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gamer confessions

221written posts
sielearned bits
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siel Avatar
the character designs for final fantasy tactics are SOOOO cute which is the main reason i picked it up. but it's interesting how the atmosphere of the game is such a stark departure from that. the cut scenes are really moody, with lots of silence and sweeping views, while the characters say harsh things like YOU'RE A WHORESON WHO SHOULD'VE DIED IN A DITCH with like the cutest fkn face ever. wow. and occasionally a pig waltzes in and out of battles with no explanation whatsoever. amazing. 10/10
local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
805written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
Part of the Furniture
profit of doom Avatar
they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
me: i really should play some of the other games that i own.
destiny, skyrim, 7 days to die, dead by daylight, overwatch (my taste is abysmal):
last edit on Aug 27, 2023 21:34:33 GMT by profit of doom
aliasAsk me~
pronounsHe or They
193written posts
Wraithearned bits
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Wraith Avatar
There's hope beyond this lone abyss.
I've never beaten a Dark Souls game even though I have been into the series since I was a young teenager. The community was important to me and I got right into it before the general Souls craze occurred, but...I still haven't beaten a single Souls* game.

I have beaten Sekiro, however.

I'm an outlier in the sense that I found Sekiro's combat...easier than Souls? It's weird, especially since most people I talk to find it harder. Something about the mechanics there feeling more natural or intuitive to me, especially the lack of a stamina cap? Hm.

* OK, I guess if Elden Ring counts. I have completed Elden Ring.
Catscape Meow!
907written posts
Desmond Milesearned bits
Desmond Miles
Part of the Furniture
Desmond Miles Avatar
we will have peace at any cost
Asu Avatar
I have so many games on Steam I need to start but I'm a clown and keep playing one game :'|
this is me loading up my xbox and ps4 every month, adding the free games to my library, and then never touching them ever again. but i'll get to them one day, right?? right???? guys???
internally screaming
1,821written posts
Nekoearned bits
Neko Avatar
stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
I'm not going to say I'm disappointed in Fontaine's story so far - but I have had two people tell me they were 'shocked' and I'm just sitting over here barely paying attention cause I figured most of it out. And they're mad cause they were expecting me live-posting on discord what I thought about it and I'm 'meh, not as bad as Inazuma'.

I'm now like, no wonder you all are surprised by what I write and the plot twists I come up with.

In other news, really like yellow lady's design. Not to start a discussion is Fontaine deep or not cause I have only a bit of a idea where this is going- I just didn't think the first part is that 'oh wow could have never seen that coming' says the woman who mainlines crime shows since I was four and this is mostly a kid's game

0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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Beetle Avatar
ngl I'm not a fan of fem focused gacha games, but I checked this game out bc of this art style and wolverine has enchanted me

Its lad game is 10,000% weak and they could def do better, but then I'm just that hungry for muscle lasses and weirdly-touching stories about statues coming to life to murder everyone