Runeterra Divided

37written posts
Ripperearned bits
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Ripper Avatar
Ok so hear me out on this one. Runeterra Divided would be a site based on the league of legends world and lore but without canon characters. I got a couple ideas on this one but we could make it so you dont need to know anything about the lore or play the game or anything like that.

Creation ideas
Humans (mages and otherwise) would be open to play. Yordles too they would just be asked to use chibi versions of a fc perhaps? Vastaya could still be animalistic and all that. Those would probably be like the three races we could open up, I have some ideas about shadow isles characters but thats a whole other box of worms.

We could have recognized gods that are npcs? Maybe the same with demons? Maybe we could make demons playable? Who knows

World Ideas
So we would have the major regions, Demacia, Noxus, Ionia, Freljord, Piltover & Zaun and even mayyybe Shurima? Like just toss out Runeterra as a whole out there and let people migrate where they may.

Some cool Plot/Event Ideas
So we could have some cool world plots go on like maybe a new leader arriving in Noxus, someone escaping the Demacian mage jail. A world Rune appearing, some stuff like that.

Give me thoughts? Tell me you want in. Like this to follow possible development?

50written posts
mavrohearned bits
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Hey, I'd definitely be interested in this. I think one of the major issues that comes with creating something around League is the same thing that comes with other really really big worlds. Focus. Too many options and settings always start feeling kinda random and pointless to me. One way to maybe circumvent that would be to focus on the Demacian-Noxian conflict.
Basically, you could have all those places that you mentioned in there, but because Demacia and Noxus have their hands all over Runeterra, the other places (factions, rather) are either Noxus-aligned or Demacia-aligned. To further accentuate this, you could seperate factions into Major Factions (Dem, Nox) around which the plot mainly revolves, and Minor Factions (Piltover, Zaun, Freljord, Ionia) that each have their own stakes in the war and support either Demacia or Noxus. To top it off you could maybe have neutral factions in Ixtal, Bilgewater and Targon? Idk, it's already starting to get really expansive at this point, but I do think it's an idea worth thinking about. Especially because you could really get into it. Maybe Demacian allies are only reluctantly allying themselves because of Noxus' aggressive expansionism and care about self-preservation leading them to oppose Noxus more than they are actually loyal to Demacia, whereas Noxus' allies are more loyal but don't necessarily agree with Noxus' aggressive expansionism. Idk, something like that.
As for Shurima, I think you should throw it in with the Shadow Isles as kind of a "lost kingdom" type deal that characters can explore IC'ly maybe with some custom Ascended NPC's to throw in for interaction and quest goals?

As for creation I think you could be a bit lenient with races, even though I don't typically like that. But it's League and it has a LOT of established lore. So Humans, Vastaya and Yordles and I wouldn't be afraid to add Spirits as a catch-all for anything demonic/divine (think Kindred and Nocturne in the same category). To round this out, maybe also add "hybrid" races, ie Elementborn (half-elementals from any race like Liss, Voli or Ornn), Voidwoken (void-altered from any race) and Half-Dragons (like shyv, maybe limit them in number somehow).
As for the more 'potent' races, like Ascended, Aspects and Darkin, I feel they should remain npc's and act as catalysts for plot elements.
And for powers, well I think in true League fashion, every character gets five abilities, one passive, three active and one ultimate ability that has to fit to their personal lore somehow. That kinda writes itself, I feel.

To come back to plot again, I think a lot of plot can just be achieved through filling in some details in the setting with original content. So make the Piltover/Zaun conflict be an extension of the Demacia/Noxus conflict with Piltover being Demacian-aligned and Zaun being Noxus-aligned. Perhaps zaun spies working for noxus in piltover is a sub-plot. Things like that. An other issue that arises would probably be canons. You'd have to limit it the bare essentials to not have the issue of too many canons and not enough characters interested in filling them out. Alternatively, just make all really important positions npc's.

That's my ideas so far. I'm down to talk some more via Disc though if you want.

last edit on Jul 14, 2020 22:15:25 GMT by mavroh
aliasavanhellica, avan, nyx
pronounsthey / she
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avanearned bits
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she's the wicked witch of the EAST bro

As someone who ran a League of Legends site for a little bit: I do want to stress there is a lot of lore to shift through which makes for an even greater amount of information for readers to read. As an example: you've got around 15 different nations and I think like 30 different sub-factions (things like "the Black Rose" or "Frostguard") included in Runeterra and that doesn't include things like unique flora, fauna, or species.

As Mavroh posted above me: trying to find particular plots to focus on will make the site a lot easier to run: but I think the hardest part will be finding a way to compile all of the information into something that's easy to digest and understand for those who aren't familiar with the lore. You not only have an empire expanding and a city capturing those who can do magic - but you also have two warring communities in the freljord, an empire in shurima that's slowly making it's rise again thanks to the return of the emperor, and an entity known as The Void that's slowly consuming all. There's a lot of options to work with so narrowing it down to the Most Important plot in the moment is key, I think.

I also think allowing for more options of races is always fun and unique. You have (again as Mavroh mentioned) creatures like spirits but you also have canon entities seen in the game like trolls, undead, golems, and voidborn. I wouldn't be too quick to limit species as allowing someone to create something like a voidborn can lead to great plotting / event potential in the future. I also think maybe allowing people to create ascended / darkin / and aspects would be fun to allow players to be but maybe as a "premium" race or only allotting one per person. You could even make certain specific canons and allow those to be filled ("The Aspect of Time", "The Aspect of Peace" etc)

Personally: I'm also someone that would rather enjoy having canon characters as an option. But I would, at the very least if you decide not to add them in as playable, still keep them in the lore. Otherwise it makes certain events difficult to portray or some groups not relevant at all. Irelia, for example, was a huge aspect in the fight between Ionia and Noxus. Ashe and Sejuani leading their two tribes in the Frejlord etc.

Overall though I'm super excited to see the outcome of this c:

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Magmaearned bits
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Magma Avatar
Would it be set in the old map or the new map of Runeterra? Regardless, going off of Mav's post, I'd also like to see the main focus be on Valoran (the northern half [and also Ionia I suppose]). At least for the start and the rest could open up at a later date. (Ixtal on the old map would be in Kumungu and the Plague Jungles.)
37written posts
Ripperearned bits
New Member
Ripper Avatar
- Ok so I do agree its a lot.. I mean a lot to sift through. I was thinking of giving general overviews of places, sticking myself to a word limit for the bigger places and putting the needed info into each one. Though I do agree the Demacia/Noxus conflict would probably be the biggest and kinda first overarching plot line. I do agree with a lot of what youre saying as far as the factions go though, it's gonna be a LOT if everythings opened up. Maybe the site could start with Demacia and Noxus and slowly expand as members kinda join in? As far as the races go I would be totally open to adding spirits and even half dragons. Maybe eventually the Void because we could have an event for some of the void stuff. I'm one of the nerds who got the lore book too so I have quick references

- I think the hardest thing with the site is gonna be both limiting races so things arent spread so thin and allowing enough that it isn't limiting. I do know Demons I wanna be kinda careful with and Darkin/Aspects are gonna be a tender thing to mix but I do kinda want em in the site. Most of the Canons will probably be there but not playable, can't have Noxus without the bladey bros or without crow boi ya know. It just doesnt feel noxus

- I'm thinking new map because it kinda makes things a little more clear, but most of the focus would totally be Valoran since thats kinda the big plot area for a lot of things. I do really like the ideas again of kinda expanding the map as things go on.

50written posts
mavrohearned bits
Junior Member
mavroh Avatar
Ripper Avatar
- Ok so I do agree its a lot.. I mean a lot to sift through. I was thinking of giving general overviews of places, sticking myself to a word limit for the bigger places and putting the needed info into each one. Though I do agree the Demacia/Noxus conflict would probably be the biggest and kinda first overarching plot line. I do agree with a lot of what youre saying as far as the factions go though, it's gonna be a LOT if everythings opened up. Maybe the site could start with Demacia and Noxus and slowly expand as members kinda join in? As far as the races go I would be totally open to adding spirits and even half dragons. Maybe eventually the Void because we could have an event for some of the void stuff. I'm one of the nerds who got the lore book too so I have quick references
You could definitely JUST do Demacia/Noxus to start out, although I do think Piltover/Zaun should be part of the main setting. So basically


But Ionia, Ixtal, Bilgewater and Freljord could just be optional origins for the player. That'd be solved by simply adding a 'birthplace' or 'origin' tag on the character application. They could be later added via site events, for sure. And as for Shurima and the Shadow Isles, maybe they could be visited via situational quests/expeditions some characters can partake in and they would be locked otherwise to keep it focused on Valoran. It would certainly be a lot if everything is opened up, totally agree.

In that case, maybe you should change the name to Valoran Divided? Just so people don't get the impression all of Runeterra is always going to be available?

Apart from that, have you given any thought to the power system? Because I feel like bringing ranks or similar into it would make things kinda dull, although it would stifle "growth" somewhat. But all in all, I feel like a League roleplay shouldn't feel too shonen-y with being able to rank up and grow your character from meager to super ultra powerful using exp or gold or similar. Because although that would be in line with the game, I feel getting rid of the gamey aspects would be what makes rping a League setting worthwhile. Maybe being able to expand on your abilities somewhat? Or level up the individual abilities? Idk. But I was serious about every character only having five skills. I feel like that's the kind of limitation that fosters creativity as well as character themes. And it would mean most characters are automatically on a level playing field since no one has more or less abilities than someone else, and it just becomes a matter of how characters express and use these abilities and how they interact with one another. It would also keep it simple, while allowing people to create characters with really interesting and powerful abilities within that 'one passive, three miscalleneous and one ultimate ability' limitation. Anyways, that's my two cents on that.

Other than that, do you need any help setting anything up? Are you looking for any help beyond basic bouncing of ideas? Because I'll say I am down if you need anything. Now, obviously I don't know how to skin a site, otherwise I would be offering that straight out the gate, but for anything else feel free to hmu.

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