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Cerberusearned bits
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Cerberus Avatar
Mind the Dark, there be monsters around here.

Welcome to my humble train of thought!

[!] As you may have noticed, it doesn't really stop...or have a caboose. An odd train right? Kinda like this introduction, but I blame that on the fact that I've never really been good at them to begin with. It's a difficult art to master, and -despite having nine years of solid roleplaying experience- I'd say that I'm seldom any closer to figuring out the secret for the perfect beginning. I guess that's why people have so much trouble with starters? Good openings really set the tone for the rest of the story, so usually you try to make it count. For example, I could've told you that my name is Cerberus: though that's only partially true. It's my current nickname, sure, but I've gone through quite a few aliases over the years. Fewer still that most of the people here would probably know. I've been off-and-on in various role-play communities, and have recently returned fully to the hobby. I'm actively looking for a site to join, specifically one that's active and focused so that I may continue doing what I love: which is write...if that wasn't obvious.

[!] I'm patient, mature, and have a thorough understanding of the community in general. Which makes it sound like this is a recruitment thread, but it's just an informative look at the important information as to who I am as a writer. Also, I feel that it's imperative to mention my goals: so that there's no illusion as to why I'm hanging around. Similarly, if anyone has any lofty ideas or creative aspirations that they've been too understaffed to cook up: I'm always happy to help other story-tellers get their animanga projects off the ground. If that means a new site, then I'm all ears. Given I'm not already preoccupied with assisting someone else, I'd love the prospect of making something unique from scratch. Mind I have no ability when it comes to coding, but I can definitely handle lore-creation, world-building, etc.... Keeping in mind that I have a heavy preference for Animanga. Anyway, everything out in the open, I'm glad to be immersed back into the community!

Hopping aboard and always yours, Cerberus
last edit on Jan 27, 2019 21:20:36 GMT by Cerberus