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Staffing Confessions

907written posts
Desmond Milesearned bits
Desmond Miles
Part of the Furniture
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we will have peace at any cost
i??? pretty much have all the essentials done??? like everything's ready to go just about??? like i could realistically open, at least for beta if i wanted??? wtf????

is this what accomplishing a site build all by myself feels like? oh shit, i gotta finish my characters first ahaha oh man
the eldritch truth
1,102written posts
Phantasmearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Phantasm Avatar
come on man let me be staff

i'll fix the SHIT out of that overlapping box right there

let me fix the user colors

your templates are off

i can add staff pics on the header, maybe even buttons for multiple pages


tldr: Trying to be staff on a new site, but need to build trust and all that

the confession is that I'm a tad impatient 
last edit on Oct 27, 2018 16:21:51 GMT by Phantasm
the eldritch truth
1,102written posts
Phantasmearned bits
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Think it's time to shut down my site.

I just feel so much guilt about it - leading people on to believe that we'd be around for longer. Of course, that's what everyone has said and I'd like to finish it and be around to help, but I just don't have the time or passion anymore.

Obviously it's a sob story that's been seen a million times in this community, but seeing the last dregs of people complaining in the discord makes me want to bite the bullet and shut down the server and site without a "public statement". They've both been dead a long time.

I know that'd be what's courteous, but I just can't bring myself to do it.
stultifera navis
568written posts
ninelieearned bits
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
That feel when you're super invested in running the site, creating events and engaging your members and then... there's so little time left to focus on you. It's like "oh shit, I forgot I'm also a member of my own site" and then everything that used to be fun and exciting churns into one big chore, killing whatever muse you have left over.

I want my members to have fun, but it's hard staffing at the same time when sometimes the system sucks your life away.

or maybe i just need friends oops

hover + icon by 旳---
the eldritch truth
1,102written posts
Phantasmearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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ninelie Avatar
That feel when you're super invested in running the site, creating events and engaging your members and then... there's so little time left to focus on you. It's like "oh shit, I forgot I'm also a member of my own site" and then everything that used to be fun and exciting churns into one big chore, killing whatever muse you have left over.

I want my members to have fun, but it's hard staffing at the same time when sometimes the system sucks your life away.

or maybe i just need friends oops

It really do be like that sometimes.

I always put staff duties ahead of my own threads, which if I was still heading my own site, would mean I’d have 0 time left for me. IMO it’s a lesson that more staff usually means more freedom.
352written posts
vonearned bits
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ninelie Avatar
That feel when you're super invested in running the site, creating events and engaging your members and then... there's so little time left to focus on you. It's like "oh shit, I forgot I'm also a member of my own site" and then everything that used to be fun and exciting churns into one big chore, killing whatever muse you have left over.

I want my members to have fun, but it's hard staffing at the same time when sometimes the system sucks your life away.

or maybe i just need friends oops
I dont know if it's just me but seeing as staffs always got the most knowledge about their own world, they implement that into their characters. So sometimes events and site plot development are related to the characters. And this instance alone put out the "Bad Admin" trope in our community LMAO. Like your character made a decision that would mold the world and somehow people will just point out to you that you're exercising your admin rights to this and that. Like as a staff, it's kinda your obligation to keep your characters away from the site development. Or if you used another player's plot for the world, others will point out favoritism. Which kinda rules out sites that would heavily rely on character-driven world. Frankly it's impossible to do it without people saying that your site is clique-y or has favoritism.
last edit on Nov 8, 2018 7:25:07 GMT by von
129written posts
Y A M S ! ! !earned bits
Y A M S ! ! !
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it really steams my carrots when a new member is asking questions about things clearly stated in the rules.

"can i make a vampire/cat/alien/android???"  i dunno if you read the character rules the first thing it says is only humans....

even worse is when they go ahead and make a full app and it's a vampire cat alien android with all this stuff clearly not allowed

i admit to maybe railing into those apps a little harder than i probably should

a small mistake is fine and can be smoothed over easy, but like.... why do you wanna rp on my small town slice of life site and then make something that doesn't fit at all?  or not even read the rules?  please....
stultifera navis
568written posts
ninelieearned bits
Part of the Furniture
ninelie Avatar
VOLITION [Medium: Success]
This is why I’m gonna stop asking for histories and personalities and etc. on profiles because of this incident...

Me: Hi! Think you can expand a bit on [this part] just so we can get a clearer idea of your character?
Member: <proceeds to write how their character gets brutally gang raped>

Beware of what you wish for, I guess.

hover + icon by 旳---
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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ninelie Avatar
This is why I’m gonna stop asking for histories and personalities and etc. on profiles because of this incident...

Me: Hi! Think you can expand a bit on [this part] just so we can get a clearer idea of your character?
Member: <proceeds to write how their character gets brutally gang raped>

Beware of what you wish for, I guess.
Wow, thats absolutely awful. I will never be able to fathom why some role players fixate themselves on the content of writing out the gritty details and morbid descriptions of a sexual assault their character experienced....  it actually really irks me and is something I can't stand when it comes to staffing. Someone can slap as many "trigger warnings" as they want onto their app but as a staff member who is going over pending apps, you don't really have a choice but to read it no matter how upsetting, traumatizing, or gut-turning a certain theme is to you. I could go into a full on rant with this but it'd turn into more so a role player confession than a staff confession. 
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
kida Avatar
ninelie Avatar
This is why I’m gonna stop asking for histories and personalities and etc. on profiles because of this incident...

Me: Hi! Think you can expand a bit on [this part] just so we can get a clearer idea of your character?
Member: <proceeds to write how their character gets brutally gang raped>

Beware of what you wish for, I guess.
Wow, thats absolutely awful. I will never be able to fathom why some role players fixate themselves on the content of writing out the gritty details and morbid descriptions of a sexual assault their character experienced....  it actually really irks me and is something I can't stand when it comes to staffing. Someone can slap as many "trigger warnings" as they want onto their app but as a staff member who is going over pending apps, you don't really have a choice but to read it no matter how upsetting, traumatizing, or gut-turning a certain theme is to you. I could go into a full on rant with this but it'd turn into more so a role player confession than a staff confession. 

To an extent, I've heard that some people use writing out really traumatic scenarios as a sort of coping method, sort of as a means to process it, but even then, like... there's definitely a time and place for everything, and Proboards RP forums is definitely not the place for it. I don't even mind if you have traumatic things happen to your character, just... have some tact? You can say it happened without going into disturbingly fixated detail.

On the flip side, although this is probably because I don't get "triggered" by content like that so much as pretty unnerved, I think I'd still take that over someone who's downright combative over making any edits to their application at all... assuming they don't just paraphrase information already stated when you ask for them to elaborate more on something pretty bare bones. I'm really lax with most apps, since I don't like to pressure people into writing more than they're comfortable with, but I worked hard on this site, and I'd hope you at least put in a little bit of effort into your own character.

Or just. People being combative about app edits in general. You think I like telling you that you can't do such and such on my site? You think I don't want you to be able to write whatever you want? You think I enjoy being a roadblock for your RP experience???? Bro, you better bet your buns I tried to think of every way to incorporate your crazy ideas into a setting that just doesn't allow for it before asking you to make changes and felt guilty the whole time I wrote out that message, but the MOMENT you try to pick a fight with me over it, my sympathy is GONE. If you want things your way so badly, go write a fanfic, sdkjflhdslfkjdhskfjsdh, I'm trying my best over here. *sobs grossly*