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what is/are your irl character development/s?

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scarletearned bits
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In short? Emotional regulation.

Normally a job does something to greatly upset me and I wind up forced to job hunt early out of necessity due to my productivity nosediving. My current job has threatened to do that to me at least two times now, and is veering on a third, but a combination of ADHD diagnosis, therapy, and medication has given the needed ability to step back from the intensity of my feelings and just... let a job be a job.

Similarly I was a highly anxious person for a long time, and it's strange to realize that anxiety is no longer the way I motivate myself. Instead I try and rebuild the structure of my routine to better facilitate my success. It's not always successful, and I have good and bad days, but the anxiety took a toll on me and it's a relief not to have it weighing on me now.

If I'm to be honest, a big improvement as well has been understanding the difference between empathizing with others and taking too much responsibility for other people's feelings. I can sense a distinct shift in how I handle other people's emotions. It used to make me viscerally uncomfortable to know people were upset with me, and I'd find myself doing everything I could to try and 'fix' the problem, regardless of whether or not that blame was actually fair to me. Taking a step back from people's intense feelings and focusing on what I can control is something I'm getting better at every day, though it's still a struggle.

There's a lot I'd like to improve upon in my life, but this change between my twenties and my thirties has been a positive one.
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