels except physical, i am a housecat
nothing more demotivating than hitting the point in a game when you realize you're underleveled and the cost to level up is so steep you'll have to grind for like, weeks or months to get there

imo every game should have an 'undo' button for leveling up like please
last edit on Jul 19, 2023 5:48:46 GMT by pardofelis
265written posts
viiearned bits
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vii Avatar
When you have a huge backlog of games that you need to play/beat and you just keep thinking about replaying older titles after not having access to a Playstation for over a year, even though you’re also itching to finish beating titles that you’re currently working through and just adding more and more to the list.

Also, me lowkey regretting buying a PS5 digital instead of disc because I realized after the fact that a lot of older titles I have are physical copies. But ‘ey, all future purchases are gonna be digital anyway…so….
last edit on Jul 20, 2023 5:45:54 GMT by vii

Now on jcink!