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21written posts
r/cookieearned bits
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r/cookie Avatar
More animanga slice of life, pls. I'm so used to rping stuff with superpowers and supernatural and all that jazz I completely forgot how fun and relaxing rping ordinary and completely normal stuff are.

I wanna rp a convo in the bathroom stalls, gdi. ))):
839written posts
SPIRELEearned bits
Part of the Furniture
so my friend back on the scene. he said FK this FK u we need some fresh sauce in this pasta roni 

he looking 4 a site that has as follows: 

  • slice o'life; he ain't do nothing iimportant and dont' wanna. if he can not know what covoid-19, be asking me if he fucking worried bouat a JIRA card L00KING ass irl then why not in thread. he blind af ain't going 2 read ur plot thread i promise u
  • laid back: my boy succkcessful. he work. he got paymetns. he balling. rp not a full time job. he can't be posting left n rite. gimme a lax requirement.
  • rules r rules: kaeor dead ass a great writer but this man cannot read. if u be posting 1 rule here n another rule there that conflict he gonna straight up be breaking rules so ufking much u thot he was caster from fatestaynight ol' looking ass clappys
  • 1 plot: me n my boy got r roots in DND. it's a cool game called dungeons n dragons. may b u herd of it. well we like how it b one plot that goes somewhere in a campaign. not like a bernie campaign cuz we ain't wasting time on something that aint' work. but ya 1 plot that makes sense don't need all this bullshit happening same time idk what's going on.
  • dnd mechanics: tbh kaeor not even about this rp shit. play a character and abide by their personality? nah we here to min maxgimme the best stats meta af so i can pvp naruto kill ppl from 2012
  • non-plot focus: lbr he ain't gonna read it so maybe something he can rp as if he didn't even read the rules. 
  • hot fc only: ain't got no time to read that shit. let him live out his sick safebooru fantasies. if ur plotter longer than 5 sentences he gonna overlook it. my boy look at fc and determines if he gonna plot w/ u or nah.
  • non-community: if kaeor needed friends he wouldn't be dming me to play league every fucking night before bed goddamn thatshit annoying. but ya he ain't reading shit, barely on disc, so somewhere he can sit in his little time out corner and write oncein a blue moon.
  • no post count: not bcuz he doesn't write a lot of words. just that he might not know cuz he doesn't read rules so i don't wantmyboy locked up in rp jail ty
  • light friendly: if kae there or i'm there gonna be there so we gotta let his drama queen neck snapping highheel wearing ass there.


if it ain't obvious kaeor said this 1 too many times so b4 u ask:

"fuck no i ain't joinin no pkmn rp what i look like some digimon tamagachi waving ass. i'mma peek a kill ur shitty ass pikachu if u don't get this shit out my fucking face spirole."
last edit on Mar 15, 2020 3:46:21 GMT by SPIRELE
798written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
Part of the Furniture
illidan main Avatar
a fire emblem only panfandom where tellius/elibe/magvel/jugdral characters outnumber or at least rival fodlan/fates/awakening characters.

yeah i know it's not possible but i can dream of a place where i can play my husband, the black knight, and actually have canon mates ;-;.

avatar and hover by phobic art, commissioned for me
109written posts
missileearned bits
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missile Avatar
illidan main Avatar
a fire emblem only panfandom where tellius/elibe/magvel/jugdral characters outnumber or at least rival fodlan/fates/awakening characters.

yeah i know it's not possible but i can dream of a place where i can play my husband, the black knight, and actually have canon mates ;-;.


let lloyd/linus/nino have a happy ending together :pepehands:
last edit on Mar 15, 2020 18:16:38 GMT by missile
1,103written posts
lightearned bits
Part of the Furniture
light Avatar
gimme a digimon site im trying to have a last evolution to via the power of bonds and all that hetero shit
justimon it's time to pull up and beat some cheeks

p.s. bump the slice of life give me action and plot, b/c a slice of life will most likely die and that's on digivice :peperelax:
last edit on Mar 16, 2020 18:43:16 GMT by light
1,103written posts
lightearned bits
Part of the Furniture
light Avatar
Raz Avatar
A digimon site where crests are earned. The character has to exhibit those traits, and then maybe have it unlock an evolution like the original series. Also a solid thought out plot that isn't just smashing all the lore together would be great.


798written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
Part of the Furniture
illidan main Avatar
missile Avatar
illidan main Avatar
a fire emblem only panfandom where tellius/elibe/magvel/jugdral characters outnumber or at least rival fodlan/fates/awakening characters.

yeah i know it's not possible but i can dream of a place where i can play my husband, the black knight, and actually have canon mates ;-;.

let lloyd/linus/nino have a happy ending together :pepehands:
i actually had a concept for one but i don't have the time to run it but basically: the outrealm gates between worlds connect to the realms of death and now everyone can get back to their world so now war, which has been the deciding factor in every conflict, is now basically useless. so now we have to find new ways to resolve conflict and get along with each other.

it'd also allow dead characters (like black knight, lloyd, linus, sigurd, dierdre) to be played.

avatar and hover by phobic art, commissioned for me
aliasNoodle, Longboi
118written posts
Danger Noodleearned bits
Danger Noodle
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Danger Noodle Avatar

Honestly, I'd love to see a Pokemon site based on Galar, with the gym challenge being a tournament being part of its focus. It'd be crazy cool if there was an original "bad guy" team implemented in it, like a new threat to the region? Yeah.

last edit on Mar 20, 2020 9:36:21 GMT by Danger Noodle
40written posts
mythearned bits
New Member
myth Avatar
Been watching Sword Art Online Alicization and would love to see a site based on it. Have simple rpg elements, join an academy based on what type of player you are, for example in the show they have the Swordcraft Academy, there are players who are leaders that can mentor other players called trainees. There are 3 stats pretty much, Life, Object Control (higher the stat the stronger weapon you can wield) and System Control (higher the stat, the stronger magic you can perform) in a basic sense. There’s a lot more obviously, but yeah lol, could be a fun chance to incorporate that grindy mmo feel into a slice of life type setting. Plus, everyone loves SAO (: