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Quick Interest Checks

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bunbunearned bits
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  • I'm not even sure what genre to call this ramble of wants, I thought to ask the community about something that may, or may not ever be made? So, here I go with a checklist of things, whee!

  • Set in Japan, where there are demons; there will be vampires too. Those are considered an offshoot. Not sure how that would be described in lore. No Angels; but humans could receive temporary powers from them, to use for certain callings at any time? Killing bad demons, vampires- or whatever purpose really. I don't want to restrict here?
  • Flukes; half breeds are playable of either demons and humans, or angels and humans. Either way...you're half and half, and powers are able to be used at will. Will leave it up to the player to decide if they're widely accepted by their kin or not.
  • The general public doesn't know about all this supernatural stuff, most debunk it as fake; or are glamored to forget it, or know about it and act according to how they want? You could still play as a normal human, doing your own thing?
last edit on Oct 1, 2018 5:25:07 GMT by bunbun
stultifera navis
566written posts
ninelieearned bits
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  • I'm not even sure what genre to call this ramble of wants, I thought to ask the community about something that may, or may not ever be made? So, here I go with a checklist of things, whee!

  • Set in Japan, where there are demons; there will be vampires too. Those are considered an offshoot. Not sure how that would be described in lore. No Angels; but humans could receive temporary powers from them, to use for certain callings at any time? Killing bad demons, vampires- or whatever purpose really. I don't want to restrict here?
  • Flukes; half breeds are playable of either demons and humans, or angels and humans. Either way...you're half and half, and powers are able to be used at will. Will leave it up to the player to decide if they're widely accepted by their kin or not.
  • The general public doesn't know about all this supernatural stuff, most debunk it as fake; or are glamored to forget it, or know about it and act according to how they want? You could still play as a normal human, doing your own thing?

Have you ever read the webtoon series Super Secret? It's like your idea except humans can enter contracts with supernatural beings. I like the idea of powers being transferred to humans tho (Super Secret doesn't quite have this aspect... yet) but definitely the whole contract idea coupled with some ghostbusting business sounds fun!

hover + icon by 旳---
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an anime/manga roleplay based around the books and movies of the twilight saga, set in forks, washington. includes the Swans, the Cullens, the Quileutes, and also just regular citizens. Would possibly play with the idea of a coven of witches/warlocks being tied into the world, too.

It would be interesting to see how all the characters come together, and how their application and journey deviates from the original canon.  Besides the families still being what they are (the Cullens vampires and the Quileutes werewolves and the Swans awkward humans), characters wouldn't have to go a strict path. I am not entirely sure how things would play out, or if there would be any over-arching plot or anything, but it's an idea that has always intrigued me for some reason.
last edit on Oct 21, 2018 22:10:56 GMT by Deleted
83written posts
tieflingearned bits
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pokemon x stardew valley/harvest moon/rune factory

  • alternate real world where pokemon exist alongside animals
  • 1:1 time movement w/ large timeskips if majority of members agree
  • can have 3 pokemon of any non legendary or UB species that cover a partner, a transport, an aid/worker
  • if you want three shiny gardevoir with different movesets to cover each of those categories you can do that idc
  • take up a role as a shopkeep of some kind, an adventurer, or go live and work on one of 5 farms
  • no number keeping besides knowing what season it is
  • staff are only there to kick trolls pretty much
  • anyone can run events - want to rip open a hole in timespace and drop giratina on everyone? ok go plan it out among members and get it going my dudes

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,354written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
honestly it might be kind of cool to do a panfandom a bit in some of the style of bendy and the ink machine?

for those unfamiliar with the game, the premise would be more or less that an old abandoned animation studio had some kind of demonic ink machine that took souls from the employees to bring the characters to life. might be cooler to do it as a wider combined themepark idea and do it as a wider thing but. yeah. idk how viable it would be.

i'm musing vaguely while watching a second playthrough for the ending of chapter five, let me rumble about it in the background

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tiefling Avatar
pokemon x stardew valley/harvest moon/rune factory

  • alternate real world where pokemon exist alongside animals
  • 1:1 time movement w/ large timeskips if majority of members agree
  • can have 3 pokemon of any non legendary or UB species that cover a partner, a transport, an aid/worker
  • if you want three shiny gardevoir with different movesets to cover each of those categories you can do that idc
  • take up a role as a shopkeep of some kind, an adventurer, or go live and work on one of 5 farms
  • no number keeping besides knowing what season it is
  • staff are only there to kick trolls pretty much
  • anyone can run events - want to rip open a hole in timespace and drop giratina on everyone? ok go plan it out among members and get it going my dudes

this is one of the best ideas. I love it, and fully support this becoming a thing. I have never played harvest moon/stardew valley/rune factory, but I love their worlds and I have always been a pokemon fan. Would totally join.
stultifera navis
566written posts
ninelieearned bits
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honestly it might be kind of cool to do a panfandom a bit in some of the style of bendy and the ink machine?

for those unfamiliar with the game, the premise would be more or less that an old abandoned animation studio had some kind of demonic ink machine that took souls from the employees to bring the characters to life. might be cooler to do it as a wider combined themepark idea and do it as a wider thing but. yeah. idk how viable it would be.

i'm musing vaguely while watching a second playthrough for the ending of chapter five, let me rumble about it in the background

Yes to everything to this!! I love the theme park aesthetic. Along with that vein, I would die for a panfandom rp based loosely on the premise of Re:Creators (animated creations coming to life in the real world – yes, OUR world!). Go watch Re:Creators if you haven't already, everything about it is amazing

also mentioned about a Castlevania RP... I binged the second season on Netflix last night, I'm super hyped for this already.

hover + icon by 旳---
3written posts
smileearned bits
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Hello, hello! I'm currently working on a board based on a genre I've seen picking up traction in various manga/anime, lately-- People being reincarnated, or summoned, from earth to a fantasy world, where they can grow into heroes, legends, or demon lords, with a system of growing stronger and learning skills that resembles that of a video game. I know it's rare to see a board that encourages over powered characters, but considering each person would have to to start from nothing and work their way up, I think it could be fun! Characters could be a large variety of races, including monsters for those who have been reincarnated. Some examples of this genre would be 'Reincarnated as a Slime', 'So I'm a Spider, So What', 'Re:Monster', 'Dungeon Nursery', 'Maou-Sama Retry', 'Souzai Saishuka no Isekai Ryokouki'-- Honestly, there's so many and I can't stop reading them, please send help.

That aside, I've already been working on a board layout for funsies, the progress for which can be found here!

I'm not great at the story and world building side of things, however, so I would need a lot of help to get this made. ^^;
stultifera navis
566written posts
ninelieearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
Thanks in part of binging half of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix, a dark supernatural roleplay focused on covens of witches and warlocks living in secrecy amongst mortals in a sleepy town setting!

I absolutely loved the lore/mythos of the witches' culture, rituals, spells, etc.... basically everything about them in the show. Witches and Warlocks come of age at sixteen years old, whereupon they (literally) sign their soul away to Satan (Ahem, the Dark Lord!) in a pretty spooky satanic cult ritual.

Aside from normal/mortal humans and immortal (in the long-lived sense) witches and warlocks, players could play as familiars or other supernatural beings that creep and crawl in the night.

hover + icon by 旳---
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So color me curious, just want to see if anyone would be interested in a site like this? An open world for exploration and potentially character-driven/plot driven.
  • Setting: A world ravaged by demonic, horrific beings that twist and turn and taint anything they touch with 'sin' a substance no one can escape. Once it takes hold you either become a 'sinner' or die in the process. Thus, when sin first appeared it ravaged the world it took everyone by surprise. Towns and cities were torn down, people died and the population became nothing but a speck of what it used to be. Now, the Church holds one of the only few lands untainted by sin, protected by artifacts and 'saints' who wield its power and are able to destroy sin, and temporarily purge it from the land.
  • Semi-Medieval: I say 'semi' because thanks to strange, foreign artifacts the world has dipped in a strange medieval/modern au-like period. Where architecture and the setting is still relatively medieval but different areas of technology have become advanced. I'd dabble into saying mostly a scientific side. Lights, computers, etc. But maybe no internet/long range communication. A sort of standing technology that while works where it is, lacks the ability to cover long distance or communicate otherwise. Debatable and this is super rough explanation.
  • Class/Races: There's no separate races, humans would be the only playable race because sin-infected are no longer sane. But, there would be classes based on status and/or other things. Such as civilians, knights, saints, priests and bishops. Civilians are the mass population that reside within the safe walls provided by the church. Knights are soldiers that work for the church, but they don't wield any (weapon) holy artifacts but they do have jewelry blessed by it, allowing them to temporarily ward of sin but are incapable of purifying. Saints are the few but the backbone of the knights, chosen by the holy artifacts to wield them in battle they are capable of purifying sin from the land.
  • T-1 System: Fairly free-form combat/ability system to start. Adjusting as necessary to fit the site's needs.

But yeah, if anyone's interested or wants to know more feel free to dm me about it. ♥

Army-Crushing Star
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Benetnaschearned bits
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
Deva Avatar
Semi-Medieval: I say 'semi' because thanks to strange, foreign artifacts the world has dipped in a strange medieval/modern au-like period. Where architecture and the setting is still relatively medieval but different areas of technology have become advanced. I'd dabble into saying mostly a scientific side. Lights, computers, etc. But maybe no internet/long range communication. A sort of standing technology that while works where it is, lacks the ability to cover long distance or communicate otherwise. Debatable and this is super rough explanation.

That's kinda hot tbh
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Would anyone be interested in dedicating some time in a small worldbuilding RP? Something akin to a sandbox but not quite.

  • The genre is still up in the air, but I really want to make new friends, and create something fun. Where we all just fabricate the world, its inhabitants, and the story. We all play a part in it's creation rather than a few staff members generating a plot in which our characters won't have a part in.
  • By small I mean, no heavy advertising, no activity checks, etc. Just some people who enjoy writing with others. Of course there won't be complaints if it attracts a few people, but I wouldn't go out of my way to force people in or to stay.
  • Free form applications, no systems, no rules. No reason to say your character is too op for its own good or that it doesn't fit the theme. Just one goal, and that is to write our stories.

I don't suspect that this will gain alot of attention, but atm I rp on a smallish site that really just goes at its own pace, --and i have to say, ive had the most fun rping there the last two years than anywhere else.