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Staffing Confessions

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SPIRELEearned bits
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there are so many layers behind this that never get addressed.

idr when exactly but i DEAD ASS remember like a year or two ago someone posted an interest check for something niche. there was a good amount of turnout at first but when the site went up it was dead on arrival. the person posted on PP like ‘i put in all this work and no one showed up. where is everyone that said they wanted to join?’ and it broke my goddamn fucking heart. honestly, most shit i ever saw.

that being said, i think rp needs to evolve but either people are unaware or don't’ want to take on that change.

when u want to rp something niche u need to be realistic and look at the longevity of it. are u planning on it lasting for a while? then lay out the groundwork and shoot out a site.

there’s a lot more that goes into this but it’s highly personal, nuanced, and subjective.
honestly. I remember this too!! It was so freaking sad, ngl. And I actually remember being really mad at the people that had been hyping and raving about this particular site, only to just.. vanish, man.

I learned by doing this very same thing that you cannot make a site to please everyone, and that making a site that seemingly everyone
wants is not always what you want.

contrarily, sometimes making something that you want can actually garner a lot more interest than you originally anticipated too!

the bottom line is make what you have muse for and catapult off that. Ideally, you should shoot for your forum/site/rp to be long-term, because if not, what is the point? It blows my mind when people put so much effort into a site, even bought a skin for it and everything to only shut it down after like two months because they get bored of it. Like, bro, that's something you actually invested so much time and real money into, only to just throw it away.

Like things happen. Activity plummets. Drama ensues. I get it. Those things can be really disheartening and are all valid reasons for closure/going offline.

But, I'm just saying... be considerate of how much effort and time someone and their community are actually putting into this hobby. We're all here to soar, you know?

generally, i agree with you! however, there’s a lot of nuances that depend on the type of person you are. contrary to what most people will say, i do think there is a right and wrong way to RP. the tricky part is that there is more than one way for both! it just fluctuates per person.

i think you need to look at what / why you’re creating a site. what do you consider successful?

if you’re okay with the fact no one will join and you just want to put this stuff up for your self-satisfaction! go 100%.

however, if the primary reason you’re doing it is for people to RP on it then you need to be realistic and analyze your situation. how many people will realistically join? how long will they last? how many do you want and what are you willing to do to keep them?

some admins are very particular about how they want their site to run. this is the plot, this is how i imagined it, and i’m not budging on these particular aspects. that’s fine, but know that it will also shoo some people away. it’s a difficult balancing act of what you’re willing to compromise on for ease of access and fun for your ‘members’.

i do think you can make short-term sites but that also scales off your + people’s activity. when i was younger there would be sites made that we knew were only going to last during the summer. we would post a dozen times a day, high pace, fast pace, danger DE laced shit, that was super fun! no issue with it shutting down once school started cause we did enough that it satisfied what we wanted from it.

that being said, if it’s small or short-term, then think about your time as well. why add all these extra systems, all these approval checks or extra staff work when you’re only going to have X amount of people or be up for X amount of time???

but, likewise, i’m a long-term holder. what i value all revolves around the site being long-term because what i like to plot and write is about character’s relationships and their continuity in the world, much like MCU!

naturally, there’s nothing wrong with also saying ‘i wanna do X’ or filling interested checks with whatever fits your whims. i just think it’s important, if you’re going to use that as a gauge, to analyze and be realistic about what will actually happen.
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
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Even if people don't show up. If you do something that you're passionate about, then it won't matter as much. Even if it's just a person or two. For my current site, it was just me and one or two other people for the whole first year. But now, on year 3, we have 15 solid members. Persistence is key. But it is also something that I am insanely passionate about. I thought about giving up for awhile and then I went, nah. Let's blow things up. Cause a dramatic shift in the plot because no one can stop me. People started showing up after that.

Then I invested in the members that did show up. Little by little dragged them into the plot. I did it with every single person that showed up. Now we have a pretty solid community. People come and go, but everyone is just as passionate as I am about it, because that spreads like wildfire. You can really tell when staff are not interested, and you can tell when they really are.

792written posts
illidan mainearned bits
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yeah honestly like with the standards of people today esp for aesthetics, it's way too much work to put up a niche site. I think it'd be ok if people were willing to join sites with default skins, but they're not always and I have kinda realized that unless I've got a specific long-term partner looking at a site with me, I'm probably not gonna do it.

Ars Arcanum lagged more than I thought it would bc I got Covid and shit just kinda happens, but the reason I'm still sticking with it is because my long-term partner talks about it enough that I know if I keep posting, he'll be there. That's enough for me to at least try to finish this project >.>

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569written posts
PHIMBOearned bits
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ninelie Avatar
the masses: we want to see a [newest media trend] site!

real talk, making a site is no joke especially if you want it to succeed for more than a month or two. by the time you've laid down the groundwork and trying to cobble together the rest of the checklist of things you need to do to make it palatable for people, the community's moved on to the next big trend.

tl;dr: don't let what others want from [sites you want to see] influence your decision, staffers.

there are so many layers behind this that never get addressed.

idr when exactly but i DEAD ASS remember like a year or two ago someone posted an interest check for something niche. there was a good amount of turnout at first but when the site went up it was dead on arrival. the person posted on PP like ‘i put in all this work and no one showed up. where is everyone that said they wanted to join?’ and it broke my goddamn fucking heart. honestly, most shit i ever saw.


that being said, i think rp needs to evolve but either people are unaware or don't’ want to take on that change.

when u want to rp something niche u need to be realistic and look at the longevity of it. are u planning on it lasting for a while? then lay out the groundwork and shoot out a site.

are u just itching w/ muse and want to do it until ur interest wanes or u pick up something new? then u need to make something scalable and quick. discord? barebone site? w/e. make it and scratch that itch w/o making a time sink.

there’s a lot more that goes into this but it’s highly personal, nuanced, and subjective.
i rmbr back in the day i wanted to rp pirates but no1 was making WUN PEACE (one piece) sites so i joined a medieval site instead and made me a pirate crew

not the same thing as joining a fandom site tho. that being said, not everyone who posts in that thread have the capacity to make sites themselves and even if discord rp is an option, some of them probably identify as forum rp purists   honkhonk

if ur creating a site then 100% stick to ur guns, who cares what the masses say. if the lore is A1 and ur rep is A1 chances are the ppl will come
last edit on Feb 3, 2022 21:04:38 GMT by PHIMBO
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
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AkiraTsunamiearned bits
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
illidan main Avatar
yeah honestly like with the standards of people today esp for aesthetics, it's way too much work to put up a niche site. I think it'd be ok if people were willing to join sites with default skins

Yeaaaah. Aesthetics are important for me too. I mean I suck at them from time to time, but I hate the default skins with a passion. Or sites with solidly blinding colors. It isn't hard to grab a premade. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but the default proboards white/blue kills my soul. Idk about default jcink, never been there. Makes me sound incredibly stuck up or picky but I'm not talking it has to be hella beautiful and aesthetic. Nah. Just something with a little more. Maybe at least a banner image or a background. Balanced colors and not something to melt off my eyeballs like neon green on straight black. Aesthetic is important, but anything just above default is fine.

792written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
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illidan main Avatar
yeah honestly like with the standards of people today esp for aesthetics, it's way too much work to put up a niche site. I think it'd be ok if people were willing to join sites with default skins

Yeaaaah. Aesthetics are important for me too. I mean I suck at them from time to time, but I hate the default skins with a passion. Or sites with solidly blinding colors. It isn't hard to grab a premade. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but the default proboards white/blue kills my soul. Idk about default jcink, never been there. Makes me sound incredibly stuck up or picky but I'm not talking it has to be hella beautiful and aesthetic. Nah. Just something with a little more. Maybe at least a banner image or a background. Balanced colors and not something to melt off my eyeballs like neon green on straight black. Aesthetic is important, but anything just above default is fine.
i meant a premade = default.

sorry. i know some ppl won't join sites that use skins other sites use and that's what i meant.

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mintieeearned bits
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i meant a premade = default.

sorry. i know some ppl won't join sites that use skins other sites use and that's what i meant.
You know, I actually didn't realize that there are many folks out there who will rule out sites with premades until recently!  It's a bit of an ... anxiety-inducing piece of knowledge - at least for me - from a staffing/site-building point of view.  I'm always in a pretty tight spot financially and if I'm going to invest money into a skin, I want it to be for a community that I know is stable and there for the long-term.

My friend and I are building a site right now, and we're using a premade for it ... hopefully it'll still be alright because it's for a popular fandom that doesn't (as far as I'm aware) have much representation in the forum roleplay community.  But we've definitely chatted about our skin commissioning dreams in the future, fingers crossed!!  It's just something I'm personally hesitant to invest in so early on.
The Schediest of All
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I tend to be the lurker in the staff chat. I do read what is going on and make sure everything is OK while I sort out apps and all.

Otherwise I tend to be the one to say something first if some scuffle or concern arises. Otherwise I am a living alarm who is on sleep mode for the most part passively doing staff duties.

Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
I set up a whole ass site in a week. I had to pause my other staff duties and replies and things while I worked on it, but ya know, it's fine~ I think everyone gonna love it.

stultifera navis
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
When you think to yourself, "It's fine, I know what all my Custom Profile Fields are this time, I won't make them out of order" and then you make them out of order and you swear to yourself you'll do an excel sheet next time to keep track of all the ID#s to prevent this very thing from happening.

Every. Single. Time.

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sifrearned bits
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Almost every time I go to start up a project for a site, I try to pose to the other staff members that we should have some kind of dice-rolling system/points system/should just say fuck it and play D&D 5e on a forum.

And almost every time, I get those same staff members looking at me and going "Sifr don't do this."
the eldritch truth
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Almost every time I go to start up a project for a site, I try to pose to the other staff members that we should have some kind of dice-rolling system/points system/should just say fuck it and play D&D 5e on a forum.

And almost every time, I get those same staff members looking at me and going "Sifr don't do this."
do it