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so i uh, wrote up an entire site worth of Alt-universe Enen no Shouboutai or Fire Force for those who dont know it. idk man, it seems fun if people are interested?

Site works in small teams.
overarching member driven plot.
dosent need to be stat based but could be.

idk man i like shounen shit and i have a bad habit of writing site info and never doing anything with it, its what i do.
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Sept 13, 2019 19:01:01 GMT @pumpkinsizedmoon said:
Straight up DnD 5e, but in a forum setting
Yes please? I love DnD but I think one issue we all have is finding a group to play it with...but if there was a forum.....👀
I don't have a *ton* of experience with 5e, but I did used to DM some. And I already have a classic Fantasy DnD world I'm building.. I'd just need help to get the place looking nice, and maybe some who know 5e well and could help out.
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Oct 10, 2019 16:49:55 GMT @pumpkinsizedmoon said:
seaoi Avatar
Yes please? I love DnD but I think one issue we all have is finding a group to play it with...but if there was a forum.....👀
I don't have a *ton* of experience with 5e, but I did used to DM some. And I already have a classic Fantasy DnD world I'm building.. I'd just need help to get the place looking nice, and maybe some who know 5e well and could help out.

If I can pull off a couple of homebrew stuff I'd be down for this. I could help with 5e mechanics and rules and stuff but I'm not very good with making sites look nice XD
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animated panfandom where the premise is that a bunch of video game devs are programming some ais for some famous characters for another game, so they stuffed the baby ais they coded into an abandoned fantasy-esque game setup they had that's set up where you start off in this one city surrounded by "mist" (you can explore endlessly but it only takes you 15 minutes to return to the main city) and the site works together to complete missions to unlock new areas (probably original settings that you can stay in and develop via their own quest lines but maybe little cameo areas of the canon worlds that are shadows of the original and not meant for long-term stays just so fandoms aren't clumping in their worlds and not interacting further) and it's p chill.

edit: oops i didn't specify this originally but. just wanna clarify real fast that it's not an mmo or stat based or anything like that. the video game part is just to explain why characters are in the setting and why completing missions means new areas open up and some of the other quirkiness (ie, you can have a pet chocobo or barioth or what have you, dying just means you just wake up in your bed the next day/night, you can destroy an entire city and it just comes back like nothing happened). combat is freeform, as are missions, and heck, missions can be noncombat since they're just a way to get characters threading who might not otherwise have reason to thread together. just. leave me in this original idea of a lighter low-stakes setting that's meant to be super chill for relationship building while giving people some light progression to give a goal for people who like it and keep things from getting too stale from a lack of direction.
last edit on Oct 11, 2019 20:28:29 GMT by Kuroya

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Oct 10, 2019 16:49:55 GMT @pumpkinsizedmoon said:
I don't have a *ton* of experience with 5e, but I did used to DM some. And I already have a classic Fantasy DnD world I'm building.. I'd just need help to get the place looking nice, and maybe some who know 5e well and could help out.
If I can pull off a couple of homebrew stuff I'd be down for this. I could help with 5e mechanics and rules and stuff but I'm not very good with making sites look nice XD
It depends on the homebrew, but I'm willing to consider it. I can throw together a very basic skin on proboards, but it wont be nearly as nice as, say, this site or others. Do you want to move this discussion to messages?
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Oct 13, 2019 14:27:21 GMT @pumpkinsizedmoon said:
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If I can pull off a couple of homebrew stuff I'd be down for this. I could help with 5e mechanics and rules and stuff but I'm not very good with making sites look nice XD
It depends on the homebrew, but I'm willing to consider it. I can throw together a very basic skin on proboards, but it wont be nearly as nice as, say, this site or others. Do you want to move this discussion to messages?

i'm just obsessed with getting some of my characters going and some of them need some little changes to work thematically... also i am a two-weapon fighting activist /shot

we could always look for someone who skins, or get one of those premade skins people offer? and sure, feel free to move it to messages. I think my eyes glossed over your DMing before... if you've done that maybe you've got a better grasp of rules than me >.> XD
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Sept 13, 2019 19:01:01 GMT @pumpkinsizedmoon said:
Straight up DnD 5e, but in a forum setting
Yes please? I love DnD but I think one issue we all have is finding a group to play it with...but if there was a forum.....👀

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Yes please? I love DnD but I think one issue we all have is finding a group to play it with...but if there was a forum.....👀
If you're interested in helping or joining it, please feel free to send me a message! I didn't know I was sitting on a good idea, so I left it in my pile of unused roleplay site ideas.
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see you space cowboy
an illustrated/animated panfandom sandbox roleplaying community with loose activity requirements and emphasis on community; community writing events, special usergroups, and more! and.. it will be pretty (: (:
last edit on Oct 23, 2019 3:32:26 GMT by soka
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Whammychuearned bits
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I've been on a fantasy-setting MMO site for a while, and while I'm enjoying myself I do find there's a bit of bloat as systems gotten more complex so I've been considering a site that relies on Dungeon World-type mechanics (a variant of the Powered by the Apocalypse) instead and maybe changing things up with a broader isekai setting than MMO just to kind of move away from being super stat heavy but maybe keeping up some of that flavor.

Anyway, of things I've always found potentially interesting for MMO/Isekai settings is having characters dealing with potentially wild differences between their old and new lives, regardless of what that might be: class status, sex/gender, species, etc. (okay, I'll also just cop to being a bit of a furry too). How to actually express that in a setting is tricky, though. Obviously, it means a wide variety of races, but building it into site "plot" (which I'm always more freeform/slice of life) feels difficult to address. Perhaps a setting that's implied to be almost a sort of purgatory-ish place where the forms people take reflect subconscious desires or perhaps a little karmic retribution? That pushes more towards a fantasy setting, I think.

This is all just some initial thoughts on the idea: still plenty more to think about and build on.
last edit on Oct 24, 2019 14:16:31 GMT by Whammychu
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pleuvraearned bits
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est-ce qu'il va pleuvoir aujourd'hui?
after rewatching some sailor moon episodes, my brain won't leave me alone with a non-canon sailor moon rp concept, but i'll flesh it out further when i have more free time

- different setting, instead of tokyo; maybe a fictional touristy city with some shady ongoings hidden from the public?

- for premise, good and evil advisors race against each other to awaken people and achieve their faction's goals

- with the exception of playable advisors for each group, everyone is a dormant civilian at first (or players could state that their character is just a civilian)

- randomized roles for everyone who wants to be a planetary senshi/guardian, knight, or villain; though, people can request which member group they want in their apps or maybe request 2 groups? (e.g. they can request "planetary guardian or knight", so that there are more options for what their character could become)

- or they could just put "random" and see what they roll for their character when they awaken

- no set criteria (i.e. personality traits, gender, appearance, history) to decide on who becomes who because of RNG

- if someone's character is a male planetary guardian, maybe the uniform can be based on a male's sailor suit?

- characters may awaken during events, thread invasions, or interacting with one of the advisors, and then they will be sorted into their respective member groups
last edit on Oct 30, 2019 6:32:22 GMT by pleuvra
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magical afterlife stuff? With focus on nonhuman beings? And optional face claims? And maybe not even a required app? (basically: Just fill in your profile and you're good to go?)
last edit on Nov 3, 2019 19:41:11 GMT by Mari
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Ludoearned bits
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What about a really fluffy slice of life forum where you roleplay cats, but it's in the style of Neko Atsume?
- SUPER relaxed activity, no pressure or ACs
- No word count, you wanna write a sentence or two? As long as you give your partner something to respond to go wild!
- Just cats living in a really sunny, pleasant town doing cat things, emphasis on community and friendship? This definitely isn't a plot heavy concept, but might do cute events and festivals?
- No humans, actually kind of thought of having the cats live in houses and hold jobs, like animal crossing?

IDK lemme know!