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Staffing Confessions

phantom of the black parade
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Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
i wish that more directories would run their linkback policies the way p2 does (aka where you either have the guest-friendly advertising board or you can have their button somewhere on your site).

i just. i really don't want to dabble with traditional site-to-site ads at all anymore, for first links or link backs just because i honestly don't find it very lucerative tbeh (especially since i know some sites will just advertise anyway even if you explain v v clearly that you're not accepting first links at all and those seconds i spend deleting all those ads will add up, pun not intended), but unfortunately, it seems like most other directories insist that you let them do a traditional advertisement instead of just linking to them in a little static aff button.
last edit on Mar 30, 2020 1:20:42 GMT by Kuroya

3,084written posts
Kitten4uearned bits
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As much as I want to start a site, I know it's a bad idea and I don't think I actually want to be an admin right now. I mean, administration would be fine, approving characters and updating lists is easy, it's the dealing with people part that's hard. Considering my demeanor already leans towards grumpy, trying to run a site while I'm irritated at other aspects of life is probably not a good idea.

I'm just sad because I have an idea I like that I want to make, that even fills a niche that people seem to want that doesn't have a whole lot in it right now. :<
Feline Overlord
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Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
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I always worry about members who place their accounts in invisible mode, but mostly because I wonder if they want privacy or if they have had a bad experience with someone and use it to avoid them. I just want to keep them safe if that is the case. I try my best to make sure my members will be alright.
last edit on Apr 2, 2020 22:11:23 GMT by Chibi Magician
Feline Overlord
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Apr 2, 2020 23:18:39 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
I feel that way too, but then again. I just feel like it is pointless to go invisible mode because it only hides you from some people. So it almost makes me question if you're the one hiding something. I'm sorry but this is how I feel on the subject.

There is actually one purpose to invisible mode which is it makes you unseeable via search engine. There is little purpose for it, but if someone is being followed by someone, it at least keeps the person from searching their name and the affiliating site engine. For example, if you searched Chibi Magician ProBoards, you would find my name very quickly. However, if you search that with an invisible account, I do not believe it comes up at all. This is if I remember my testing correctly. c:
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gimmickearned bits
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All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
Not a staffing confession, but in past occasions where I used invisible mode as a member, it was because I owed replies and didn’t want the people I was rping with to see that I’d been online every day after they posted...in case they wondered why I hadn’t posted yet or thought I was ignoring them.

Those were my more paranoid days.

jk I’m still paranoid
last edit on Apr 3, 2020 1:41:10 GMT by gimmick
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flareearned bits
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rp is supposed to be fun, remember
gimmick Avatar
Not a staffing confession, but in past occasions where I used invisible mode as a member, it was because I owed replies and didn’t want the people I was rping with to see that I’d been online every day after they posted...in case they wondered why I hadn’t posted yet or thought I was ignoring them.

Those were my more paranoid days.

jk I’m still paranoid
same?? i used to be always invisible mode if i am writing a reply because i use "reply" box as my word document. it tells you who i am writing for if you go to "last click"s too so like, why not just hide it in case someone happens to be there and gets expectations.

i still do it when i am working on a post at times because like, i like doing my own thing silently tbh.
last edit on Apr 3, 2020 1:46:42 GMT by flare
937written posts
gimmickearned bits
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All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
iota Avatar
Shouldn't this be in RP confessions since it's not as staff? X'D

It was in response to a staffing confession about being worried about members who use invisible mode
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Deletedearned bits
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First, I know it doesn't get a date when you've last been on when you use the site engine but I'm pretty sure that one can still search for that account and see them on the list. Also it is as @iota said, staff can still see you, unless the main admin sets it up where staff can't see it, but they themselves can see the invisible account. I can understand other's reasonings for using it, but it still makes me uncomfortable when I see others using the invisible mode for their account(s) because they can't hide from me Which I'm grateful for, because it makes me question their motives behind it. Mind you I'm having this attitude from having to kick users from the past.
last edit on Apr 4, 2020 0:29:40 GMT by Deleted
Feline Overlord
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Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
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I feel as staff I constantly have to scrutinize my diction to make sure me saying something does not upset others... it makes me worry sometimes that I am not being friendly enough. It is very worrisome, especially when I am genuinely trying to be staffly, but end up seemingly making others uncomfortable. ;-;
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Deletedearned bits
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I failed to save some members today now I'll never get my closure. And here I thought I was getting a friendship too. Sorta reminds me of a time when somebody else came to me and I told the head admin who was upset I got the message and wanted me to not be involved when the member felt comfortable talking to me. I left that site, I'm choosing to stay on this one. I blame myself for my own actions, it is as simple as that.
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wolfeearned bits
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Apr 5, 2020 4:34:50 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
I failed to save some members today now I'll never get my closure. And here I thought I was getting a friendship too. Sorta reminds me of a time when somebody else came to me and I told the head admin who was upset I got the message and wanted me to not be involved when the member felt comfortable talking to me. I left that site, I'm choosing to stay on this one. I blame myself for my own actions, it is as simple as that.

Just noting that everyone loses members due to mistakes. It's inevitable given the social aspect of roleplay and how most roleplayers aren't the best at clearly and honestly giving out what they actually feel about something when it's negative or controversial, myself included. The only thing you can do is be better next time, and if you ever see the member again to handle the relationship better the second go around. I've been amazed at the people who have been willing to give roleplaying with me a second chance in the past when my teenage self decided the moral high ground was more important than... really anything and that attitude led to a few really promising sites dying due to my inability to compromise on anything. A nerd who thinks they're right is the most stubborn force in the universe, I swear.

You're not going to be perfect all the time as a staffer, and thinking you are is unrealistic and will only cause you grief. The best you can do is become self-aware enough to know when you need to step away for a while and reset, which is a skill that anyone reading this can learn faster than me because I'm naturally the type of person who will argue over anything and that bled over and still bleeds over online to degrees which aren't great for staff members of roleplaying sites. Your flaws might be different than mine, but just being self-aware of them goes a long way in mitigating those sorts of things.

Frankly, the fact that you care also helps. Everyone has a nightmare staffer story where they were driven off a site by someone with a power trip and some power online who freaked out over your warrior cat's fur color being the wrong combination or whatever and hated them forever for it. Best of luck to you.