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Quick Interest Checks

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fast & loose summary of the plot:
the largest & oldest family in shanghai's estate is burned to the ground, killing majority of the main family, and leaves a gaping hole in shanghai's mafia world. as everyone starts to point fingers and tensions build, the city's underbelly starts to move with everyone from established families to up-and-coming gangs looking to fill the void left by them.
member groups are: 3-5 canon families, the police, and an assassins' guild.

all characters start as the lowest level in their respective member group and work their way up in the system by gaining infamy through participation in missions and site events, and once you reach a certain level of infamy and fulfill another requirement, you can apply for a promotion.

other things to keep in mind:
- some places we've drawn inspo from are: baccano (series), dragon age (series), cultist simulator (game)
- plot & character development will be a focus of the site
- time on the site will pass. progression is inevitable. the specifics of this are tbd. aka no liquid time
- things have been purposely left from this post because of expected plot progression. 
- if there's interest in this i'll make a thread and post periodic updates, maybe ig

aliasrico, holly
pronounsshe/her, they/them
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ricochetearned bits
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ricochet Avatar
you say, "how can you love me this way?" i say, "it's easy but i can't explain"
a good ol' harvest moon/stardew valley site where there's less emphasis on farming mechanics (up for debate, though, if that's a wanted thing) and more emphasis on character development/slice of life stuff. i've already got the bare bones of a site started up, just need some staff and people who are interested in a good ol' farming time. animanga fcs, jcink, etc.
125written posts
Tylerearned bits
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Okay, spitballing here, but: a fantasy setting with the conventions of Western-style world building, like DnD, Lord of the Rings, et cetera, but with the action of a shonen anime. Very simple mechanics/progression system to determine what a character can do/how strong they are, but no math or the like in battle.
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Okay, spitballing here, but: a fantasy setting with the conventions of Western-style world building, like DnD, Lord of the Rings, et cetera, but with the action of a shonen anime. Very simple mechanics/progression system to determine what a character can do/how strong they are, but no math or the like in battle.

I'm thinking of making a site like this. PM me if you're interested in collaborating.
789written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
Part of the Furniture
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Panfandom with original dragon bonds. Faction-based, with "territory claims" shifting in the neutral areas depending on the amount of finished threads or posts in a certain timeframe. Not necessarily based around fighting; simply having civilian presence could increase the influence one faction has in a territory, since those civilians could arguably vote in leadership.

Allows OCs from either the existing world or pre-published worlds, because I could honestly dump all my OCs somewhere. Inclusive of book canons. Preference for illustrated mediums but it's not heavily enforced.

Characters could start with a dragon, ignore the dragon-bonding thing, or hit a certain number of posts and get a custom designed dragon (because making custom dragons is hard work, i'm not doing it for everyone who joins because a lot of people end up flaking; hitting a certain # of posts means the effort isn't wasted). Dragons would be of equal rarity and each have different physiological traits and powers.

The faction conflict can be ignored, esp by civilian RP'ers, but a faction must be chosen (you are a citizen of either faction's land). Factions are probably generic Dusk Clan and Generic Dawn Clan, probably either Seelie and Unseelie fae courts or orcs n elves. Factions can interact in neutral territories; established neutral cities can become major melting pots of both groups. Faction just determines what route your character votes if you're a civilian.

First phase of the RP will probably be based around determining some sort of chain of command now that the Queens of the Factions have fallen into eternal slumber. Lots of room for power-hungry villains and well-meaning heroes to gain control. 
last edit on Jan 21, 2020 5:41:08 GMT by illidan main

avatar and hover by phobic art, commissioned for me
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I haven't seen many animanga urban fantasy sites set in the USA as of late - most of them are set in Japan (nothing wrong with that, just not my thing). So would anyone be interested in a US-based site loosely based on the original Digital Devil Saga novels (and possibly Persona)?

Mostly I just want a site with a lot of diversity in it. PM me if interested in collaborating with this site.
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would a slice of life with characters as personified objects interest anyone?? if a person is personified as a dollar bill, maybe they can see other people's worth, or someone personified as a mirror could reflect people's feelings/talents, or a character who is the embodiment of a lamp could be a 'light' to others... maybe, someone is the embodiment of a rug would just let someone walk all over them?? 

been thinking of making something like this for a while. it would be a fictional small town, super laid back. characters have similar affiliations with their personification (like above) and some could even have an esp/minor psychic ability, but it wouldn't be a powers site... characters wouldn't be able to turn into animals or create fire or anything like that. and only one character could represent a certain object at a time.

i just want to see if anyone would be interested in something like this! 
last edit on Jan 27, 2020 15:25:20 GMT by Deleted
547written posts
Ludoearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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Kind of feeling the urge for just a good wholesome slice of life panfandom, maybe focusing on Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks...I feel like maybe I'd wanna have it be mostly Western properties, there's a lot of panfandoms undoubtedly dominated by anime, I'd love to get my Disney buffs together /eyes

- No strict word count or activity requirements, just real laid back and easy to manage.
- Probably set in a small city or maybe a university or college setting or maybe both, no extreme bells and whistles, the characters have just always lived there like that.
- Probably set up like a modernized fantasy, kind of like the set up of the upcoming movie Onwards has? Where it's fantastical but also set in a modernized world!

Would anyone even WANT a site that was this laid back and simplistic? IDK, maybe it's just me, I feel like having such a diverse collection of characters would make up for the simplistic plot and premise. I'd love to see some of the fun interactions that could come from it, it wouldn't be devoid of conflict, after all villains gonna villain right? But it's just a kind of soft and wholesome idea I've been poking at.
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
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bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
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this is my murder mittens ^-^
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ya know what, Log Horizon, especially after finally getting a season 3 announcement.

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Plemithearned bits
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ya know what, Log Horizon, especially after finally getting a season 3 announcement.
Yep, October this year baring no delays (You never know), but it's def under appreciated
last edit on Jan 29, 2020 9:23:02 GMT by Plemith
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It pops up every so often, and with the release of the upcoming Last Evolution movies, Digimon has pulled me back in. I swear I'm going to die with this fandom. You think Pokemon has a nostalgia factor? 

Strange things have been happening in Union Ridge City, ever since the release of the mobile app "Our War Game". Pixelated clouds have appeared in the sky, creating electronic disturbances and black outs, releasing strange digital lifeforms onto an unsuspecting world. Armed with the Digivice Gauntlet, partnered with a Digimon snatched away from their home reality, players are conscripted into a "War Game" by a mysterious AI who offers them both help and an ultimatum- play the game and win, saving both the Digital and Real World, or lose and doom both.

I'm excited about bringing a bit of a tabletop feel with the War Game. Digivices in this story allows the player to run Programs, which can be collected and activated like tabletop cantrips and spells. It's mostly for story, as we're not meant to be a combat focused site.

Most of the site is done, if anyone wants to take a look, and I'll be opening up for a sandbox/soft open soon enough. We're aiming for a lowkey, nostalgia dive into the series, so if you enjoyed Digimon Adventure, it may be a good fit.

Edit: Discord DM is ok too, just don't be weird. Kewkew#3947
last edit on Feb 21, 2020 17:45:13 GMT by kewkew