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other than jcink/pb/discord, where do you RP?

aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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Honestly, this is just because I was curious where people come from in terms of RP background/if they write anywhere other! I learned that some people use google docs (or sometimes email!) with individual writing partners, and I was curious to see where other people might find rp other than The Big Three (not exactly the big three, but probably the most popular here)!

I've been recently getting into group RP/character hosting on toyhou.se, which has been really fun, albeit a liiiittle disorganized... but basically every profile is entirely up to your customization/a 'freeform' which I'm super hype about... just me and my little guys
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
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navigatorearned bits
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i've gotten a lot of good roleplay from MMOs. my longest running characters all find their homes there. i've done a bit of writing on tumblr as well, as well as some RPI (roleplay intensive) MUDs (look it up if you don't know).

the first MMO i took to writing in was Mabinogi, and I've been playing that particular character ongoing for the last 13 years.
the second MMO i've spent a lot of time in is FFXIV. my oldest ongoing character there is 7.

these characters have marriages ranging from lasting 3-11 years. they have children that are growing. i have a child that was taken in as an apprentice and is now an adult and has lived through cataclysmic events, drastically shaping their character.

genuinely can't recommend MMO roleplay enough. an evolving world does so much for a character's story.