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Can I get a site where I can be a Blacksmith and just forge Weapons for the people who don't need them but also make quotes about life and how it all relates back to blacksmithing?

I am not suuuure but maybe check out Roses & Wine?
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we were always here, together, apart.
Ludo Avatar
I'd die for a good classic Redwall based roleplay, that book series holds such a loving place in my heart and I've legit never seen it? I WOULD HELP?

double yess!! I go through this phase of re-watching the animated series every some years, even though I've only read two of the books—regardless, tons of love and appreciation for it ♡ In my beginner years, (I think I was 14) I found a forum for Redwall, but it faded really quickly, (not a lot of ppl involved, y'know how it goes). But! either way, I second this.
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a good ole harvest moon anime/manga-based rp -- maybe even with game mechanics, but nothing too heavy. also want lore and a plot that won't die after two months..

here is the plot I have,


Fifty years ago, the harvest goddess disappeared, and animosity began to spread between the townsfolk. crops began to die. People began to leave. Those who stayed blamed the species who still had magic. Once a friend becomes an unspoken foe as the locals start blaming the elves, the selkies, and even the mages. "they were always too secretive. they weren't human anyway. they never belonged here."

The farmers and the shopkeepers and the locals force the supernatural creatures out of their town, forcing them to live in the forest or in the mountains, on the coast, or even in the underworld. the townspeople of future generations are told to never go outside of the town limits, to stay within the perimeter, telling them scary stories of the "monsters" and "witches" that will kidnap them or eat them if they dare to venture outside of the island. other species are forced to grow up outside of civilization or pretend to be human as to not be cast into the sea, even though their ancestors were treated as equals.

can the town soaked in segregation become whole again?

who knows, though? I may make one afterall eventually

last edit on Nov 22, 2018 0:28:57 GMT by Deleted
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a good ole harvest moon anime/manga-based rp -- maybe even with game mechanics, but nothing too heavy. also want lore and a plot that won't die after two months..

here is the plot I have,

who knows, though? I may make one afterall eventually

I really think this is neat, so if you do ever make it post about it please! I'd love to keep an eye out for it if that's okay?

that's perfectly fine! I have so many ideas tbh, but I have just recently become addicted HM and noticed a lack of rp lately. I'll be sure to contact you if it becomes something more permanent!

on another note... can we have an inuyasha or avatar the last airbender rp that has the original canons please