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Staffing Confessions

90written posts
reisenearned bits
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
reisen Avatar
Definitely not unfair (you can enforce whatever rule you want on a site you created) but I can 100% call something lame at my discretion if it deprives me of being able to play the character I envision. No one has to agree; most don't care.

There's not even really much to debate here other than "who wins if two people disagree on what a character's assumed age is". Staff always wins, but it shouldn't be surprising or even worth a mention that the member will leave over their FC not being accepted. Even if the reason might be weird or off-putting.
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
Part of the Furniture
AkiraTsunami Avatar
I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
I've got it somewhere in my rules that teenagers are a raging bunch or hormones and things happen, but that the people you rp with like that have to be comfortable with it. I mean. It's high school. Almost everyone is doing something. But it's also proboards so it's just heavily suggested and not like full on smut. Which makes it easier I guess. Still. It's high school. It's kind of expected. However, all of the rpers are of age, and again, it's very fade to black so. Writing smut with underage characters just to do so is kind of weird, but if it fits the overall setting, I don't see the problem with it? So long as the other person is comfortable with it, because it's fiction. It's not like I'm unaware that high schoolers do things in the dark. Idk. I've got a weird sense of things so. I'm the wrong person to ask about standards. lol.

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,363written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
the urge to stop advertising jcink premium sites on proboards sites to properly comply with their tos vs the fear that no longer advertising on them will block significant avenues of advertising since networking for animanga is so heavily tied to proboards: fight!

Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
Part of the Furniture
AkiraTsunami Avatar
I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
perhaps it is against proboards tos to advertise jcink premiums, but like... It's gotta be at the bottom of the list. As long as the banner itself has no... "material" on it, then it should be fine. I've noticed that proboards tos mods only really show up when you've got real adult content. Even then, it's just warnings to remove said content. Proboards tos mods are actually pretty nice and work with you. I've been flagged before, in the past, but not so much recently. From what I've noticed it's usually more content related than it is say adverts/affiliates. As long as the content on site is clean then there usually isn't too much of a problem.

the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
978written posts
yuanearned bits
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yuan Avatar
existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
writing lore at the speed of light to get your site out faster is all fun and stuff, but when it leads to potential(?) burnout, its not good. im not saying i've reached the burnout part, i'm still very hyped, but i need to learn how to take a break. -u- i think for staff in general, you need to learn when to take breaks!
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
Part of the Furniture
AkiraTsunami Avatar
I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
what even is the point of writing lore if no one reads it x.x I get it, sometimes it is not the easiest to learn and understand, but if everyone else gets a concept, why can't certain people? And if an app is rejected, or asked to be fixed, why just leave? Go back and read the rules, read the lore, fix the app like the staff asks. Why leave?? x.x

116written posts
mintieeearned bits
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Working on a new project and there's a certain delight in knowing that I'm working with a team that's entirely my age/generation/etc, especially when I'm going through my obligatory "I feel so old, am I too old for x y and z things that I still feel are fun?" phase. Obviously it shouldn't really matter. Some of the most mature people I've met have been younger, but there's just a certain comfort.
last edit on Jul 16, 2022 13:14:50 GMT by mintiee
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
Part of the Furniture
AkiraTsunami Avatar
I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
^ on this, it's always fun when people older than me show up. But I seem to find that a vast majority of the people I rp with are at least around my age. Our current spread is around from the ages of 24 to 36 and its kinda nice. I remember a ton of teenagers doing this as a hobby back in the day, but I guess it's mostly the same people doing it now lol. Haven't come across many kids.

aliasmany - just ask!
212written posts
eulalieearned bits
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Let the mighty be humbled.
It's nice being able to put some lo-fi music on and just going over our guidebook while we're just waiting on the skin to be put on. It'll be a nice treat for those that are waiting to see more info while we get everything together. Granted - I'll still be running a spell check on this thing before I actually start reading. (And have to tell it to ignore all the words that are technically right and in no dictionary. :V)
445written posts
fossaearned bits
Senior Member
fossa Avatar
he's suppose to be DEAD
profit of doom Avatar
i will never ever have a 'vent' channel if i can help it. people don't know how to use it i s2g
i was always against them b/c i don't feel like vent channels contribute anything positive and would encourage pity partying --

but recently i'm like. i would rather have a vent channel i can mute than deal with people who treat gen chat like their personal twitter to air their issues. i was gonna make a joke following this but i'll actually b serious: i'm constantly stressed and overwhelmed with my own life, let alone some person i barely know. i role play and chat with people to enjoy myself. when ppl come into a chat to spontaneously complain about a personal issue they are currently having and refocus the conversation on them, it becomes draining.

it's kind of like. i'm here to escape negativity. but you are now contributing to negativity.

(and like i understand sometimes people just need a hot second to vent but ideally take that to dm's or at least don't make it a reoccurring thing??)
local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
807written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
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profit of doom Avatar
they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
fossa Avatar
profit of doom Avatar
i will never ever have a 'vent' channel if i can help it. people don't know how to use it i s2g
i was always against them b/c i don't feel like vent channels contribute anything positive and would encourage pity partying --

but recently i'm like. i would rather have a vent channel i can mute than deal with people who treat gen chat like their personal twitter to air their issues. i was gonna make a joke following this but i'll actually b serious: i'm constantly stressed and overwhelmed with my own life, let alone some person i barely know. i role play and chat with people to enjoy myself. when ppl come into a chat to spontaneously complain about a personal issue they are currently having and refocus the conversation on them, it becomes draining.

it's kind of like. i'm here to escape negativity. but you are now contributing to negativity.

(and like i understand sometimes people just need a hot second to vent but ideally take that to dm's or at least don't make it a reoccurring thing??)

yeah it's not worth it to me. people on the internet love throwing pity parties for themselves and getting extremely defensive when you tell them to either tone it down or to stop. i've been on sites where people will quite literally, post in the vent channel daily, and it can range from anywhere from "i've had a shit week so i don't feel like posting" to people posting about like, deeply personal things from complete strangers, and they'll keep posting until they get attention.

it's just not worth it, lmao
aliasnightbloom, bloom
702written posts
peachearned bits
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peach Avatar
so it goes.
eulalie Avatar
It's nice being able to put some lo-fi music on and just going over our guidebook while we're just waiting on the skin to be put on. It'll be a nice treat for those that are waiting to see more info while we get everything together. Granted - I'll still be running a spell check on this thing before I actually start reading. (And have to tell it to ignore all the words that are technically right and in no dictionary. :V)

Don't forget fixing my egregious commas too!

Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
Part of the Furniture
AkiraTsunami Avatar
I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
I'd rather have a vent channel than a general chat being used as it, even if I'm just as bad about it. After all, you can mute certain channels if you don't want to see them. On some of my servers I also have a positive affirmations channel too though.

Uhhh random staff confession of the day.

Do you ever just freaking forget that you're staff? Like whoops I haven't done staff work in a hot minute.

2written posts
gossamerearned bits
New Member
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I confess that sometimes I really miss running a site. This is probably the first good stretch of time in nearly 20 years I haven't had a roleplay forum I was managing in some shape or form, or was at least in progress. But also the idea of potentially getting back all the stress and bad feelings from my last run puts me off. But I feel like a day will come when I finally start tackling something again.