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Quick Interest Checks

frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
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pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
Kuroya Avatar
i don't have the time or spoons to actually staff anything but i'm so feral for arknights (especially if you let me rp the canons, shiva, please, give me courier and lappland i'm begging you), but. 0 qualms about if you wanna take this and run with it.

basically, my first thought was orienting the site so that it's focused around rhodes island (as in 90% of characters are meant to be operators at rhodes island, with a handful of others in other factions but it's very much cautioned as "hey you can pick up a character in the lgd or reunion but you may struggle to get thread partners") and building things out from there in terms of like..... having a mission system for members to participate in and some missions are just ways for people to connect but others are designed to be site progression stuff in the style of events (like you can do reunion vs the lgd vs rhodes island for control of lungmen and whoever gets x amount of points first in their mission threads gets to "win" the event). that way, the bulk of the need-to-know lore is all stuff that's laid out pretty early and a lot of it is familiar, and you can divorce yourself entirely from the events other than like.... the darknights gives more context to w but outside of those situations, it's not hard required.

and like i said. please i'm begging you let me play canons, so much of my appeal for arknights is just gutted if it's an oc-only site, kthx

Getting back to you much later, because we've been kind of discussing what we wanna do and where we wanna take this. The rough idea is to kind of divorce the site from the events in the game while staying true to the lore - so setting it in one of the lesser explored countries outside of the RI versus Reunion conflict and exploring tensions with the Infected there (thinking Victoria, probably, but that may change, who knows). That way nothing with the game will conflict with the site, probably, and we have a bit more wiggle-room with our factions. We talked about canons, yay or nay, but without that RI focus, they wouldn't make much sense - and most of us are a little on the fence, if not outright opposed to their inclusion on the site, so they probably won't be allowed. :'c

I know neither of these were really what you were looking for in your reply I'm so sorry, but despite that, would this still be interesting... at all? Is there anything that could be added to the site that would still catch your interest, even without the canons/following the game's plot? We're still very much in the brainstorming phase, so while I can't guarantee anything will for sure get passed through, any food for thought is much appreciated. TuTb
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,360written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
pharaoh leap Avatar
Getting back to you much later, because we've been kind of discussing what we wanna do and where we wanna take this. The rough idea is to kind of divorce the site from the events in the game while staying true to the lore - so setting it in one of the lesser explored countries outside of the RI versus Reunion conflict and exploring tensions with the Infected there (thinking Victoria, probably, but that may change, who knows). That way nothing with the game will conflict with the site, probably, and we have a bit more wiggle-room with our factions. We talked about canons, yay or nay, but without that RI focus, they wouldn't make much sense - and most of us are a little on the fence, if not outright opposed to their inclusion on the site, so they probably won't be allowed. :'c

I know neither of these were really what you were looking for in your reply I'm so sorry, but despite that, would this still be interesting... at all? Is there anything that could be added to the site that would still catch your interest, even without the canons/following the game's plot? We're still very much in the brainstorming phase, so while I can't guarantee anything will for sure get passed through, any food for thought is much appreciated. TuTb

unfortunately for me, both of those things are gonna be hard dealbreakers for me. which doesn't mean i don't wish y'all the best (or that it's necessarily a bad site idea), just that i know i have no interest in the site and i'd rather not have y'all thinking i'm gonna join when i'm just.... not.

from a personal standpoint, as i stated in an entirely unrelated thread, i just don't have any interest rping in arknights' setting without having those canons there. the vast majority of my interest in arknights is in the canons and their stories, and removing them just.... makes the universe feel flat and empty for me. (plus i just...... really don't have any ocs i'd actually wanna play in the world of arknights, just canons, so imo, not being able to play a canon disqualifies literally every character i'd want to pick up on the site.)

from a wider standpoint, i'm actually pretty leery about setting a site in any one country. while i do think it's better from a feasibility standpoint to base the site in a single static main location for everyone to congregate (as opposed to just setting it in the general world and letting people be in every single country with 0 restrictions or warnings), making it any one country has the obvious tradeoff of restricting out a lot of the other groups + factions (ie, you're not going to see the lgd or karlan commercial in victoria).

i also personally don't really think settling in a "minor" country is really gonna protect you from the lore drops (since imo look at what the darknights memoir did with sarkaz and i think both victoria and kjerag are in similar boats for being likely contenders for future events) - hence why my original suggestion was to base the site around rhodes island (since it's a more nomadic faction whose information is pretty solid decently early, doesn't take much to catch people up on it if they're unaware of arknights in general, and is the "easy mode" for scaling out information so you can take some of the lore "a la carte" if you don't want/need to be an expert in a certain origin) and just go full-on canon-divergent so the members can write the story + only have to deal with lore reveals in cases like the current event adding more info to certain canons and the occasional editing that might come from xyz specific character origin getting wrenches thrown into it. (also, ngl, i'd.... also be wary of going so far down the road of trying to divorce yourself from what arknights is that the site ends up feeling more like its own "original" setting rather than an actual arknights site, y'feel?)

irregardless though, i do wish y'all luck with your site. just. like i said. i know it's a hard pass from me just because that's pretty much the opposite of what i'd want out of an arknights site (because sue me, i just want to rp some depressed catmen operators getting punted over into rhodes island and do some cool quest missions and be very gay on main).
last edit on Feb 27, 2021 2:57:30 GMT by Kuroya

stultifera navis
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ninelieearned bits
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
Separating canons from roleplay is a good move, in my opinion. Otherwise scrambling to adjust lore that canons influence the story every time a new story is patched into the game would mean dictating more pieces of story/lore that members will inevitably want versus on what the staff can feasibly moderate on, and I think that's just in general a lot of work for a mod team that's not prepared to go that route.

With that said, I think separating it while keeping some hallmarks of Arknights still make it a very viable idea. I don't think not having canons would diminish its quality whatsoever. At the end, you want to make it as digestible as possible for newcomers to the series too. This is a good move, in my opinion.

Keep doing what you're doing, Leap.
last edit on Feb 27, 2021 3:12:19 GMT by ninelie

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Deletedearned bits
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yumyums Avatar
Since there's some interest in it from the Sites You Want To See thread, I'm thinking of setting up a medieval fantasy magic school RP. If there's enough interest in it, I can set up a full IC and Discord server and start working on the site's lore. Right now, the only detail set in stone is that it is not going to be a Harry Potter clone - there's enough HP sites already, and I want to do something different.
Heck YES!

I'm definitely in a magical and academy mood lately, but basically, every single magical academy is just Hogwarts and that one Ilvermorny site I saw forever ago. Arguably Boku no Hero sites are magical academy but a little to the left, but I haven't found a spark at one enough to stick around. And I'm just not much into Harry Potter to really immerse myself into an RP for it (obviously no offense to all those that are)
Updating to say that I have now posted a full-blown Interest Check.
the eldritch truth
1,102written posts
Phantasmearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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willow Avatar
In the progress of making a statless naruto AU roleplay (set just before villages formed). How many people would actually be interested in this?

It'll start with one village to keep members close and connected and eventually branch out. It'd be fully up to the users and their roleplay as to how and when the villages would begin to form.
More quality Naruto RPs are always good! I'd def check it out
164written posts
Fujiearned bits
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willow Avatar
Fuji Avatar

I love this idea. I want to play in a Naruto world but stats just seem to bog it down too much. I like the idea that players should be able to handle rp fights amongst themselves without algebra involved
When you say statless, you're also referring to members having to allocate their jutsu as well, correct? Or are you only referring to things like str/dex/int, etc. I was considering a trust system where there would be mods that moderate combat threads to make sure there's no god modding. Members wouldn't have to have a jutsu list, but their jutsu would basically be assumed. They'd still have to list their natures, but no jutsu list required. Is that what you mean? It would be a more social based roleplay with missions as an option or assume (just as if someone only wanted to do combat/missions their social life is assume) and you'd get credit for whichever you wanted to focus on).

Yea, like I think that maybe you would have like a stat card like Kabuto had for the chunnin just showing like what areas you excel at (ninjutsu, tai, gen, so on) but like that's not really a huge deal. Players would more or less be allowed to handle their own fights how they feel. Only time staff would need to say anything is if the players couldn't come to an agreement. I'd say that just because of how jutsus work, you'd need to have the players maybe have some sort of area where they list what jutsus they know and what those jutsus are capable of. Just to keep some sort of order. I don't think it would need to be overly scrutinized when creating jutsus, as we see jutsus doing everything under the sun. But just some sort of information on how they work and maybe like a tier E-S or something on how strong or maybe rare(?) the jutsus are at their face value.
257written posts
styrofoam eaterearned bits
styrofoam eater
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i like the cronch
I'm debating a dnd-esque dark souls rp. smaller site with fun mechanics, levelling, etc. you don't need to know dark souls to get involved really. Basically a glorified storytelling place, hopefully.

I have some bits planned out but it's hard to follow through due to some rl commitments atm.
the eldritch truth
1,102written posts
Phantasmearned bits
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styrofoam eater Avatar
I'm debating a dnd-esque dark souls rp. smaller site with fun mechanics, levelling, etc. you don't need to know dark souls to get involved really. Basically a glorified storytelling place, hopefully.

I have some bits planned out but it's hard to follow through due to some rl commitments atm.
Would play, msg me if you get it going sometime 👌
257written posts
styrofoam eaterearned bits
styrofoam eater
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i like the cronch
Phantasm Avatar
styrofoam eater Avatar
I'm debating a dnd-esque dark souls rp. smaller site with fun mechanics, levelling, etc. you don't need to know dark souls to get involved really. Basically a glorified storytelling place, hopefully.

I have some bits planned out but it's hard to follow through due to some rl commitments atm.
Would play, msg me if you get it going sometime 👌
I will~

I have most of the mechanics written out incomprehensibly in the notes app, but i'd basically just need to translate them to legible english and write out some Fun Lore (tm)

The main person working with me on it dipped so it's been hard to balance twice the normal stuff with the aforementioned rl lmao
the eldritch truth
1,102written posts
Phantasmearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Phantasm Avatar
styrofoam eater Avatar
Phantasm Avatar
Would play, msg me if you get it going sometime 👌
I will~

I have most of the mechanics written out incomprehensibly in the notes app, but i'd basically just need to translate them to legible english and write out some Fun Lore (tm)

The main person working with me on it dipped so it's been hard to balance twice the normal stuff with the aforementioned rl lmao
Oh yeah I can definitely feel that lol

Love making sites and filling out lore and mechanics and stuff, tweaking skins, but then I feel like I cant open them cause wth am I supposed to do with 1 person 
257written posts
styrofoam eaterearned bits
styrofoam eater
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styrofoam eater Avatar
i like the cronch
Phantasm Avatar
styrofoam eater Avatar
I will~

I have most of the mechanics written out incomprehensibly in the notes app, but i'd basically just need to translate them to legible english and write out some Fun Lore (tm)

The main person working with me on it dipped so it's been hard to balance twice the normal stuff with the aforementioned rl lmao
Oh yeah I can definitely feel that lol

Love making sites and filling out lore and mechanics and stuff, tweaking skins, but then I feel like I cant open them cause wth am I supposed to do with 1 person 

Same hat oTL

I can get the work of 4+ people done in a couple days if i can harness the power of hyperfixation but it's not very reliable long term.

Finding a member base is hard tbqh since lots of stuff seems to be migrating to discord rp, and a lot of the people i know are from Toxic Combat RP Sites (tm) so do i REALLY want them to be the founding/establishing members of a community, esp since the first few people definitely set the site 'feel' for the people who come afterwards
547written posts
Ludoearned bits
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Ludo Avatar
I've been having a lot of dragon age thoughts lately, and I've been feeling frustrated that a site has never cropped up that fits the kind of thing I'd like? So I'm gonna do a rambly pitch for a site that's mostly self indulgent, but that maybe other people will want to get in on?
- Jcink hosted, 3-2-3, probably premium since I have some slots left on my sub
- No canons, this will be an OC only roleplay
- Non-canon plotline, I want to play in the world without having to worry about all the choices the MC's made in the games, I want it to be accessible to people who haven't played/finished the games also.
- Face claims will be optional, you'll be able to either use game screenshots(from dragon age or other fantasy games) or aesthetic images that fit your character.
- no word count, very relaxed activity based on a roll call system where you just have to give a heads up that you're around and make note of any dropped characters

The shaky premise I'm working on is a section of Thedas(location pending) where a large city, farming settlements, a large commune of Dalish that have settled down, and perhaps a circle tower are all on a shaky truce, the amount of drama and potential strife that comes from these very polarized groups would largely be left up to the players, it's meant to give a plot of some fashion without tying the site down too heavily to a set timeline. 

This is all pretty subject to change, it could wind up being a canon-divergent thing set after Inquisition as well, regardless it'll be OC only I'm just still on the fence about what kind of setting I want to do plot wise.
257written posts
styrofoam eaterearned bits
styrofoam eater
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i like the cronch
I was struck by like. Giga inspiration. BUT

Pokemon in an animal-crossing esque small town island that recently got its independence from Galar. Has minimal stats for like, pokemon and stuff. As players progress, the island starts to grow and develop, unlocking more wild locations to catch new mons, more starters, more facilities, possibly a mini gym circuit????

What r ur thots