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Quick Interest Checks

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Deletedearned bits
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would anyone be interested in an animanga post-apocalyptic rp
inspired by twd and tlou?

faction-based (although your character can choose to go it alone).
encounters with infected and survivors.
settlement development milestones.
events, missions, and one-shots (more info on those later).

just editing to say this is in development!
last edit on May 6, 2019 2:42:15 GMT by Deleted
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar

Apart from DETROIT hype, another one that's come to mind is a (gaspu) animanga shtick revolving around an MMO. Oh golly, how original, amirite? *Billy Mays voice* BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE...

Instead of being trapped in the game, or simply being able to go in and out on a whim, we actually have monsters/villains from within the game start spawning in the real world. Chaos, explosions, magic! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Oh yes. This is happening.

6written posts
solearned bits
New Member
sol Avatar
I've been told peeps are interested in pokemon rps so I'll throw a quick check in here before sitting down and really banging out an info post. Here's the main pretty much set points:

- solarpunk based: rebels sabotaging the big wigs and spreading a greener and more sustainable way of living, exposing the lies of those in power who say they're helping
- Detective Pikachu inspired with a dash of Zootopia: a sprawling city with artificial biomes to have a wide variety of living conditions and sustain a diverse wild pokemon population
- 'story seasons': a storyline/theme/event lasts for three months, followed by a month of wrap up/cool down and everyone bringing forward summaries of their activity during the three months, with the community collaborating to do a write up of how the world has changed and decide on the next season

If peeps are interested I can sit down and do a big write up later and get discussion going.
local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
802written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
Part of the Furniture
profit of doom Avatar
they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
Desmond Miles Avatar
western animanga fallout rp? :|a western animanga fallout rp!

i wanna relive my new vegas dreams 
77written posts
Billz billz billz
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Billz billz billz Avatar
got my money on my mind and my mind on my money
Does a city full of myths and monsters as the major population interest anyone? I got an itch to play some of my demons, monsters, and mythical creatures while also bringing new folk into my crazed obsession for monsters orz