Tbh I know this probably won't get taken but... It's worth a shot? ;-;
Since there are no dark premade themes, I figured I'd request a skin for a sci fi RP I've had in the works... Skins are what always keep me from opening projects lol I'm using a premade now which is fine as a placeholder but ultimately, I'd like a unique skin.
Dark, futuristic, with pops of neon colors. Simple fonts, a basic header image with info below. Instead of a "spotlight" area, I wanted to highlight the "wanted" criminals so a small "wanted" type poster would be cool to see, and then a bigger, coded version for more details as one of the sites templates.
I don't have any images picked out or anything but I know they'll be cyberpunk/spacey and whatnot...
I'd be eternally grateful for anyone that even offers to help out. It can be jcink or proboards, at this point I don't mind much. I know there are pros and cons of both. So yeah... Send a PM or message on discord (midnightbloom#8636) and we can discuss further.
Ty ilu ;-;