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Deletedearned bits
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an original small town setting bu heavily inspired by harvest moon, but also pertains to the "magic" aspect with witches and warlocks. like most characters are human, but there are some who are not, and specialist in a certain element, and help protect regular humans from the monsters/demons on the outskirts of the town(like vampires and werewolves and sirens), who are also playable characters.

I don't know why I want this, but I do.

83written posts
tieflingearned bits
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Fantasy/super natural based small monster town/exploration/surviving in the face of invading Evil Empire. Play along the border of Idyllic Monster Territory to protect from Those Dang Monster Hunting Humans/Dwarves. Prooooobably no character mechanics despite being DnD inspired because I already run several campaigns - talk with your thread partners dang it. Let @iota and run wild and free. Open lore, adapt stuff from other franchises to the site - not-Viera Blue Mages, totally-not-a-palico companions, that only looks a lot like a rathalos it's actually a matholas and eats accountants. Someone already made cat people? Make a distant tribe or one changed by local magic practices whatever man.

Play as characters. Play as NPCs. Pop into an open thread and drop a bomb on the participants. Just want to roll around running a faceless enemy army? Sure, go for it.

aka edgier Pelipper Town. Tell me not to guys
in that same vein: FCs optional, jcink based, OOC and individual character accounts most likely optional, very little staff micromanaging w/ members getting a lot of basic staff powers (locking/moving/archiving, anyone can drop posts in the discord announcements). Basically staff are here for skin updates and banning trolls. Not gonna drop premium money down until it's established but happy to later for those 18+ areas.

edit: site name: Kitchen Sink

edit 2: discord.gg/t2kGY5 yolo, come brainstorm the site and shape it blah blah

last edit on Nov 16, 2018 4:40:16 GMT by tiefling
27written posts
meggersearned bits
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A horror roleplay based around a small local community. Random events posted by staff occur instead of members creating their own rp threads. There will be a board specifically for members creating their own threads, but more than likely it's going to focus on character relations development.

EDIT: There will be mysteries to be solved and puzzles to be completed. There will be a supernatural group which will be named as the unordinary and of course different occupations to choose from. There will also be different roles to be a part of whether that's passive, active, or uninvolved which will effect your character's amount of affiliation towards the event thread(s). Dice rolling will depend on whether x happens to you or not or something else does...blah blah blah....
last edit on Nov 17, 2018 18:59:54 GMT by meggers
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Ludoearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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Animation Panfandom but like Harry Potter...But like also OCs.

Okay lemme explain, ages ago I ran across this site that was basically a Harry Potter roleplay that was an animation panfandom, it was like MEGA DEAD though. But the idea has legit never left me since I saw it? I'm a huge sucker for panfandoms, and I'm also a sucker for the harry potter universe. I'd love to be able to RP canon characters in the Wizarding World? It'd probably be pretty relaxed, I might implement like house points or whatever if people REALLY want it, but it's more or less a slice-of-life going to Hogwarts and living in that world kind of thing.

Characters didn't get sucked there by magic or pulled from their own worlds, they've just always been there. You'd have to kind of fiddle with backstories and such to fit them, but IDK...It's just kind of an idea I've been plucking at casually in my head.

It'd be mixed face claims, but y'know since it'd probably be animation specific(nothing against other mediums I just LOVE ANIMATION), but since I want to allow OCs it'd likely be mixed! Illustrated preferred, but you can use whatever!
pronounsShe / her
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Bunnyearned bits
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You got the best of me.
A Lookism based site. Lookism is a webcomic strip, but the site will be rather slice of life. It will be based in a fictional town that is a mixture of Seoul and New York. I will include a J-High ( an arts school ) equivalent but I may change it to a university if wanted.

It will include The Big Four gangs that are in charge of different areas of the city. It will most likey be on JCINK and knowledge of the webcomic won't be needed. I probably won't include the whole switching two bodies bit, but I've been binge reading Lookism and think it'd be a neat premise.
129written posts
Y A M S ! ! !earned bits
Y A M S ! ! !
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tiefling Avatar
Fantasy/super natural based small monster town/exploration/surviving in the face of invading Evil Empire. Play along the border of Idyllic Monster Territory to protect from Those Dang Monster Hunting Humans/Dwarves. Prooooobably no character mechanics despite being DnD inspired because I already run several campaigns - talk with your thread partners dang it. Let @iota and run wild and free. Open lore, adapt stuff from other franchises to the site - not-Viera Blue Mages, totally-not-a-palico companions, that only looks a lot like a rathalos it's actually a matholas and eats accountants. Someone already made cat people? Make a distant tribe or one changed by local magic practices whatever man.

Play as characters. Play as NPCs. Pop into an open thread and drop a bomb on the participants. Just want to roll around running a faceless enemy army? Sure, go for it.

aka edgier Pelipper Town. Tell me not to guys
in that same vein: FCs optional, jcink based, OOC and individual character accounts most likely optional, very little staff micromanaging w/ members getting a lot of basic staff powers (locking/moving/archiving, anyone can drop posts in the discord announcements). Basically staff are here for skin updates and banning trolls. Not gonna drop premium money down until it's established but happy to later for those 18+ areas.

edit: site name: Kitchen Sink

edit 2: discord.gg/t2kGY5 yolo, come brainstorm the site and shape it blah blah

i read this and started vibrating with excitement but the discord link is expired

please feed me sustenance /rattles my minecraft cage
547written posts
Ludoearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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Has anyone ever thought about a Warriors forum but like...okay so like say I wanted to play Snowkit from the Canon books only he lives....or like say someone wanted to make Ravenpaw become leader instead of Firestar...basically the forum would pick up directly after Firepaw joins thunderclap but the story is directed and determined by the players of the canons

There would be ocs too but y'know....
190written posts
saltyearned bits
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ever on and on, i continue circling
lately in L4-Z, hackers have been spreading propaganda about the government, did the earth really get destroyed or was it just a hoax? what for? these hackers don't just stop at propaganda, they've been taking over the android population, causing them to speak out, commit heinous acts, or self destruct in public places. the government says they have it under control but public unrest is on the rise. people are beginning to ask questions the government wouldn't dare have the answers to. the only solution is to shut it down. those who speak up are quickly silenced and within a few months, the population is settled again. but people won't stay silent for long.

cyberpunk, crime-based, dark, government shenanigans

i'm bad at making like sense with plots
190written posts
saltyearned bits
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ever on and on, i continue circling
if you can't control something, contain it. restrain it - don't let it leave the confines that you've set. at least that's the mentality of a group of scientists who steadily continue to carry out immoral and illegal experiments on both animals and humans alike. they bend the laws of nature, destroy balance - when it gets out of control, they decide to contain it. but the experiments don't stop there, no. they continue, until it leaks out into the public. it contaminates the water and change begins. people become deformed, others are 'blessed' with powers that seem to be out of this world, and the rest...well the rest lose their minds. the experiment is brought to the surface quickly, the scientists claim it was a mistake, claim that it can be fixed...they'd just have to quarantine the city. but what the public doesn't know is that these scientists and soon the governmment become way too interested in what has happened. those previous experiments are sent to roam the streets - afterall, it's now all a big experiment until they can find the solution to ultimate power.
84written posts
cinearned bits
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If this is not love, what should we call it?
some dystopic / cyberpunk site, like future earth, a large part of the population is now up in space but there's still populations one earth??? pollution & some disease (diseases idk, i was shooting ideas w/ a friend and it became more of a Thing (TM) then i expected) has made large parts of the land -- not inhabitable, but hard to get by? think gas mask or enhanced lungs to filter "dust" and areas that are just stretches of sand (basically mad max:fury road). but there's "utopias", cities that are basically enclosed with filtered air and actual trees.

and like the cities are high tech, neon lights, floating televisions. bionics are all the rage to help with everything from enhancing your vision to saving a failing heart. vs wastelands that are pretty low-tech because lack of infrastructure, people tend to form nomadic groups or rudimentary establishments. you can hack into the electric supply if ur lucky to get your town or w/e power, otherwise it's gas lanterns and etc. prob would be pretty open world esp with exploration? the site would prob focus on one city and the surrounding wasteland and the rest of "earth" can develop a the site grows.

i just want androids that people mistake as humans and shoddy black market that's like scattered in the former underground metro that's long been abandoned, and the contrast of low tech vs high tech. read: let me make a site based off of all my fav movies/shows ty. 
last edit on Nov 26, 2018 22:18:57 GMT by cin

103written posts
verbatimearned bits
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victorian theme'd rp with werewolves, vampires, faeries and cults? make your own cult or join one of the others that have been popping up. or try and solve the mysteries and OUT some of the cults that are running around. consensual death enabled and lots of big victorian parties and drama?
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Deletedearned bits
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Not anime, so hope its okay to post ;-; but really want to work on an orange is the new black site. Before the riot of course and add in new elements and who knows. Otherwise got a mad need for some sort of dystopian or outbreak site. 

Or a Mirrors Edge rpg but I've always struggled to figure that one out. 

New to anime things so I don't know a lot XD 
Rodent King
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Mouseearned bits
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where fears and lies melt away.
salty Avatar
if you can't control something, contain it. restrain it - don't let it leave the confines that you've set. at least that's the mentality of a group of scientists who steadily continue to carry out immoral and illegal experiments on both animals and humans alike. they bend the laws of nature, destroy balance - when it gets out of control, they decide to contain it. but the experiments don't stop there, no. they continue, until it leaks out into the public. it contaminates the water and change begins. people become deformed, others are 'blessed' with powers that seem to be out of this world, and the rest...well the rest lose their minds. the experiment is brought to the surface quickly, the scientists claim it was a mistake, claim that it can be fixed...they'd just have to quarantine the city. but what the public doesn't know is that these scientists and soon the governmment become way too interested in what has happened. those previous experiments are sent to roam the streets - afterall, it's now all a big experiment until they can find the solution to ultimate power.

This hits me in just the right spot. Gives me serious Infamous 1 vibes and I love it.
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Crownauticearned bits
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swinging swinging in this world dyed in so many colours ~ ♪
For a few months now I've been working on a demigod roleplay for quite a long time (actually for two or three four years lol years haha) and I've scrapped it due to me just fighting myself internally. Not gonna lie, I have always wanted to do a demigod roleplay for so long I just tend to forget my ideas are somewhere in the void of google docs until I come to find it many months later. I LOVE MYTHOLOGY (which is why my whole college career is geared towards grave robbing), and demigods pretty much has been with me for a while -- I also love the idea of other things we could play around with! So here's a tidbit of what I have written so far:

You have likely travelled here and there. Eyes set on something greater than what is here, or maybe you wish to make the here a much greater place. Have you received a gift from a stranger lately? She appears randomly and all over. It’s nothing physical, it’s more in your mind. As your mind eases into slumber, you are thrown into a world engulfed in fire. A fire so hot you feel like melting. Large shadows loom over not only you, but an entire city. Soon enough, you awake from such a horrible nightmare.

The wind whispers of the coming, the ending of it all. How to stop it is now entrusted to you. The Mist outside has become menacing with the amount of light barely there.

There's a lot of things, but in bullet points:
  • three member groups: demigods, therians (half beast, half human), and gifted
  • epic quests + missions, one is a site wide event and the other is geared for world building
  • every mythology: not only greek, roman, egyptian, and japanese -- but essentially all
  • you can create your power or you can have staff make it for you
  • and me crying over the amount of work i'll be putting myself