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Quick Interest Checks

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NULLearned bits
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So because my muse is a fickle p.o.s, I have decided to officially start the groundwork for a Multiverse style rp. Some quick notes

-The setting will slightly futuristic compared to modern day, (think like, FF7). Take place in the capital city of an Empire which is roughly the size of Eurasia (To allow for more boards, and ideas to happen as the site progresses)
-Very simple power tier system that's a quick reference to how strong a character is X rank would be similar to students from H.P, XX Rank would be close to Captain America, XXX Rank would be Sephiroth (for example)
-Characters from any fandom can be applied for, as long as they fall under an illustrated, or animanga style, and if they make senses. Aang would be fine, but Bugs Bunny would not
-Rule of Cool aspects, yeah it detracts from "Realistic" storytelling, but it will allow for more compelling narratives (I:E, The Chosen Undead from Dark Souls would be able to have a sword fight with a Jedi OC and their sword wouldn't be cut in half, unless desired??)
-Up to two of the same canons, if their arcs are different enough like Shipudden Naruto and Boruto Naruto. And up to three Silent Protag characters from different universes (Hunters from Bloodborne, or Dragonborn for Skyrim)
-OCs can come from fandom universes, and even AU fandom universes but they cannot have prior interactions with canons from their verse.
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Ludoearned bits
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Dragon age roleplay except it's focused mostly on Dalish elves? IDK I'm still hashing out ideas, I just think the Dalish are neat! Maybe focus it on a few clans and let people create their own? I'm imagining slice of life out in the wilds with a touch of inter-clan politics, probably some drama between rivaling clans too? IDK....Think warrior cats RP but like Dalish elves?
Elemental Enthusiast
982written posts
Mariearned bits
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eternally tired
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So because my muse is a fickle p.o.s, I have decided to officially start the groundwork for a Multiverse style rp. Some quick notes

-The setting will slightly futuristic compared to modern day, (think like, FF7). Take place in the capital city of an Empire which is roughly the size of Eurasia (To allow for more boards, and ideas to happen as the site progresses)
-Very simple power tier system that's a quick reference to how strong a character is X rank would be similar to students from H.P, XX Rank would be close to Captain America, XXX Rank would be Sephiroth (for example)
-Characters from any fandom can be applied for, as long as they fall under an illustrated, or animanga style, and if they make senses. Aang would be fine, but Bugs Bunny would not
-Rule of Cool aspects, yeah it detracts from "Realistic" storytelling, but it will allow for more compelling narratives (I:E, The Chosen Undead from Dark Souls would be able to have a sword fight with a Jedi OC and their sword wouldn't be cut in half, unless desired??)
-Up to two of the same canons, if their arcs are different enough like Shipudden Naruto and Boruto Naruto. And up to three Silent Protag characters from different universes (Hunters from Bloodborne, or Dragonborn for Skyrim)
-OCs can come from fandom universes, and even AU fandom universes but they cannot have prior interactions with canons from their verse.

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Plemithearned bits
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I've had so many ideas banging around, this one currently. Modern-ish military/political, the game Diplomacy would be a good comparison, starting from a real date and then diverging into an alternate history version of the world. Unlike Diplomacy though, not everyone would have to take a "leadership" role, some might enjoy doing other things.
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Deletedearned bits
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So hey. I’ve had a lot of ideas swirling around in my head, and I decided “hey, why not combine them all?” This is the result. I’ll throw this in here to see if it gains traction.

ESPER is a potential fantasy RP based primarily on Final Fantasy Tactics. There have been several (three, if I’m not mistaken) attempts at making an FFT site, but this time things’ll be different. Instead of a hyper-complicated class system, skills and abilities are now freeform.

The story is radically different from most FFT sites, too. Instead of being set in strictly medieval fantasy, we’re setting this around roughly 1789. Those of you who are familiar with that year can probably divine the plot from there.

For those who aren’t, the plot is simple: Ivalice is under revolution. Inspired by liberal ideals, revolutionaries have sprung up to combat the Ivalice monarchy, one of the oldest and most entrenched monarchies in the entire world.

Both sides – Monarchist and Revolutionary – make heavy use of powered individuals known as mages for combat. The fiercest of these mages are called Espers.

In bullet points:

+A fantasy RP loosely based on the world of Ivalice and the real-life French Revolution.

+Players must choose between Monarchist or Revolutionary for their affiliation.

+A complex but easy-to-understand power system that is heavily tied to the lore and setting.

+Flexible character creation!

EDIT: If this gets sufficient interest, I will spin this off into a full IC thread.
last edit on Dec 9, 2019 16:13:50 GMT by Deleted
375written posts
watcherearned bits
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ESPER is a potential fantasy RP based primarily on Final Fantasy Tactics. There have been several (three, if I’m not mistaken) attempts at making an FFT site, but this time things’ll be different. Instead of a hyper-complicated class system, skills and abilities are now freeform.

The flexible character creation is tempting, but if I remember correctly FFT likes to do the evil church thing, which is one of my pet peeves... murgh...
Elemental Enthusiast
982written posts
Mariearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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eternally tired
Thinking of making an Aether Eternius (basically a magical afterlife with elementals) site but with some MMORPG and/or D&D inspired mechanics???

Not sure if the setting is actually gonna be a game, or if it's just the site mechanics that will be game-inspired..
I don't want to make it super focused on the mechanics tho..

Other ideas I had for the site: optional faceclaims (but if you wanna use a faceclaim it has to be animanga), possibly an optional app, no activity requirements (because I'm not good at being super active myself, so I don't expect others to be super active)

(also, this would probably be on jcink??? But I'm not 100% sure yet)

someone please help me figure stuff out ówò
last edit on Dec 23, 2019 4:53:02 GMT by Mari
41written posts
ghostieearned bits
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Just curious if anyone else is interested in this?

Apocalyptic slice of life (not zombies or monsters) something focused on character interactions and surviving with a focus on people just trying to survive. (Scavenging, hunting, taming animals) but without all the need for mechanics. Maybe sickness wiped out a huge chunk of the world or maybe kinda like a spore scenario thats affecting the air?? Society trying to revive itself.

Just something where there isn't a bunch of mechanics to worry over and is more casual. Just a thought.
last edit on Dec 28, 2019 8:14:48 GMT by ghostie
9written posts
canityearned bits
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I feel like I'm taking a huuuuuge leap of faith on this one (mainly because idk if there's a decent buzz for this in the rp world anymore), but I'm a S A V A G E so here we go:

To keep all of this short, I just started watching Bloom Into You and it got me thinking; what if I make a yuri-themed all girls school? :thinking: But instead of a high school, it's a 4 year college because I'm personally not comfortable with playing characters under 18.

Now, here's where things can take a turn: it would run under classism. In other words, instead of going by typical years, people are labeled by their social class e.g. rich = silver spoons, poor = wooden spoons (lol), the rich is favored, etc etc.

There's some more twists to come, but these are some general ideas I had in mind. c:
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Deletedearned bits
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ion wanna give too much away, but i will say that the lack of a:tla sites is concerning me. therefore, i've taken it upon myself to make one.

now as you can tell, i plan to make a site that's loosely based around a:tla. obviously au btw. i checked to see if someone else had the same idea that i was thinking and it looked like someone did (it looked like they poofed tho so i guess it's my time to shine |D). i wanted to give it a fresh new twist while still keeping some aspects of it that are still recognizable. again i won't give too much away, but i'll make a full thread of this and go into detail of each point made if there's enough interest. :dab:

here's a sneak peak of what to expect:

  • so first thing's first, there will be no avatar in the sense of how the position is used in the series. instead, it'll have another purpose (which will be explained in another point)
  • completely original countries with fresh new spakin' lore and other locations with positions to snag (some will be unlimited to take, others will be limited).
  • i want to explore the combat aspect of a:tla, but it won't be the main focus of the site. it'll just be there. that said, there won't be stats because ew, but nominal ranks to measure a bender's strength. therefore, chi pools will be a must maybe they'll be superhuman benders while we're at it. that way, nonbenders can still have an edge in a fight. :eyes:
  • and yes you can be a civilian and not get involved in combat.
  • chi will be used for more than just typical bending and healing. chi will be manipulate to create other techniques for those that are nonbenders (think chakra from naruto). again, that way those that are nonbenders can still have an edge in a fight.
  • sPEakiNG oF NarUTo (i just made this up because i just said naruto lolol), i plan to take specialties from that and implement it to the a:tla world under different names. namely chi bending (ninjutsu), body techs (taijutsu), weaponry (obv), and possibly illusions.
  • i may implement a religious system as to how people believed the world was created (like the spirit world, there's one god (the avatar), multiple gods, etc). that can cook up some delicious plots and stuff.
  • overall conflict will depend on each country's history so there'll be drama left to right. on the topic of said conflict, let's just say people can travel but you better make sure you blend in with the crowd. :eyes:
  • politics will play a large part of the site overall, so for all you ic political nuts looking to abuse your powers, you got it.
  • clearly this won't be apart of the site right away, but perhaps supernatural being can play into the mix that are aligned to elements? tailed beasts? kitsune? vampires? who knoooows.
  • let's get one thing straight: advanced elements like metal, ice, etc will be unlocked based on ranks.
  • military system for each country? :eyes

so yup. those are the main points i wanted to get out of the way. it's a huge project i'm working on lolol. again it's a:tla based with some new elements thrown into the mix. if there's enough interest, i'll post a very detailed thread of each point made and possibly a discord server when i'm ready for that. if you's interested, don't be afraid to pm or sMAsH tHAT LIkE bUTtOn.

you'll be privileged with a sneak peak of the site's information and get to create your characters early before the grand opening when the site gets to that point. that's how much i wanna spoil you.