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chirpearned bits
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It's always been a little strange to me to see sites advertise themselves as "inclusive", usually in the scope of LGBT+ stuff and the like. Not because I think places shouldn't be, but, like - why is that selling point? Shouldn't it be expected that the staff and site be respectful of literally any person of any walk of life? Saying you're "inclusive" in your ad doesn't make me respect your site any more because I expect the same out of literally any site.

And don't even get me started on RPs that specifically bar entry to members who aren't female and/or LGBT+. Like... your site, your rules, I guess, but... why? There aren't even any LGBT+ themes in your setting/plot??? I don't????? Understand???????
It's a selling point because there's been sites in the past that have been anything but inclusive and it's good for people to know. It also advertises not only that it's inclusive but that bigots aren't welcome. They're not asking for your respect or whatever... they're just trying to sound and look as welcoming as possible and that's not a bad thing.
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chirpearned bits
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stares at completely finished ghibli site

riiiiiiiiiiight... that.... 

I promise I'll launch it

Maybe sooner than later or at least when NaNoWriMo and Let's Go Pikachu aren't battling for my attention at the same time im moving countries 
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chirpearned bits
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My dad and I used to play a ton of Age of Empires II together just for fun, but it ended up something super nostalgic to me and it's amazing that there's such a huge community for it online. I found a streamer that does massive community games on thursdays and they're so entertaining to watch. It's such an old game. It doesn't look appealing. I don't like other games of the same genre, like Age of Mythology or whatever. But goddamn I'll always love AoE II.
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chirpearned bits
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other names







sagittarius, rooster


neutral good


















positives optimistic, empathetic, fast-learner, funny, friendly[break]
negatives impatient, fickle, indecisive, lazy, unmotivated


best color, go! why is it the best color?

Yellow!! like, deeeeeep golden sunshine yellow. It's so bright and full and happy. It reminds me of the sun and good feelings and friends and etc. [break][break][break]

do you believe in love at first sight?

yeah, but I also believe that it isn't necessary. I'm not going to tell someone their love isn't legitimate just because it's not how I've experienced it. But in the same vein, I don't think people should look or even wait for love at first sight, because they might be missing out on something too. I didn't find my second boyfriend physically attractive at first. But I gave him a chance because we seemed to have some similar interests, and he was kind and funny and checked all the other points I was looking for. It only took a few dates for me to totally fall for him. Seven years later, we're married and I think he's the most handsome guy out there, because I fell in love with him for him and not just the way he looked. Having a 'spark' with someone at first meeting them is great. But there's nothing wrong with a relationship or chemistry just because it isn't there right away. [break][break][break]

you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?

Anthony Bourdain. I think this answers the role model question too. I didn't really discover him until a couple years ago. I watched Parts Unknown on Netflix while I was in school for travel. He wasn't just another travel show guy; he was a passionate chef, which reminded me of my husband, hardworking, and saw a value in food. Not just good flavors and expensive ingredients, but everyday meals, home-cooked meals, etc. He was a representative for the little guy. Outspoken for the people who needed it the most. Funny, bitter, sarcastic, but passionate, empathetic, and approachable. People who didn't know him felt like they had. He felt like a friend, and those that met him have said the same, that he talked to everyone as if they'd known each other for years, that he was casual, genuinely interested in what you had to say, and humble. People who never met him felt like they knew him somehow, too. His quotes on travel are all over pinterest and tumblr, and maybe they're overused since he passed, but as someone who's traveled a lot and who wants to travel more, and as someone living away from home, his words mean a lot. I want to travel more genuinely, like he did. It's one thing to go to a country and take your pictures and leave. I've done that. But I want actual connections and beautiful moments and to meet people and learn things about them and how they live. I would want to hang out with Bourdain for a day. I'd show him my hometown and the mountains, 'cause I don't think he'd ever gone, and he would have loved it. [break][break][break]

describe the color red to a blind person.

Red is extremes. It is the worst of the worst and the best of the best. It's embarrassment heating your ears, hatred on your tongue, but it's also deep love in your heart and blush on your cheeks. It's aggressive and unyielding one moment, and warm and welcoming the next. It's sunlight on closed eyelids, someone's fingertips tracing fire on your skin, alcohol burning your throat, campfire smoke stuck on your clothes, sirens wailing. [break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words

always hit the ground running



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last edit on Aug 30, 2018 2:13:22 GMT by chirp
35written posts
chirpearned bits
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decay will feed the bloom
I'm leaving on Sunday for vacation and I'm too hyped to function properly. It's still days away but I feel like I can't do anything with myself except prepare and sit around with a vaguely higher heart rate than usual.
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chirpearned bits
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decay will feed the bloom

I've been doing a lot of work on the Borderlands rp. I'm tagging y'all 'cause you liked the post about it, but don't feel obligated to participate in this discussion. I won't tag again until I maybe open the site. And if you don't actually want to be tagged for that, let me know!

In two weeks, I leave on a trip, and I won't be back home 'til the 15th. So I don't want to bother opening it until I come back. But I'd like to have everything kinda ready to go for that date, so tentatively, we could say the site will be up on September 16th. I just wanted to run some things by in case anyone has any ideas or opinions! 

Basic stuff: 
- Takes place on Pandora
- 5 years after the end of Borderlands 2
- Canons exist, but are not playable. Scooter still owns Catch-a-Ride, Marcus sells guns, Dr. Zed... doctors. Lilith, etc are still out there, and might pop up in events or quests. 
- Characters can be vault hunters, shopkeeps, random civilians, working for a mega-corp, etc.

Besides that, I had a couple aspects of the site I'd love to get some feedback on. 

- Classes. In the games of course there's classes like Commando, Soldier, Hunter, Assassin, etc. People could create their own classes, and those would be available for general use. Each of those have three skill trees they can focus on.

Take the Hunter class and the three specializations Sniper, Rogue, and Gunslinger for example. It wouldn't be the complex percentage stuff like in the game; I don't really want to bother with numbers systems. It would be more along the lines of, Sniper characters can use long-range rifles and attack enemies accurately from a distance. Gunslingers have increased damage at short range and fire faster. Rogues might get extra loot from quests or event threads.

Personally I feel like it could help people get a better handle on exactly who their characters  are, and how they fight, but I just want to make sure it makes sense? And is there something I should tweak there? I want to keep it as basic as possible while still giving people the chance to differentiate between characters who are within the same class.

- Quests etc. Site events are a must, but quests might not seem as obvious. Borderlands has tons of fun quests available aside from the main story. Quests of course would result in a money system, so then there'd be stuff available to buy, and that means having a site inventory of different weapons/shields/etc. I initially thought about leaving this stuff out and having it be more freeform, but the game has such a fantastic inventory of different weapons, and weapons manufacturers play a huge part in the plot, so it would be neat to have them in there. But no worries, 'cause I don't want it to be too difficult to afford anything. 

To make things easier for people trying to make their cash selling guns etc, they'd perhaps get a bonus in finding chests filled with lotsa guns. Pandora has always had tons of chests with loot laying around. Like I seem to remember having an excess of guns in game, though they wouldn't necessarily be good ones. So completing a thread, a quest, an event, etc, might net players with a nice big chest of loot.

Buying ammo tho would be unnecessary. Not gonna track that sorta thing haha.

Aaaaand... I can't think of anything else. I'd love to field any questions or input though. Feel free to hmu on discord at #juls7119 too. Also, if you didn't see the original post but want a tag when it opens, let me know! 

last edit on Aug 22, 2018 18:44:02 GMT by chirp
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chirpearned bits
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Pikachu is my favourite. I'm a basic bitch I guess. I just love it. But my favourite type is probably Flying or Water. I love a lot of pokes from those types.

Honorable mentions go to Dewgong, Vileplume, Sandshrew, Alolan Ninetales, Mareep, and the entire Cyndaquil evolution line, since they were my first in my old Crystal game. Good times. :')
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chirpearned bits
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Splitting member groups based on home province is neat, and would keep things simple. That's a good point, there might end up being too many species to track. But like Kuroya said it does depend on how many provinces there are, too.

Classes I'm really eh on, I appreciate the freedom to let characters kinda do as they please. That said it's not to say that I wouldn't be interested if there's classes. If anything, I'd at least want it to be v simple.

OOC money as in, there'd be IC and OOC money? I'd rather just have IC I think. In terms of OOC shops like, coloured names etc, maybe people could just use leftover IC money for that.

Discord servers are nice but I think having a full and active cbox on a site is really warm and welcoming and fun, too. But I appreciate the different channels in a discord server. I feel like it's kinda inescapable haha.
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chirpearned bits
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what races are important to have as starting ones?
I'd say Hylian, Zora, and Gorons at least to start. But I'd really love to see Rito and Gerudo ofc eventually.

you got a fave skin or layout options? (this will be on proboards)
I'm not too picky as long as it's not clutteed and easy to read

opinions on sorting character profiles/groups?
by race/class I suppose?

OOC accounts?
no opinion

would you like me to tag you for future things in this thread? sure!