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Staffing Confessions

praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
888written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
me chanting face claim anarchy in the back of the bus everybody else yelling we get it take the other goddamn bus already

confession: i’m reluctant to head admin anything for many reasons, one of them being that i will 100% treat it as an experiment with no regard for consequences (mostly the ones involving my well-being, but also in general tbh impulsivity is a curse and a cross i bear horribly and with no grace).
last edit on May 7, 2024 9:45:51 GMT by bc
37written posts
clockearned bits
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I've paused on my project to help a friend with theirs, considering it's a genre I actually like and WOW, the learning experience is real. It really helps when you have more than one head at work and bounce ideas off each other! It's also nice getting used to Jcink's control panel; dare I say it's personally easier to understand than Proboard's. :eyes:
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merriearned bits
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I've paused on my project to help a friend with theirs, considering it's a genre I actually like and WOW, the learning experience is real. It really helps when you have more than one head at work and bounce ideas off each other! It's also nice getting used to Jcink's control panel; dare I say it's personally easier to understand than Proboard's. :eyes:

This! Having been working more recently in the jcink control panel, I found coding so much smoother or at least easier to work with than recently when I did code something in proboards. It's interesting to discover how preferences have changed. Rp me of 10 years ago would have never stepped foot into jcink. 🫣
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Beetleearned bits
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Ouroboros of "the site failed because of lost interest" to "interest was lost because of lack off members" to "new members didn't join because of lack of interest" and rinse and repeat. I really wish a handful of members was enough, because we had some great members, but it makes it that much more impactful when one or two members becomes inactive and it's just a domino effect from there.

Solar Waltz, an 18+ panfandom set in NYC
aliasThe Moustachioed Greek
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Kostearned bits
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Ouroboros of "the site failed because of lost interest" to "interest was lost because of lack off members" to "new members didn't join because of lack of interest" and rinse and repeat. I really wish a handful of members was enough, because we had some great members, but it makes it that much more impactful when one or two members becomes inactive and it's just a domino effect from there.
That's why I aspire as staff to also be an active member so that we hopefully never run into that problem. Lead by example and all that.
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travellerearned bits
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Ouroboros of "the site failed because of lost interest" to "interest was lost because of lack off members" to "new members didn't join because of lack of interest" and rinse and repeat. I really wish a handful of members was enough, because we had some great members, but it makes it that much more impactful when one or two members becomes inactive and it's just a domino effect from there.
That's why I aspire as staff to also be an active member so that we hopefully never run into that problem. Lead by example and all that.
This is an old refrain we all know the lines to, but culture is set from the top, so I think it's very important staff members are excited to post on the site they staff.

Imagine a site where the first thing you see on Discord is the admin posting political memes. You'd be more likely to also post political memes. On the flipside, if no one ever talked except to link their latest post, you probably also would be hesitant to talk, even if nowhere it's said you cannot use the Discord for idle chatter.

In a game, one of my friends decided he'd start a guild, and he gathered a bunch of us who weren't much of social butterflies and who predominantly solo'd in the game. But because he was always organising groups and getting people to play together, at some point it became natural to follow his lead on logging on, saying hello to everyone, asking if anyone was doing content they wanted a partner on. 
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
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Beetleearned bits
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That's why I aspire as staff to also be an active member so that we hopefully never run into that problem. Lead by example and all that.

I'm sure you had the best intentions, but this comes off as "well you should have been more active. get good.". It's not helpful, and can come off as rude and presumptuous.

One site my sentiment was about was one where most events were just me and the other admin participating, for example. We were active, but, for whatever reason, the premise didn't resonate with other people. A lot of work goes into being an admin, and if that work doesn't result in engagement it's human to start feeling like the costs outweigh the rewards. There's a point where you just have to accept that and move on, and for me that's when a site starts to feel like it's essentially a public 1x1.

I also want to stress that the way I view it is: It's disappointing, and a little sad, but I don't regret it. I'd rather try and fail over not trying and not getting to experience what fun I had while it lasted. Hobbies can be ephemeral and that's okay.

Solar Waltz, an 18+ panfandom set in NYC
aliasThe Moustachioed Greek
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Kostearned bits
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That's why I aspire as staff to also be an active member so that we hopefully never run into that problem. Lead by example and all that.
I'm sure you had the best intentions, but this comes off as "well you should have been more active. get good.". It's not helpful, and can come off as rude and presumptuous.

One site my sentiment was about was one where most events were just me and the other admin participating, for example. We were active, but, for whatever reason, the premise didn't resonate with other people. A lot of work goes into being an admin, and if that work doesn't result in engagement it's human to start feeling like the costs outweigh the rewards. There's a point where you just have to accept that and move on, and for me that's when a site starts to feel like it's essentially a public 1x1.

I also want to stress that the way I view it is: It's disappointing, and a little sad, but I don't regret it. I'd rather try and fail over not trying and not getting to experience what fun I had while it lasted. Hobbies can be ephemeral and that's okay.
Sorry, I did not mean for it to come off that way.

I get it. Sometimes you can put in all the work and still not get the results you hoped for. It is disappointing, but at the end of the day, the goal like with every hobby is to have fun, not to have an "active" site. Sometimes you get to achieve both, and that feels great. Sometimes you don't. Luck and timing are also factors I think. But yeah, I agree. It's best to move on and apply what you learned as an admin on your next project.
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, Galeforce, TenebraeQueene
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tenebraeearned bits
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i bit the tongue behind my teeth (it was never good enough for me)
i've on staffed a few times in my life. all failing spectacularly when i made my own sites. my first ever site i made was a teen titans site when i was in my late teens/early adulthood. i panicked under the pressure of not knowing what i was doing. so i gave the reigns to my other staff and vamoosed.

i really lack leadership skills, unfortunately.

it's why i like to join sites as a member, even though i have all sorts of site ideas.

staffing just heightens my anxieties too much.

i feel like any leadership role makes me nervous: even like tanking in ffxiv.
251written posts
scarletearned bits
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Honestly the things I miss most about staffing are running events and story arcs, as well as engaging members and giving them opportunities to shine.

But I've discovered I can do that as a member, and then I don't have to deal with conflict management, entitlement, or burnout. There's a whole bunch of stuff wrapped up in modding, and not all of it is equally interesting to every mod.
aliassel, sell
pronounsany are ok
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capsellaearned bits
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I definitely agree about staffing anxiety! I'm preparing to run something small over Discord for a few friends of mine who aren't in the forum RP circle to warm myself up, and it's already starting to get a little nervewracking, but I think it's important to understand that it's probably not an uncommon problem. (Former tanxiety haver to DRK player here!)

Throughout the entire process, people are going to get nervous; whether it's you, a staff member, a longtime player who's worried about their place in their community, or a new member who desperately wants to fit in.

I think I might be in the minority when saying that my favorite thing about staffing sites/roleplays has always been pretty mundane admin stuff... conducting sweeps, reviewing and sorting profiles, updating claims, etc. ; the idea of running a site story is what's been giving me the most worries! But I have a lot of trust in the people I'm running this little game for, and I think it's important to establish that with a future site memberbase, too. Even where I might miss something or fumble a step, I'd like to believe we all have someone in our corner.
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Jenesisearned bits
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Just a magical kitten
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I think I might be in the minority when saying that my favorite thing about staffing sites/roleplays has always been pretty mundane admin stuff... conducting sweeps, reviewing and sorting profiles, updating claims, etc. ; the idea of running a site story is what's been giving me the most worries! But I have a lot of trust in the people I'm running this little game for, and I think it's important to establish that with a future site memberbase, too. Even where I might miss something or fumble a step, I'd like to believe we all have someone in our corner.

Lol fellow weirdo here. My favorite staff duties (when I used to staff) were cleaning up claims, moving threads around, and (shudder) advertising.
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
888written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
@ above; genuinely what other enjoyment is there to being an admin?? unless you're solely taking on content/lore, that's 90% of the job description and probably the most enjoyable aspect (being that the other is putting out wildfires & requires social skills). concurring, the thing i like most is those mundane tasks.
last edit on Jun 6, 2024 2:13:22 GMT by bc