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3,084written posts
Kitten4uearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kitten4u Avatar
Sometimes I want to take requests for code/skins/graphics/art, but then I look at all the other things I want to do and lament that there's not nearly enough hours in the day. Maybe someday.

Especially art. Been having fun drawing new things and derping around with styles.
pronounsif you speak of me in certain tongues, you will be dethroned or detained
108written posts
ophiuchusearned bits
Full Member
ophiuchus Avatar
gutter rappin', anti-sleepin', no half-steppin'
profit of doom Avatar
can people in dbd stop tunneling me i just want to fix margarita machines
s a m e ; I've got like 10 left and literally every killer is

Lux Lucet in Tenebris
pronounsHe, Him, and His
1,226written posts
Jacobearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Jacob Avatar
pharaoh leap Avatar
Jacob Avatar
A very good point!
Pharaoh Leap#2834 - the ball is in your court. ;3

... Okay, but don't actually feel obligated to add me or anything, akjldfhkdsjhfd. Only if you'd like to. <3 Anyone else who would like to add me on Discord is more than welcome to, as well~! I'm not very good with replying to DMs, as many of my friends will attest, but I always love talking to more people! 8D
pronounshe + him
157written posts
Gonzoearned bits
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Gonzo Avatar
it has, truly, been a roundabout path...
soran Avatar
its been 29 hours since i turned 18 and i can already feel the apathy of adulthood setting in
haha, old man. but really: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!

as a seventeen year old i promise to assume the role of dancing queen in your absence 
pronounsif you speak of me in certain tongues, you will be dethroned or detained
108written posts
ophiuchusearned bits
Full Member
ophiuchus Avatar
gutter rappin', anti-sleepin', no half-steppin'
nox, the HR department Avatar
valka Avatar

my hair has been cut, i am free

OMG u look like tracer now!!! weren't u like the Witcher guy before
geralt of rivalka
aliasvee, vivi
pronounsany / they
659written posts
valkaearned bits
valka Avatar
do u know... la-hee?
nox, the HR department Avatar
valka Avatar

my hair has been cut, i am free

OMG u look like tracer now!!! weren't u like the Witcher guy before

IT WAS ACTUALLY A SKYRIM ICON i think it's a heavily edited icon of the weird live action trailer bethesda released ages back idr but it looked cool so i saved it

but now my lil icon is a cute tracer icon that selkie made

if you think i haven't been keeping up with pp, think again
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