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Staffing Confessions

Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
Part of the Furniture
AkiraTsunami Avatar
I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
I've always had the opposite problem. I can't seem to just... be a member somewhere. Every time I haven't been staff I've been run out of sites, kicked from them, been a part of serious drama. And yet, running them? Very few issues. I don't get it. Maybe I have a strong staff-like personality that just pisses off staff or something but I've never done well as being just a member. I do really contemplate not being staff anymore sometimes too though.

Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
Part of the Furniture
AkiraTsunami Avatar
I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
I had to talk myself out of making a third site just because I found an image that would look great as a banner. Sometimes the ideas just come out of nowhere, but they still have to be crushed anyways.

the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
978written posts
yuanearned bits
Part of the Furniture
yuan Avatar
existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
i am so full of love for my fellow staff members and the community at large. i came back from a hiatus, having had a really rough time, and everyone's been so warm, accepting, and accepting of me coming back in full force. wah
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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Kost Avatar
You ever notice a member-made post where the template is broken (due to a missing bracket or something) and you sneakily fix it without telling?
Yep. Quite a bit in fact and especially if it's a post for me. If I'm gonna be sitting there and replying to it then I need to clean it up otherwise I'll stare at the error instead of working on the post. I hate that my brain does this. I'll also go in most of the time and fix tags that didn't pop in the alerts system for me. 
the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
978written posts
yuanearned bits
Part of the Furniture
yuan Avatar
existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
Kost Avatar
You ever notice a member-made post where the template is broken (due to a missing bracket or something) and you sneakily fix it without telling?
i'd personally tell them and then say "i fixed it for you, but that's for future reference!" because its good for learning
pronounshe, him
561written posts
Sharpearned bits
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Sharp Avatar
Staff can only cultivate a site culture to a certain degree. The larger a ste gets the more it takes on a life of its own. Sometimes this can lead to something greater than the conceptions of the site maker, and at others it can lead to ruin.
aliasThe Moustachioed Greek
240written posts
Kostearned bits
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Sola Avatar
When I'm a member, I feel like staff misses some points. And when I'm staff, I'm afraid I'm always missing points. It's this vicious cycle.

The second half speaks to me on a spiritual level! I keep telling myself "Alright I think I've covered all my bases" and then immediately think "But what if I haven't?" and then wrack my brain trying to figure out what terrible crime against humanity I have committed when there's usually none.
aliasmany - just ask!
212written posts
eulalieearned bits
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eulalie Avatar
Let the mighty be humbled.
I feel horrible when I have to put a character on pending and then have slight anxiety letting the person know. (Gotta put the staff pants on lol). However, makes me feel so much better when the person behind the character is willing to work with me so we can get their character to where myself (and other staff) is comfortable with accepting.
the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
978written posts
yuanearned bits
Part of the Furniture
yuan Avatar
existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
eulalie Avatar
I feel horrible when I have to put a character on pending and then have slight anxiety letting the person know. (Gotta put the staff pants on lol). However, makes me feel so much better when the person behind the character is willing to work with me so we can get their character to where myself (and other staff) is comfortable with accepting.
i get this feeling tbh its hard to accept the fact that you're gonna have to be viewed as the bad guy even when youre just trying to do your job as a staffer who does apps. but, more often than not, people are willing to work together with u these days so it is definitely a breath of fresh air ^-^
the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
978written posts
yuanearned bits
Part of the Furniture
yuan Avatar
existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
double post but the titan embed sunset message was the ugliest thing i've ever seen so i scrambled to implement a fix before our site coder could make it all pretty and now im like wah

last edit on Aug 28, 2022 0:22:24 GMT by yuan
aliasmany - just ask!
212written posts
eulalieearned bits
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eulalie Avatar
Let the mighty be humbled.
yuan Avatar
i get this feeling tbh its hard to accept the fact that you're gonna have to be viewed as the bad guy even when youre just trying to do your job as a staffer who does apps. but, more often than not, people are willing to work together with u these days so it is definitely a breath of fresh air ^-^

I completely agree, but yeah, it's a huge relief once you know it's okay and people are okay with reworking stuff. Especially when all I want to do is make sure they succeed and be able to roleplay.

On another note - I am making quests. They are derp for the testing - but that's okay. I love these derp quests, even if they are like... level 1-type MMO quests. :'D
aliasThe Moustachioed Greek
240written posts
Kostearned bits
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eulalie Avatar
I feel horrible when I have to put a character on pending and then have slight anxiety letting the person know. (Gotta put the staff pants on lol). However, makes me feel so much better when the person behind the character is willing to work with me so we can get their character to where myself (and other staff) is comfortable with accepting.

It is a good feeling! Generally I've found that most people are cooperative if you politely explain what needs to be adjusted and why. Occasionally, though, you'll run into those people that give up on an app or even quit the site if their character doesn't get accepted as is, and that's a sucky feeling, especially if the character they were working on looked really neat. Then again, if someone gives up on a character app just because a mod requested some changes to better fit within the site setting, they probably weren't that committed to playing that character anyway.