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phantom of the black parade
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Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
Ginger Avatar
I'm watching Infinite Dendrogam and now I want a Medieval Pokemon roleplay with elements taken from infinity Dendrogam.

Where Pokemon trainers are actually VR players who get a Pokemon bonded to them. And the players are known as Arceus chosen. Their Pokemon evolve unique to that character and that character's choices in the rp.

Then NPCs can be humans, Pokemon, legendaries... All following the Pokemon Dungeon and various Medieval video game systems of leveling up.. effecting the world. Etc etc. Note: Npc are actually characters just the chosen see them as game characters. It could be a special class to rp them.

So anyone interested?

pssssst you don't need a crossover for this because pokemon already provides-

no but for real, pokemon conquest is one of my fave spinoffs, i will always support it as a concept tbeh (even though i honestly don't have the time to do another site)-
last edit on Jun 13, 2020 2:00:15 GMT by Kuroya

626written posts
Gingerearned bits
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no but for real, pokemon conquest is one of my fave spinoffs, i will always support it as a concept tbeh (even though i honestly don't have the time to do another site)-

I've never played that game. ;P ... Or know anything about it..... Except medieval times kingdom stuffz...

Also I thought you were making a VRMMO Pokemon site.

//Though you did say you were too busy irl just now... //

Hmm it would give me a distraction to work on a site. Though it'd have to be on proboards if I make it...
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,360written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
Ginger Avatar
I've never played that game. ;P ... Or know anything about it..... Except medieval times kingdom stuffz...

Also I thought you were making a VRMMO Pokemon site.

//Though you did say you were too busy irl just now... //

Hmm it would give me a distraction to work on a site. Though it'd have to be on proboards if I make it...

honestly it's such a fantastic game, and i definitely recommend it, even if you don't play it all the way through (which i completely get because some of it can drag on a bit, though i also have been trying to slowly 100% it, which is very slow and grindy, so probably if i was just playing through it cold, it'd be a better experience). but it's honestly such a fantastic concept (since i mean.... game of thrones with pokemon? sign me up) and it introduces a lot of really cool mechanics i'd love to see more sites use. and since it's an old nintendo ds game, it shouldn't be too hard to find either an emulation of it or a longplay of it on youtube if you wanna take a look (because it honestly does do a lot of what you want to do, between the "kingdom conquering" motif, the medieval pokemon theme, the single pokemon partner, legendaries existing as concepts, pokemon evolving more through bond strength than levels, "trainers" being able to "level" / evolve, etc).

i was, but that was like..... idk over a year ago. i just. don't have the time or energy to devote to it the way it deserves (or running any pokemon site for that matter), so i ended up letting it fade into a "site that could have been".

and i know that while proboards would be a hard dealbreaker for me even if i wasn't too busy, i definitely do support it and i'd love to see a site like that around. (i was mostly just. !!!!!! pokemon conquest is so cool and it'd probably be an easier sell for you to go with a pure pokemon base for a site, even if you're working with a spinoff series, than it would be to go for a crossover with a more niche series but that's also me being downright feral for a conquest-style site and mistaking this thread for the "sites you want to see" thread at first oops-)
last edit on Jun 13, 2020 2:26:24 GMT by Kuroya

pronounshe, him
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Sharpearned bits
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I've never played that game. ;P ... Or know anything about it..... Except medieval times kingdom stuffz...

Also I thought you were making a VRMMO Pokemon site.

//Though you did say you were too busy irl just now... //

Hmm it would give me a distraction to work on a site. Though it'd have to be on proboards if I make it...
honestly it's such a fantastic game, and i definitely recommend it, even if you don't play it all the way through (which i completely get because some of it can drag on a bit, though i also have been trying to slowly 100% it, which is very slow and grindy, so probably if i was just playing through it cold, it'd be a better experience). but it's honestly such a fantastic concept (since i mean.... game of thrones with pokemon? sign me up) and it introduces a lot of really cool mechanics i'd love to see more sites use. and since it's an old nintendo ds game, it shouldn't be too hard to find either an emulation of it or a longplay of it on youtube if you wanna take a look (because it honestly does do a lot of what you want to do, between the "kingdom conquering" motif, the medieval pokemon theme, the single pokemon partner, legendaries existing as concepts, pokemon evolving more through bond strength than levels, "trainers" being able to "level" / evolve, etc).

i was, but that was like..... idk over a year ago. i just. don't have the time or energy to devote to it the way it deserves (or running any pokemon site for that matter), so i ended up letting it fade into a "site that could have been".

and i know that while proboards would be a hard dealbreaker for me even if i wasn't too busy, i definitely do support it and i'd love to see a site like that around. (i was mostly just. !!!!!! pokemon conquest is so cool and it'd probably be an easier sell for you to go with a pure pokemon base for a site, even if you're working with a spinoff series, than it would be to go for a crossover with a more niche series but that's also me being downright feral for a conquest-style site and mistaking this thread for the "sites you want to see" thread at first oops-)

I too had a medieval pokemon site that could have been several years ago back when Wicked Wonderland was the resource forum. I've seen the concept floated around a few times. I'd be stoked to see someone else run one, though I couldn't say I'd have the time to join another site right now anyways. I personally wouldn't mind a proboards site but jcink is probably the way to go honestly for recruitment ease.
last edit on Jun 13, 2020 3:36:07 GMT by Sharp
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Crownauticearned bits
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Zombie Apocalypse with DnD Elements
I know I'm not the first nor am I going to be the last person, but, the idea of a zombie apocalypse site has always made me get really excited, but they usually don't last too long.

After mulling it over, I thought about how to approach it and one of the many ways is via Episodes. The site will start with Episode One: The Pilot; where it introduces the virus first hand and it just seems a bit sketchy, but the CDC has told everyone that you need to go have checkups with doctors. Within all the episodes themselves, there will be certain events that tie in to what will happen -- just by Episode One, the virus has spread and hysteria has taken over the people (some people believe it to be fake some believe it to be true).

As each episode passes, there will be more hysteria and suddenly, the ending of your humanity to the start of the Zombie Apocalypse where the main attraction comes in. Will there be a true ending (where the site will end end), yes. But that is far into the future, and how many people will live until the ending of it? Who knows really.

so the nitty gritty details are going to be in a spoiler.
Member classes are going to be limited in the beginning, a rise of them will come in Episodes to come! So far, myself and have written down: Tanks, Brawlers, Medics, Scouts and Seekers. Because it has Dungeons and Dragons flavours to it, there will also be certain perks that each class will have expertise in and what they can start with!

What about stats? We're still discussing if we're going to do the standard RPG six stats (Strength, Dexterity, Charisma, etc) or go with a simplified version (Health, Attack, Defense, Endurance, & Luck). There are pros and cons to both, but of course this mechanic will be a bit for later as we iron out the details of the story setting.

Levels? Are they Milestone or XP? I love milestone, but I also hate it at the same time as it gives in no direction a way for me to properly integrate it-- so, we're going with good ol' XP where even social threading will give you XP for your characters.

Crafting! You want to add nails to your bat? Go for it, you get an additional +1 to your attack. Wanna make some form of Adrenaline Shot that has some compound element of healing? Sure! Crafting on the site is flexible, we're going to make it basic and easy to understand -- and a downside will be that only certain groups would be able to make certain items (ie medics will be the only ones to create medical type supplies).

Virus mutation, what will it be? In all honesty, there will be inspirations from Last of Us to even the scary af running zombies of WWZ (video game). But, as it takes right now, that will come for the future!
61written posts
erbalearned bits
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Just wanted to see if people were interested if they are I will make a full interest check but in general the premise of the site is a Fantasy roleplay set in a Bronze age/Age of heroes esc time period. It would focus on what is referred to as The Known World, there would be six playable races with each one having three variants. (I have them made and will give full details on them in a full interest check.) For reference there would not only be magic, but also the uses of spirit (Qi, or Chakra essentially), and for site plot, it would mostly be driven by players and their characters combined with site events. One of the main draws to the story would be The Sprantic Games, Think fantasy Olympics.

The Sprantic games would be an annual event on the site, but to get there people would qualify by participating in lower league games that happen through the year, basically meaning that one of the largest parts of rp on the site would be participating in Arena Games, usually of fantastic proportions such as full-on naval battles, races through changing landscapes, and even one-on-one combat atop pillars.

THe entire site would be Original Content, I'm making a map with a program, and an artist is even drawing concept art of the races so people can really see what these unique species are like and how they are differentiated between their variants.
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erbalearned bits
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erbal Avatar
Just wanted to see if people were interested if they are I will make a full interest check but in general the premise of the site is a Fantasy roleplay set in a Bronze age/Age of heroes esc time period. It would focus on what is referred to as The Known World, there would be six playable races with each one having three variants. (I have them made and will give full details on them in a full interest check.) For reference there would not only be magic, but also the uses of spirit (Qi, or Chakra essentially), and for site plot, it would mostly be driven by players and their characters combined with site events. One of the main draws to the story would be The Sprantic Games, Think fantasy Olympics.

The Sprantic games would be an annual event on the site, but to get there people would qualify by participating in lower league games that happen through the year, basically meaning that one of the largest parts of rp on the site would be participating in Arena Games, usually of fantastic proportions such as full-on naval battles, races through changing landscapes, and even one-on-one combat atop pillars.

THe entire site would be Original Content, I'm making a map with a program, and an artist is even drawing concept art of the races so people can really see what these unique species are like and how they are differentiated between their variants.
I forgot to mention that this site would also be 18+ not for reasons of focusing on this kind of content, but more so for pointing out that these things happen in life and allowing for people to read and write them so long as they give people proper warning through tagging their threads. If you're interested we already have a discord up with some people and if you like this I can send you a link to join and learn more about the site as well as be the first to receive updates. Some of which include the example art of some of the races.

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Ludoearned bits
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i'm throwing this here but technically I'm already actively working on the site? I just want to gauge how much interest there actually IS for this idea in general!

The premise is a How to Train Your Dragon roleplay that starts off a handful of months after the first movie, as far as the plot goes, ONLY the first film is canon to the site. We're a canon & OC site where the course of the story is largely up to the players? The example I always use is, if someone wanted to play stoic and eventually kill him REALLY EARLY ON, theoretically they could do so. Big plot events and ideas would still need to be run by staff so nothing too catastrophic happens too soon, but for the most part it's very alternate timeline au.
- We'll be really relaxed, instead of official activity checks we'll do monthly roll calls where you only have to give us a heads up that you're around and notify us of any characters you want to drop.
- No word counts, quality over quantity!
- LGBT+ absolutely welcome, I'm a trans gay dude, I'm playing Hiccup as a trans guy, I absolutely love lgbt headcanons and wholly embrace them!
- You can play dragons! Dragons can't speak to humans but they CAN speak to other dragons!
- There will be a lot of canons open, just about all of the main crew, and we welcome characters from all three films and the series!
- Jcink hosted! I'm using a pre-made skin but would like to commission one if the site ends up getting traction!
- We'll be premium, but it'll largely still be fade to black as far as the sexings goes, violence is pretty much free game though with warnings!

I really just want a fun and relaxed httyd roleplay where people can explore potential plotlines and stories without canon breathing down their necks!
aliasnightbloom, bloom
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peachearned bits
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so it goes.
Okay, so. Something I've always wanted to do but probably wouldn't work in an 'open' forum type setting: Fushigi Yugi RP. Basically an isekai RP with lots of drama and character development.

The premise of FY is that a teenage girl opens a book called the Universe of the Four Gods and is sucked into this new world. She learns she is the chosen Priestess of Suzaku and must gather Seven warriors in order to summon Suzaku and make a wish. Her best friend gets sucked in too but has a terrible experience and they become rivals, with her friend having her own warriors to search for and their own agenda for a wish.

For the site, it'd be similar to this but replace the roles with our own characters. There could be more potential for the other Gods as well (in the first FY it was just Suzaku and Seiryuu but could add Byakko and Genbu too, to create more roles).

It'd be a super lax site, obviously, if it's going to be a small group of people (ideally). Though I guess if there's a lot of interest, I could make it a fully fleshed out site. But IDK.

I am thinking a lot of things would change from the original FY too, like this setting might be more fantasy and there'd be multiple fantasy races to choose from. The world would be original since there are a plethora of landscape images that I've been dying to use.

Also, everything is going to be so. simple. Simple app, simple skin, I'll allow pretty templates on the site and things but the focus will be our story. I just want to write. I want to go back to a simpler time where I didn't have to worry about making 10000 graphics for one account, lol. A premade skin will be used to keep it even simpler or I'll try to find one of my old ones and, yeah.

That's basically it. Would anyone be interested in having a small group RP based on Fushigi Yuugi? ♥
Rodent King
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Mouseearned bits
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where fears and lies melt away.
I'm still working out the details but a Pokemon site set in Galar? The plot would be based around the Pokemon World Tournament (from Black and White 2) being hosted in Galar. Could maybe have it involve the canons from the Pokemon manga because of that?