Paid Ad Request! [New Site]

aliasnightbloom, bloom
698written posts
peachearned bits
Part of the Furniture
peach Avatar
so it goes.
Hello! I'd love to take advantage of the new site discount, hehe! -50 for me, please.


An AU Okami Roleplay

It has been many, many years since the valiant efforts of Amaterasu restored the world from the Dark Lord's grip. With most of the world being at peace, the Celestial Gods and Goddesses find themselves on mortal soils once more, finding their way just like everyone else. Reset is a player plot-focused site, where we offer plot bites and engaging events that you can insert yourself into. We're set in a world similar to Feudal Japan, but with fantastical elements included! Become a traveling swordsman, a beautiful noble in a Palace, or whatever you can think of. We offer a multitude of different species, as well as canon roles if you want to be immediately thrown into some plots. So come and play! We'd be so glad to have you!

Our Grand Opening post dated today (7/7/2024) and Pixel's ad!