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Quick Interest Checks

phantom of the black parade
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4,357written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
i've been toying with this idea for a lil bit but.

vr-mmo pokemon panfandom. super basic systems (no levels, infinite moves unlocked by items, evolutions standardized through items), member moderation whenever possible (aka rolling 'mon and handling questing), trainer levels to unlock mega evolution + bigger team size (like going 2 max to 9 max). site progression is through beating big raid bosses and unlocking new areas. jcink premium because heck yeah mature content. basically it's a lot of what i wanted for link cable.

possibly open to allowing ocs within reason (aka harry potter's twin sister is a no, random oc from the harry potter universe is fine), unsure if i care enough to police animanga faces only (original art / character creators is a definite yes tho), uncertain if i'd do one-account-per-member just so duplicates can be a thing (since i don't care but also double-claiming is gonna be a thing techs since for example cloud strife can be both a face for an oc and an actual played character), probably going to be low-activity / come-and-go-as-you-please, for sure gonna allow people to keep non-world-breaking abilities, almost definitely going to go with "do what you want icly i guess, but if people choose not to acknowledge it, you can't get butthurt because listen... blow up the town where we all live i guess but if no one else cares, you're gonna be sol my dude" for the policy.

basically i really miss pokemon a whole lot but i don't know whether i want to do rl or animanga, canon panfandom or ocs only, and instead of answering that, my tiny peanut brain is just ".... porque no los dos" and shrugs loudly and says to let people rp what they want sandbox-style and leave it be.

839written posts
SPIRELEearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
i've been toying with this idea for a lil bit but.

vr-mmo pokemon panfandom. super basic systems (no levels, infinite moves unlocked by items, evolutions standardized through items), member moderation whenever possible (aka rolling 'mon and handling questing), trainer levels to unlock mega evolution + bigger team size (like going 2 max to 9 max). site progression is through beating big raid bosses and unlocking new areas. jcink premium because heck yeah mature content. basically it's a lot of what i wanted for link cable.

possibly open to allowing ocs within reason (aka harry potter's twin sister is a no, random oc from the harry potter universe is fine), unsure if i care enough to police animanga faces only (original art / character creators is a definite yes tho), uncertain if i'd do one-account-per-member just so duplicates can be a thing (since i don't care but also double-claiming is gonna be a thing techs since for example cloud strife can be both a face for an oc and an actual played character), probably going to be low-activity / come-and-go-as-you-please, for sure gonna allow people to keep non-world-breaking abilities, almost definitely going to go with "do what you want icly i guess, but if people choose not to acknowledge it, you can't get butthurt because listen... blow up the town where we all live i guess but if no one else cares, you're gonna be sol my dude" for the policy.

basically i really miss pokemon a whole lot but i don't know whether i want to do rl or animanga, canon panfandom or ocs only, and instead of answering that, my tiny peanut brain is just ".... porque no los dos" and shrugs loudly and says to let people rp what they want sandbox-style and leave it be.
if it wasn't panfandom and shiv was dead i'd be down for this. 
61written posts
erbalearned bits
Junior Member
erbal Avatar
I have an idea for a roleplay where there would be a world filled with these massive, magical arenas where they participate in amazing competitions from a standard duel to an elaborate marine battlefield with boats and undersea structures. People can die in the Arena but be resurrected, through personal duels of glory outside the ring, or under special circumstances however permanent death is possible. The risk would be worth it as people would fight for money, loot, and more than you can imagine.

It would all be an original idea and would be Animanga/original art for the face claims most likely. All peoples characters would espected to be ocs and not an attempt to make a canon character from something in this original world.
last edit on May 30, 2019 17:50:07 GMT by erbal
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,357written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
if it wasn't panfandom and shiv was dead i'd be down for this. 

i mean, i am leaning towards ocs being a thing, so y'know, "fandomless oc from our world" and you're done.

but also shiv would only have power over you if you let shiv have power over you
last edit on May 30, 2019 17:45:39 GMT by Kuroya

839written posts
SPIRELEearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
if it wasn't panfandom and shiv was dead i'd be down for this. 
i mean, i am leaning towards ocs being a thing, so y'know, "fandomless oc from our world" and you're done.

but also shiv would only have power over you if you let shiv have power over you
ya i just don't like fandom and character from another lore / world then the one your playing on. adds another dimensions you should read up on. 

also i can't. he's just so cute with his little wittle smock and being the good lil smocky mumsies he always is. 
28written posts
Whammychuearned bits
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Idea One from "sites I started building but never finished"

It was an idea I had for a more comedic spin on the VR-MMORPG genre where the central concept was the game was in beta-testing. I originally pitched it "Imagine if SAO was run by Bethesda", something that has become even more hilarious retrospectively after seeing how Fallout 76 went. I actually do have a site, but things got stopped on trying to get site aesthetic/documentation going.

One core mechanic of the site, that would be admittedly hard to manage, was allow for people to roll for "glitches" to occur in their threads to represent the buggy nature of the game. People fall through floors, bad AI, character glitches out and you suffer in agony as your player character model starts just scrambling worse than eggs at a Waffle House. Would require a bit of management, which is tricky. Also had a cute idea of site updates being "Patch Notes." Plus, the nature of the site would allow for plenty of experimentation in the site, the story, etc. as the "company" in charge tries whacky things to improve the quality of the game.
last edit on Jun 8, 2019 3:03:13 GMT by Whammychu
28written posts
Whammychuearned bits
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Idea Two from "sites I started building but never finished" (hope it's okay I did a second post in a row: trying to respect the "one idea per post" rule"

I love slice-of-life animes: romantic comedies, dramas, comedies, etc. Problem is most of them probably can't sustain a site on their own. So, why not just smush them together into one panfandom for slice of life anime? And not the "whisked into an unknown world they can't escape" plotlines - never liked those. I'm talking just all these shows co-exist in one shared universe. Your Ouran Host Clubs, your Fruit Baskets, your Interviews with Monster Girls, etc. Could expand to allow characters from things not slice-of-life oriented if made more tone appropriate. It was this type of RP that got me started in RPs, and man I just really miss it.
Trash Queen
145written posts
naraearned bits
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when i close my eyes in the darkness your light is my guide we can walk forward without fear
I'm very seriously considering and wanting to start up and open an animanga site heavily inspired by percy jackson - potentially expanding to the rest of the riordanverse along the line. Something more modern-fantasy where the camps still existed but weren't he main focal point so people could be older and living their own lives, while the younger demigods lived at camps. it's a very broad idea and i'm not 100% sure how i would handle a plot or leave it sandbox style but i really do want to set it up. i just don't want to do so and get... no traction sdahklhdsa
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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nara Avatar
I'm very seriously considering and wanting to start up and open an animanga site heavily inspired by percy jackson - potentially expanding to the rest of the riordanverse along the line. Something more modern-fantasy where the camps still existed but weren't he main focal point so people could be older and living their own lives, while the younger demigods lived at camps. it's a very broad idea and i'm not 100% sure how i would handle a plot or leave it sandbox style but i really do want to set it up. i just don't want to do so and get... no traction sdahklhdsa
Falls to Knees and Cries. Please.... Magic Mayhem in Cities, Normies being clueless....... and all those Pantheons. ;-;
//Ignore her, she only cares about City Traveling and their pitiful Quest\ lives.. and just total Mayhem dealing with legends/Myths/Folklore/etc.. With Gods dying from humans no longer caring about Gods.. and multi Pantheon war slowly lurking.. leaking into each other evolving into hideous apocalypse wahaha... I mean... Magical Pen Swords...... pssst Female Loki.... The Kanes.... and those other book series....//
last edit on Jun 24, 2019 5:26:48 GMT by Ginger
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ginger Avatar
Less of a Quick Interest check and more of a " make this Magi Modoka Site, now.. leap.. i know it'll fail [why I don't] Also because I'm working on a lovecraftian small town site.. But mostly because Magi modoka fails to catch attention... So make it Leap, LEAP TO THE FUTURE of Slaughter!

 Witches | Demons | and a Whole wishing System that punishes your Wishes for sinful reasons

Also this.. this is why you should...   WAAHAHAAHAHAHA Warning spoilers...

last edit on Jul 12, 2019 0:54:48 GMT by Ginger
11written posts
Cindersearned bits
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Cinders Avatar
let be what is, let be what isn't / it's a natural world in which we're living
I'm blazing through Three Houses quick as a wink, and if I do not start an RP server for pastoral/military school life in its setting within the next thirty days I may well explode. However, I'm not sure whether people would be more interested in playing canons or a fully original cast, or whether it should be more focused on political intrigue or slice of life. maybe both?
11written posts
Cindersearned bits
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Cinders Avatar
let be what is, let be what isn't / it's a natural world in which we're living
Speaking of which, in terms of a small-scale project, would anyone here be up for playing a legitimate play-by-post RPG in the form of Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine? I've played it with 3 players and a single GM in Discord format, but I'd be interesting in trying it here with a full cast of 8 and 2-3 GMs working together. Perhaps we could even have a larger cast on the whole, with the 8-16 canons as a central focus.

For those not in the know, it's a high-powered modern fantasy tabletop game with a HEAVY focus on slice-of life narratives, with character classes (and by extension, their powersets) being defined through a character's narrative arc! Along with that, the setting is just awesome-- sort of an idyllic parallel dimension to Earth spared from an apocalypse-level event. I'd love to give more details, if anyone's interested.