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Favourite pokemon

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mieruearned bits
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okAY gosh uh the favourite pokemon question is always the *hardest* bc i have a lot of favs and then ofc the main/favourite teAM but uhm i can get the second part of the question down and out easy as pie bc my favourite type is definitely electric! idk what is or why but my electric kiddos have just always been so badass n good at taking down fools (which is coincidentally also why a chunk of my favourite pokes are electric) buT i wouldn't be surprised to say that my first pokemon game being pokemon yellow might've had smthn to do with it because,,,, pikachu. also! pikachu's electric moves always looked amazing in the cartoon/anime!

on to the actual,, bias tIME tho!

    -> my first fav, the cyndaquil evolutionary line. while i say that yellow was the first game i played, silver was definitely the one i played the *most*, even with the dead cartridge that meant i couldn't save and had to either keep restarting or leave the gameboy colour plugged in and running mad. as much as i loved chikorita in the series, cyndaquil was my Son. starts off as such a good tiny lil boy doing him best and evolves into the most badass angry mfer rdy to help his ma rek it all up.

    -> okay so one of my biggest favs still to this day!! is ampharos. now this love obviously stemmed from how hecking cute mareep is while also being literally amazing in a fight and just, ,,, idk jsadbfkafb a big obvious shoutout bc they're electric type but these guys are my ultimate longstanding favourites. i'm still kinda iffy about the mega though, largely just bc of the... wig. bc the whole evolutionary line is the kiddos losing their wool bc the electric current is too much for them and iDK it looks weird but everyone has different opinions abt megas so i wont step too far into that!

    -> okay so after yellow and silver i scooted on up to diamond and platinum, and here i met yet another star player, luxray (n not just bc his beautiful fur forms a star i promise) and yes another electric!!! which honestly made my life so hard playing soulsilver bc trying to decide what electrokiddos to keep??? (spoiler, i ended up having both ampharos and luxray on my team bc i am Weak) i think the animation was another big thing that sold me on this loveable kiddo bc just ??? the loyalty n solidarity and them weird amazing aura eyes or whatever were wicked cool. 

    -> for some reason i didn't rly ??? love lucario at first and thought he was kinda weird for some reason iDK but one play through with that whole,, beating that trainer with the lucarios and one of em coming to join you bc you seem cool enough for em just rly ??? stuck with me and made me emotional and i love them very much ok. like,,, this kid thought i was worth ditching his ma for like... god hecking bLESS weep

    -> i've been using gen accurate images for all of these but i feel like i gotta be honest that i didnt rly ??? idk come to love this kiddo until v recently. it mightve even been moon tbh, but the sprites site only has up to x so shh. i dont think i rly noticed misdreavus all that much before that but... i have phases where bc i suck at thinking of names i use names from anime i've recently been watching and i love shinsou from bnha and i ended up getting rly attached to shinsou!misdreavus especially with the cute lil ??? poke-ami or whatever it is where u can see him !!! smile and giggle and pls my heart.

    -> honourable mentions: staraptor, staple wonderful bird friend in the best squad; the aerial ace queen. salandit, such a good son who is probably as frustrated by the sex-specific salazzle evolution that i didn't realise was,, well restricted like that until my boy was well past the level and i had to google it bc baffled and i initially caught salandit w salazzle in mind from the spoilers but ended up loving my evo-less son all the more for it. fearow and pidgeot, good pals. gyarados, everyone's solid ace in the hole. noibat/noivern though i haven't rly gotten to use them tbh, same with old faithfuls like arcanine, rapidash and vulpix. similarly some old favourites that im just ??? rly attached to for the nostalgia n style of the early era: girafarig and miltank.

    -> and finally my sort of,,, joker card favourite. rattata. i've always lowkey liked this wiley lil kid even though im rly not a fan of rats in general (especially dislike raticate bc of this) and just.. had a whole re-falling in love recently when i caught one in my early team and was reminded how badass hyper fang is. i eventually wanted one for my re-play through of diamond (platinum? one of them) ofc tho and,,, rattata has to be traded for that bc there's just only... bidoof. so i ended up with an armful of a bratty rattata that listens to only every third word bc of the trainer/traded pokemon clause thing and honestly i ended up loving them even more bc of that bc,,,, this tiny lil brat?? ? ended up becoming a whole evolved character in my mind as a result.

    -> legendary honourable mention bc i cant believe i forgot my kids but anubis' post reminded mE,, lugia and zapdos r the best kids. i also rly like rayquaza's aesthetic tho i have never met them personally. additionally, latios and latias seem like they'd b awesome if somewhat bratty siblings to have.

and hi this is my second post on this whole dang site n i embarrassed myself by rambling for days abt good kiddos but,, worth it.

last edit on Jul 28, 2018 9:40:53 GMT by mieru
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Deletedearned bits
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combusken and vulpix are in equal second place.

blaziken is fucking disgusting but combusken is about as well as the concept of "martial artist chicken" could ever look. it's so badass.

vulpix. man. i want to own an actual vulpix. why can't i? why is the world so full of cruelty?
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i know you see yourself as a fighter. well, i see myself as one, too.

off the top of my head, my favorite type is fire and has been since i laid these peepers on charmander all those years ago. i do dabble a lot in grass types tho for the aestheticβ„’ (i'm lookin @ u snivy) and dragons ( @ u altaria )

my favorite pokemon, outside of the ones just listed above are, in no particular order:

latias: i cri every time i see this beautiful babe. dnt get me started on her movie pls. it cut deep
flygon: it looks like it wears goggles and digimon taught me to appreciate those things
snorunt: just... look at it. its so cute. it sharp
skiddo: a cutie goat baby. i lov them so much
ralts: the whole line. i still want to fight wally over getting one first right in front of me. who gave him the right??
litwick: a candle bab. like... thats it. a cute candle. what is not to lov
deino: i just?? really like its bangs and spiky hair? reminds me of tao ren from shaman king
chikorita: ?? this little sass bucket? that leaf? the cute?? kills me
mareep: a pure ball of fluff is all i can say. only a monster wouldn't love mareep
skrelp: tbh idk why but i like the look of it. it grump. needs a hug or six.
lapras: a majestic angel sent from above perish song all my enemies and keep me safe pls

as u can see, all of my preferences are based on looks but. i stand by these decisions. they are all gr8 kids.
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chirpearned bits
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Pikachu is my favourite. I'm a basic bitch I guess. I just love it. But my favourite type is probably Flying or Water. I love a lot of pokes from those types.

Honorable mentions go to Dewgong, Vileplume, Sandshrew, Alolan Ninetales, Mareep, and the entire Cyndaquil evolution line, since they were my first in my old Crystal game. Good times. :')
Any way the Wind Blows...
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Scaramoucheearned bits
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I will forever love Pikachu because I'm basic af. But my favourite favourite is SHINY Umbreon. I will play a game for hours just to hatch a shiny eevee and then play all night just to evolve them up to Umbreon. If I cannot get Umbreon (because I'm playing in the day) I'll go for shiny Sylveon, because that blue pokemon is so fabulously gay like me... 

I also love Rockruff. That guy is so cute I just cannot.
906written posts
Desmond Milesearned bits
Desmond Miles
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My first true love in Pokemon was absolutely Mewtwo. And while he's still my boo, I've fallen in love with Pikachu within the last few years cause I just realized that...Pikachu is fucking cute as shit!!! And it's so much easier to get merch when Pikachu is on literally fucking everything now, but I just feel like a kid again getting to walk around in pokemon shirts and having pokemon plushes on my bed again. 

And since gen 7 debuted, Mimikyu has become my baby. uwu My spooky, scary, wittle baby.

Also, since gen 5, the Snivy and Larvesta lines are my baes. <3
last edit on Sept 14, 2018 18:11:08 GMT by Desmond Miles
48written posts
websearned bits
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My one true love has always been Rapidash, but I nearly always have a Houndoom on my team. In Pokemon X, I fell in love with Pachirisu and refused to take them off of my team until I found a suitable replacement (I think I swapped them for a Charizard). 

Every team I have is comprised mainly of Dark, Electric, and Fire types. Rarely anything else unless the Pokemon have dual natures (which most I pick up do). I just don't seem to go for any types out of there, except the one time I gave Rockruff a try.
reluctant heroes, an attack on titan/shingeki no kyojin alternate universe
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Y A M S ! ! !earned bits
Y A M S ! ! !
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I really like Slowpoke!  They're so soft and pink and cute.  Lopunny is also adorable, but I just love rabbits.  And Miltank cause cows are such precious animals.

Flying types have always been my hardcore fave for some reason, even if none of my fave pokemon are flying types themselves lol.  The very first pokemon back in red/blue I caught was a Pidgey who I named Wedge for... some reason.  But since then every Pidgey I've had since has been named that.