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Quick Interest Checks

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Ludoearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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A warrior cats roleplay involving canon characters set after the first book so that the story after that is largely open ended? The fire alone prophecy still exists BUT how it ends up playing out might end up different? Different characters could potentially be villains.

Eventually I would probably manually move the forest cats to the lake as per the plot.

Idk I just want to do warrior cats but like with canon characters?

Another idea is to set it at the start of the clans arriving at the lake? I might do that instead but playing out the exodus there could be fun...I dunno!
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
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i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
Not doing a full interest check (yet) because I don't have a proper plot set in stone, but I'm playing Arknights and I love it, so I want a heckin' Arknights RP, baybeeeeee.

The main issues are that I haven't played exceptionally far in, so I don't have Ultimate Knowledge of the world and where best to pull things from. The ideal, as well, would be to run it in such a way that people who have only played a bit (like me) or people who HAVEN'T played would still be able to participate just as much as someone fully caught up in the game and with the lore; something that is set in the world, but is separate from the plot so that advancements in the game's story don't necessarily effect (read: completely ruin) the site and its plot. AND TRUTH BE TOLD... I DUNNO HOW TO ACCOMPLISH ANY OF THIS, but if there are people out there who do/have ideas, please let me know and we can work together to make a heckin' cool site. :clap:
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,358written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
pharaoh leap Avatar
Not doing a full interest check (yet) because I don't have a proper plot set in stone, but I'm playing Arknights and I love it, so I want a heckin' Arknights RP, baybeeeeee.

The main issues are that I haven't played exceptionally far in, so I don't have Ultimate Knowledge of the world and where best to pull things from. The ideal, as well, would be to run it in such a way that people who have only played a bit (like me) or people who HAVEN'T played would still be able to participate just as much as someone fully caught up in the game and with the lore; something that is set in the world, but is separate from the plot so that advancements in the game's story don't necessarily effect (read: completely ruin) the site and its plot. AND TRUTH BE TOLD... I DUNNO HOW TO ACCOMPLISH ANY OF THIS, but if there are people out there who do/have ideas, please let me know and we can work together to make a heckin' cool site. :clap:

i don't have the time or spoons to actually staff anything but i'm so feral for arknights (especially if you let me rp the canons, shiva, please, give me courier and lappland i'm begging you), but. 0 qualms about if you wanna take this and run with it.

basically, my first thought was orienting the site so that it's focused around rhodes island (as in 90% of characters are meant to be operators at rhodes island, with a handful of others in other factions but it's very much cautioned as "hey you can pick up a character in the lgd or reunion but you may struggle to get thread partners") and building things out from there in terms of like..... having a mission system for members to participate in and some missions are just ways for people to connect but others are designed to be site progression stuff in the style of events (like you can do reunion vs the lgd vs rhodes island for control of lungmen and whoever gets x amount of points first in their mission threads gets to "win" the event). that way, the bulk of the need-to-know lore is all stuff that's laid out pretty early and a lot of it is familiar, and you can divorce yourself entirely from the events other than like.... the darknights gives more context to w but outside of those situations, it's not hard required.

and like i said. please i'm begging you let me play canons, so much of my appeal for arknights is just gutted if it's an oc-only site, kthx

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Deletedearned bits
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original high fantasy rp using a d&d 5e hack character progression system with ready-to-play classes that can be flavoured any way you want, and the opportunity to make your own spells or talents as you level up; milestone leveling; staff and member-driven plot-lines; guilds that make for easy plot hooks; and more.
251written posts
milkearned bits
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still lactose intolerant

Full disclosure I've always wanted to be a princess.

Whenever Royalty is involved in RP it's always understandably some all-important or canon position. I wanna go back to messing around and having fun with the anime of vibe of there's always an anime brand academy for that.

So how about a lowkey fantasy/slice of life royal academy rp? Sounds like an off brand mobile otome game, but sometimes that's what I kinda vibe with. Basic premise is that there's this academy/university(?) that all royal kids get sent to, could be modern dayish with a freeform but not that extensive magic system. (Think like magic has devolved as modern technology has become favored, people at most can do cantrips for flavortext and that's it)

There would be 'major' countries but then people could be free to make their own minor kingdoms and whatnot to flesh out the world. A fleeting thought anyway~~

0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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Since there's some interest in it from the Sites You Want To See thread, I'm thinking of setting up a medieval fantasy magic school RP. If there's enough interest in it, I can set up a full IC and Discord server and start working on the site's lore. Right now, the only detail set in stone is that it is not going to be a Harry Potter clone - there's enough HP sites already, and I want to do something different.

EDIT: I now have a full Interest Check.
last edit on Feb 27, 2021 5:10:53 GMT by Deleted
251written posts
milkearned bits
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still lactose intolerant
yumyums Avatar
Since there's some interest in it from the Sites You Want To See thread, I'm thinking of setting up a medieval fantasy magic school RP. If there's enough interest in it, I can set up a full IC and Discord server and start working on the site's lore. Right now, the only detail set in stone is that it is not going to be a Harry Potter clone - there's enough HP sites already, and I want to do something different.

Heck YES!

I'm definitely in a magical and academy mood lately, but basically, every single magical academy is just Hogwarts and that one Ilvermorny site I saw forever ago. Arguably Boku no Hero sites are magical academy but a little to the left, but I haven't found a spark at one enough to stick around. And I'm just not much into Harry Potter to really immerse myself into an RP for it (obviously no offense to all those that are)
last edit on Feb 25, 2021 14:33:03 GMT by milk
50written posts
willowearned bits
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In the progress of making a statless naruto AU roleplay (set just before villages formed). How many people would actually be interested in this?

It'll start with one village to keep members close and connected and eventually branch out. It'd be fully up to the users and their roleplay as to how and when the villages would begin to form.
last edit on Feb 26, 2021 4:13:36 GMT by willow
Rodent King
1,729written posts
Mouseearned bits
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where fears and lies melt away.
willow Avatar
In the progress of making a statless naruto AU roleplay (set just before villages formed). How many people would actually be interested in this?

It'll start with one village to keep members close and connected and eventually branch out. It'd be fully up to the users and their roleplay as to how and when the villages would begin to form.

If I can play as a red-haired Uchiha and don't have to jump through hopes to do it - I'm there.
50written posts
willowearned bits
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willow Avatar
In the progress of making a statless naruto AU roleplay (set just before villages formed). How many people would actually be interested in this?

It'll start with one village to keep members close and connected and eventually branch out. It'd be fully up to the users and their roleplay as to how and when the villages would begin to form.
If I can play as a red-haired Uchiha and don't have to jump through hopes to do it - I'm there.
Personally doesn't matter to me so long as it makes sense from a genetic standpoint. I don't care if a Hyuuga has green hair so long as they got it from someone. Could be their great grandmother for all I care.
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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a supernatural role play site (animanga, jcink [premium]). things that go bump in the night, the monsters that live in the shadows of the city (vampires, werewolves), contesting for power in the streets. witches and oracles with the power—great power—to drive change amidst the concrete and darkness. demon pacts and fae bargains. mortals who are in too deep to ever go back to a mundane, normal life.

staff- and member-driven factions and plot-lines (personal and political). a dead-easy system for determining the outcome of character actions using degrees of success and failure.

257written posts
styrofoam eaterearned bits
styrofoam eater
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i like the cronch
yumyums Avatar
Do you like sports anime or TV shows? Do you like MOBA-centric e-sports? Do you like weird, over-the-top superhuman battles? Do you like weird magitek fantasy a la League of Legends and Eberron? Then boy, do I have a proposal for you!

Dungeon Jam is an upcoming RP set in a world that's a weird fusion of sci-fi and D&Desque fantasy, and centered around big magic battles between student athletes with superhuman powers. Players can play as virtually any species (within a short list of guidelines), and can come up with virtually any power they can imagine - the plot is centered around big, over-the-top battles between students. If you like games like League of Legends or anime like My Hero Academia, this might be for you!

I'll make the site regardless, but I'm just testing the interest level in this. The more people willing to join - or better yet, help - the better.

164written posts
Fujiearned bits
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If I can play as a red-haired Uchiha and don't have to jump through hopes to do it - I'm there.
Personally doesn't matter to me so long as it makes sense from a genetic standpoint. I don't care if a Hyuuga has green hair so long as they got it from someone. Could be their great grandmother for all I care.

I love this idea. I want to play in a Naruto world but stats just seem to bog it down too much. I like the idea that players should be able to handle rp fights amongst themselves without algebra involved
50written posts
willowearned bits
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willow Avatar
Personally doesn't matter to me so long as it makes sense from a genetic standpoint. I don't care if a Hyuuga has green hair so long as they got it from someone. Could be their great grandmother for all I care.

I love this idea. I want to play in a Naruto world but stats just seem to bog it down too much. I like the idea that players should be able to handle rp fights amongst themselves without algebra involved
When you say statless, you're also referring to members having to allocate their jutsu as well, correct? Or are you only referring to things like str/dex/int, etc. I was considering a trust system where there would be mods that moderate combat threads to make sure there's no god modding. Members wouldn't have to have a jutsu list, but their jutsu would basically be assumed. They'd still have to list their natures, but no jutsu list required. Is that what you mean? It would be a more social based roleplay with missions as an option or assume (just as if someone only wanted to do combat/missions their social life is assume) and you'd get credit for whichever you wanted to focus on).
last edit on Feb 26, 2021 21:11:37 GMT by willow