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kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark
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I completely forgot to mention, but I love your dancing Haseo icon. Man, the .hack games were my JAM when I was younger. I'm still kinda in love with Endrance tbh.
Did you do the marriage sequence with him? It was hilarious if you hadn't. Go see it~ I loved .hack//G.U. too. Recently replayed it because of the PS4 edition (which I loved because of the Altimit section + those games are amazing anyway). I had never finished volume 3 because I hate ending my favourite games. XD But because there was a "volume 4" now, I decided to beat Vol. 3 for Vol. 4

... ... ... orz It was hardly a "volume." Was pretty disappointed in it, but I guess it was good to close it. XD Did you try it?
Yes I did! And I always max affectioned him as soon as I could. So much send card -> log in to receive message -> log out -> send another card lmao. 

I haven't played the PS4 edition. Been too broke lately, but it's on my list! I'm sad to see vol. 4 is disappointing. </3 But they added in Atoli parts? I didn't even know that. I remember really hating her when I was younger, but I was more okay with her when I played it as an adult. 

I wish they'd just make another .hack game. But I'm pretty sure the company considers it beyond dead. 

284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark

Aw, that all sounds super disappointing. </3 All that extra stuff was what made the game so charming.

Ovan was great, I really can see the appeal especially since Haseo was obsessed with him the whole time. And wow, it really is weird to not write it as OVAAAAAN. That was such a huge inside joke in our friend group. Kinda like INUYAAASHA - KAGOOOMEEE.

Did you play the first .hack games? For some reason, the thing I remember with clarity from them were the baby grunties saying "I wanna eat something that tastes like blood."  Like, whoa there Satan.

...Is it okay to chat in this thread? xnx These are my thoughts, but they're not very random haha. Feel free to message me anytime. <3

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i just realized i've done 600+ posts over a 20 month period on one site........... and that's not including accounts i've archived on there.

*stares at my hands* what have i done.

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Charcoal toothpaste - It works!

NO! XD Oh my gosh, that stuff is so abrasive/erosive on the enamel on your teeth. XD /has a heart attack for you.

I heard there was an remineralising toothpaste that Japan makes that you could get off amazon... but it's really expensive...

Edit: , what skin? :o
last edit on Aug 12, 2018 3:34:37 GMT by Deleted
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