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the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
791written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
oh, i leave quite an impression; five feet, to be exact.

Gears slowed down a bit as rl came crashing, but now that it's finally fully written — here's a glimpse at the Schools of Thought (Factions) of Rebelsong! A lot of it is vague to keep some secrets for the official guidebook but, hey, you can make your inferences pretty quickly on what each is fully about. Along with the factions, we also have references and short tl;drs on the gods of the setting, as each School of Thought tends to align with one.

Text can be small on PC, so it's recommended to read the write-ups on mobile so you can zoom in!

If you see any typos, no you didn't, it's almost 3am, let me live. Editing these to give the vibes of a WWI newspaper can be rough at this hour.

Our next teaser should likely come with a launch date, so if you're :eyes: then definitely be on the look out!
last edit on Jul 24, 2024 18:52:49 GMT by CEL

coming soon.
aliassel, sell
pronounsany are ok
57written posts
capsellaearned bits
Junior Member
capsella Avatar
THESE GRAPHICS!!! obligatory :eyes: ... the steelhand & memoria look SUPER sick & totally fit a character I've been dying to use... waiting with bated breath!!
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
791written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
oh, i leave quite an impression; five feet, to be exact.

sneak peek of our header

sneak peek of our guidebook

sneak peek of our profile

sneak peek of our post rows

No fancy graphics this time since we're doing something different for this update, but here are some teasers for the skin of Rebelsong! Our current aim for a launch date is mid-August, with late August as the extended timeframe. But, as of right now, what's left for us to do is write up and refine setting / location lore and the magic system, then transfer all the written lore from our google docs to the site proper. Right now, I'd say we're at a solid 65-70% progress bar for the meantime.

For curious and keen-eyed onlookers, you'll notice that the skin teaser markets Rebelsong as "an original private diesel-steampunk animanga roleplay", and yes! You would be right. As mentioned in the quick interest check, Rebelsong is intended to be a small-scale, character-driven site whose setting allows for plenty opportunities for plot, chaos, conflict, anarchy, drama, what have you if players pursue, instigate, and wish to enable them. To maintain this plan for Rebelsong, as well as ensure a good environment for likeminded roleplayers and writers, we're adopting a private model with a semi-private launch.

What does that mean?

When Rebelsong is ready for release, or a week beforehand, we will release a form here for interested parties that need to be filled out to completion (we'll try to keep it straightforward and short!). The form will be used by me and my co-staffer to assess who would may be good fits for the site, its community, and its rules as a whole. Once we've vetted and considered you a good fit, we'll be in touch in Discord, where you will receive a link to the site and server.

After the first month or so, the form will be closed and members of the site will be able to invite their friends, after communication with and greenlight from staff. And so goes a game of invite-telephone.

Concrete information on the launch date will be given in our next update, where we showcase the magic system!

last edit on Aug 4, 2024 12:41:55 GMT by CEL

coming soon.
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
791written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
oh, i leave quite an impression; five feet, to be exact.

And with this teaser on how our magic system works, guys, gals, and nb pals — we are happy to announce that our invitation form is now live. It should only take 5-10 minutes maximum, as most of the questions are multiple choice. Those that aren’t, meanwhile, are mostly optional as they help us get a feel for potential player expectations.

REBELSONG will be launching next week, and we will be parsing through responses to the form and sending out Discord invites in the days leading up to our launch. Thank you all for the interest in our unhinged little interest check and setting, and we can’t wait to write with y’all!
last edit on Aug 14, 2024 18:35:57 GMT by CEL

coming soon.