regret roulette

pronounsshe/her/bad bitch
15written posts
Mirrorearned bits
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Mirror Avatar

lesson of the day: get better supportive friends.

so picture this: a new soda beverage came out. almost everyone's drinking it; ur mom, ur dad, ur grandma, even the pet goldfish u flushed down in the 6th grade. ok that one was a self diss you figured you can try it out and see what the hell the fuss is about. you buy it, you drink it, and holy heck does it taste good! you didn't mind spending a few, couple, okay maybe a lot of bucks on packs and packs of this soda, but so what? on a diet? every couple of days you can have it. bad diet? drink it all down. responsible adult? DRINK. IT. EVERY. DAY.

the next couple of days gets weird. you start to see... changes in people. weird ones. and by changes i mean people are turning into fucking zombies! and they aren't just any other regular old zombies... oh no, these freaks are special. how special you may ask? so special that one of them grew freakin TENDRILS!

i know what you're thinking, and you're either thinking two things: "oh no, i drank the soda! i'm gonna turn into one of these freaks!" or "well look like it's the end of the road for me lol." well you were wrong. VERY wrong.

you get superpowers. that's right, POWERS. you feel stronger, faster, smarter, and...

wait, are those cat ears sticking out on top of your head?

this caused a national lockdown of the city. no one gets in, no one gets out. that didn't stop the soda loving freaks to get out and roam wherever the hell they want. you don't know what the hell is going on, why the soda caused an entire apocalypse, or how lady luck blessed you with powers instead of being a soda loving freak, but there is something you do know:
kick ass and survive the sugary apocalypse.

hi lol. what you're about to read is the result of me deciding to be a ✨responsible✨ adult by having just a few sips of red wine at 10 pm. (this was a rough draft)

regret roulette (you should, like, totally check out that song btw it's by unlike pluto) is an apocalyptic roleplay that surrounds two things: zombies and soda. yes, if you read the overview, that is exactly where i am getting at. a new soda drink came out because the company that created it wanted to make the best drink anyone could bless their taste buds with, almost everyone loved it, then that some bitch turned those same people into flesh eating, soda lovin' mutants or granted them superpowers to wreck stuff up. oh, and cute cat ears. can't forget about those.

so why is soda the the main cause of a world-ending apocalypse, you may ask? well the answer is complex and quite complicated: because why the hell not?

i know what you're thinking, "mirror, what are some things i can expect from this glorious dumpster fire of an idea?" and i'm glad you asked, stranger that is reading this!!

1. i'm hopping on the jcink train. i want that ✨premium✨ good stuff.

2. rl face claims are not allowed. i will accept drawings or animated face claims of all kind, let it be from animanga, your own drawings, some random pic from the web, etc (just give credit where it's due, yo). OR you can go off the grid and have no fc at all.

3. so let's talk about the soda. two things will happen if you drink it: you turn into a zombie or you get friggin' superpowers. with car ears. or dog ears. maybe furry skin, who the hell knows? if you do decide to drink it for whatever insane reason, you better hope you get some cute cat ears (this is just a fancy way of saying powers and physical mutations will be involved to give you more freedom on who you want as a face claim).

4. the setting is futuristic because it just feels like it makes the most sense (and i want to allow people to go stupid crazy with weapons. not too stupid or crazy, but just the right amount).

5. SPEAKING OF WEAPONS... yes that is correct, you can't have an apocalyptic world without ✨weapons✨ or ✨gadgets✨ to become the ultimate badass of the century.

6. i wouldn't want to say the entire world has gone to a complete sugary mess. civilization still stands, but it's slowly crumbling down like a house of cards. :eyes:

7. i have an idea, to really emphasis the site's name, regret roulette, that if you want more powers, you drink the soda and staff gets to decide what your next power is. aka we want an excuse to see your character suffer. that or you can get the option to choose a power yourself.

8. as whacky as this concept is (the npc storytelling won't make things better lmao), i do want there to be a good balance in seriousness. yeah sure, zombies and soda is a completely random combination and sounds like ton of fun, but don't let that blind the fact that the world is kinda falling apart.

9. there will most likely be no activity checks. life happens and you won't be penalized for it. it is what it is. 

10. required word counts are also a no no. just be sure your cool rp partner is okay with the amount you're writing.

it may sound like a big cluster of disaster, but trust me, it'll be a fun cluster of disaster.
13written posts
saintearned bits
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saint Avatar
The moment I saw "soda loving zombies" I needed to see what was going on... and then the screenshot killed me lol.

Color me interested, this sounds like fun! I especially like the idea of staff choosing your powers if you drink the soda to get more of it! I just have two questions:

- You said you were going to go for premium on Jcink, will it be 18+?

- Are you using a traditional app or freeform app?

pronounsshe/her/bad bitch
15written posts
Mirrorearned bits
New Member
Mirror Avatar
dang i thought i was original LOL

saint Avatar
The moment I saw "soda loving zombies" I needed to see what was going on... and then the screenshot killed me lol.

Color me interested, this sounds like fun! I especially like the idea of staff choosing your powers if you drink the soda to get more of it! I just have two questions:

- You said you were going to go for premium on Jcink, will it be 18+?

- Are you using a traditional app or freeform app?

sorry i thought i replied but it looked like i didn't </3

1. nope! i will however put an age restriction (maybe 15 for underaged members as a minimum) just so we won't get any members that are TOO young.

2. i'm thinking about going freeform, or if i do go traditional, i'll make things optional to fill out like history and personality and you can do them however you like (list form, paragraphs, etc).
pronounsshe/her/bad bitch
15written posts
Mirrorearned bits
New Member
Mirror Avatar
hello hello, i'm here to post an update on this brilliant mess of an idea.

so most essentials are pretty much done. by that, i mean things like the plot, rules, ability guide, information of the soda, and the setting are completed.

member groups are the only essential info that has to be done and then i can worry about picking out a skin and do board locations.

that said, i decided to give you a rough-ish draft of the premise that is subjected to change. it's a liiiiiittle bit sardonic in narration (this applies to all the other essentials), but i think it helps set the overall tone of the site of silly and "the world is pretty screwed".

and if you want, you can't stop by the site's discord for updates on the site and even contribute to the site's development.

i swear, you won't regret it.


i'm sorry

Okay, you've read the rules? Great!- oh, you haven't? Well, why didn't you finish?! Wait, you did? Hell, I can't even tell. You're just reading the screen while I'm just here trying to figure out if I should move on or now!

You know what? You're smart. Or at least I hope you are. Right? Don't worry, I'm just kidding! Well, maybe a little. Anyway, let me tell you a story of how it all went down. And you better buckle up, because this shit show of a story is going to be wild.

With a zombie apocalypse, you'd think serious shit must've went down in some hospital or underground laboratory where some unknown virus broke out and it's infecting everyone into zombies. You know, your typical and RESPECTABLE cause of an apocalypse. Let me tell you this: the cause of the world going down the toilet is more ridiculous than you think, but it's pretty serious nonetheless if you ask me.

Spoiler alert: Soda.

Oh yes, you read that correctly. The cause of human civilization going to hell? Soda. In our once shithole of a ci- I mean, our glorious city that is... hold on, I kind of forgot the name. I lived here my whole life and I don't even remember the freaking name. Aren't I a fabulous tour guide? Okay, here we go! In our glorious city that is Rogate City! Rogate City in uh... it's in America... okay here we go, in Rogate City, New York! (Don't tell anyone, but it's actually a fictional city! I know, even I couldn't believe it.) Think of Rogate City as like Manhattan, but shittier. Like, reaaaally shitty. And snarky... and just plain ruder. Oh, and futuristic! pew pew. (Don't worry your cute little head, I'll go into more detail on what Rogate City is like.)

You know what? I'm going to try and speed things up. It's a lot less awkward than to try and entertain you with my underwhelming sarcasm and attempt of humorous pessimism.

January 21, 2031 (01/21/31, haha. I mean, it's kinda funny if your date is formatted as Month/Day/Year.) as was the day that a soda company named Soda Smash was created. Their motto was, "Soda Smash: where our soda will smash your tastebuds to the ground!" I know, no one even bothered to call this sorry excuse of a motto out. Anyway, the drink they created was called Blue Pepper. As stupid as it sounds, it's meant to be extremely fizzy while having a little spice to it. Oh and it's blue too. I guess.

Now here's the catcher with Soda Smash. They skipped ALL health protocols, tests, and basically things to make sure no one dies from this damn drink and immediately launched the product to the entire country. It was a instant hit before they began to make waves worldwide and sell their soda overseas. Almost everyone loved it; their moms, their dads, their grandmas, even the damn dogs wanted it more than water! And I'm not exaggerating. As the kids would say, the drink SLAPPED.

That was until literally before December 22 of the same year did shit began to hit the fan. And it was just before Christmas too! Bastards. Anyway, Blue Pepper was a special drink... so special, it turned out to be toxic. How toxic you may ask? That anyone who drank it became a mindless zombie that only loved two things: Blue Pepper and some human flesh. If you were bitten by the zombie, you'd turn into one. If 50 of those fuckers were eating you alive? You're just as good as dead. And let me tell you, 90.9% of the world were turning into these freaks.

But not all hope was lost! Lady Luck decided to sprinkle her miraculous bullshit and protect the rest of the people that had yet to be infected. If you drank the soda, well, your fate was split into 50/50. Either you turn into a zombie who'll stop at nothing for some Blue Pepper and human flesh... or gain powers. Yup, you heard that right. The soda's toxic as hell, but not everyone is destined to become a zombie. Rumor has it that the more you drink this stuff, you're toying with your life. Become
a zombie or gain more powers. Honestly if I were you, I'd not push your luck.

And let's not stop at powers and zombies, either. You think you can live freely with powers if there wasn't a physical consequence? Now it's not a complete guarantee to have powers without any mutation, but one or the other, or even both can happen. I'm talking cat tails, six eyes, horns sticking out of your damn temples. You may not even look human at all!

And now we fast forward to 2035, 4 years since the event. Rogate City is still standing and trying their best to fend off against the soda loving zombies. A cure has yet to be made and people are still dying one way or another, and not by zombies exclusively if you catch my drift.

Question is, can you handle this sugary apocalypse?