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Staffing Confessions

stultifera navis
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ninelieearned bits
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VOLITION [Medium: Success]
I think the more and more I try to indulge in this hobby, the more and more I'm starting to think that maybe for my own mental well-being that my own sites should just be semi-private and set to invite-only. There's an exhaustive list of reasons why I want to curate my space, and I don't want to waste anyone's time; mine included. I don't think it's selfish for me to only want to have threads with just my friends, even though I do enjoy meeting new people and being in awe of their writing... time these days are scarce, and it isn't boundless.

Maybe in the past I would've been hyped and motivated by how well/popular sites are doing but these days the large crowd ain't worth it. If I can sit down and write out a character's story the way how I envisioned it from start to finish, with an epilogue of new surprises waiting for me, that'll be all I want. 

Note: I also want to say, automation scripts these days are definitely easing the burden of staffing, but dealing with members in an HR manner and trying to moderate discord channels is a pretty thankless and exhausting job. 
last edit on Apr 27, 2023 15:40:00 GMT by ninelie

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Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
Recently, this is what I have done as well. Moving into private rp is definitely worth it if you have a band of regulars that want to actively be involved. The only downside is that it isn't public, so having new people coming around to give new insights and fresh blood to the sites is harder to come by. You also have to gain the courage to send those invitations and be willing to accept rejection when people are too busy or have their own things going on, which really also sucks sometimes. But in my opinion, it has been way less exhausting being a private admin of a closed group, because there's way much less regulation to be had when you trust people not to break everything. It's worth a shot if that's what your heart wants. Way less restrictive and way less exhausting, way more fun and a lot less administrative duties.

251written posts
scarletearned bits
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ninelie Avatar
I think the more and more I try to indulge in this hobby, the more and more I'm starting to think that maybe for my own mental well-being that my own sites should just be semi-private and set to invite-only. There's an exhaustive list of reasons why I want to curate my space, and I don't want to waste anyone's time; mine included. I don't think it's selfish for me to only want to have threads with just my friends, even though I do enjoy meeting new people and being in awe of their writing... time these days are scarce, and it isn't boundless.

Maybe in the past I would've been hyped and motivated by how well/popular sites are doing but these days the large crowd ain't worth it. If I can sit down and write out a character's story the way how I envisioned it from start to finish, with an epilogue of new surprises waiting for me, that'll be all I want. 

Note: I also want to say, automation scripts these days are definitely easing the burden of staffing, but dealing with members in an HR manner and trying to moderate discord channels is a pretty thankless and exhausting job. 
This is totally a legitimate thing to do and just want to say, good on you for doing that for yourself. Popularity is a vanity metric, imo. Running any site or creative community is a hobby. The most important question to ask yourself always is, “Is this creative labor rewarding to me? Do I find it fun? Or do I dread logging in and doing this?”

Some people thrive on creating large collaborative spaces to invite other roleplayers to join. Other people prefer to curate. It’s no different than preferring to DM for a small D&D group you know rather than a group of randos. I think it’s great to know where you want to put your energy, and the final product will be better for it because it doesn’t feel like an obligation but a labor of love.

I wouldn’t say you’re selfish for that. You get to decide how to spend your time and energy. And you don’t have to explain that decision to anyone.
792written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
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I think it'd be more shitty to pretend you're interested in being public when you're really not, tbh.

It's kind of an asshole move to open a public site, put all the effort into the lore, and tell people they're welcome, when in truth you just wanna RP with one person. I have nothing against people who want to stick with private sites. I have everything against the "false welcome" and the communities that are done integrating people if they're not interested in their plots, but won't actually come out and say they're not interested in it.

You don't owe people a public playground to RP in. You don't owe people your time as an admin. It's not selfish to only host private RPs. It's selfish to demand that everyone with the time/talent/organization skills run a public RP.

I run public RPs still because I love them. But if you don't love them, don't do it. Simple as that.
last edit on Apr 27, 2023 21:00:31 GMT by illidan main

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phantom of the black parade
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
personally, i wish there was something that actually existed between public and private that was actually given enough support from the wider animanga rpc to be a feasible accepted middle ground.

to put it another way - i'm sure there's a decent number of people who aren't willing to rp with everyone and anyone that may come across their site but at the same time they aren't necessarily opposed to new people if they actually vibe well.

there's also the stark reality that it's a whole heck of a lot easier to go private if you have a larger friend group than a smaller one for a couple reasons. the one you'll almost definitely immediately feel is that if you want to do a plot that no one else on the site is interested in, you're basically never gonna see that plot get played since, y'know, pitching want ads to strangers is already a near-impossible task in a best case scenario, never mind when you're trying to pitch one for a private site on resource sites that aren't really open to the concept in the first place. but there's also the more long-term aspect of it where you're only going to see the community shrink, not grow, as people naturally drop off for various reasons + you've blocked out most recruitment opportunities to replace them.

it honestly really sucks because like. i'd love to be able to finally let my soul rest + recover from various areas of burnout. but i know i'd chafe to go private for all the plots i wouldn't be able to play solely because my friend group is limited + we don't always share brainrots + i hate the mood drop that comes from giving up on a hyperfixation plot to not give it the best chance it has of being fed
last edit on Apr 28, 2023 1:45:12 GMT by Kuroya

local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
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profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
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they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
Kuroya Avatar
personally, i wish there was something that actually existed between public and private that was actually given enough support from the wider animanga rpc to be a feasible accepted middle ground.

to put it another way - i'm sure there's a decent number of people who aren't willing to rp with everyone and anyone that may come across their site but at the same time they aren't necessarily opposed to new people if they actually vibe well.

there's also the stark reality that it's a whole heck of a lot easier to go private if you have a larger friend group than a smaller one for a couple reasons. the one you'll almost definitely immediately feel is that if you want to do a plot that no one else on the site is interested in, you're basically never gonna see that plot get played since, y'know, pitching want ads to strangers is already a near-impossible task in a best case scenario, never mind when you're trying to pitch one for a private site on resource sites that aren't really open to the concept in the first place. but there's also the more long-term aspect of it where you're only going to see the community shrink, not grow, as people naturally drop off for various reasons + you've blocked out most recruitment opportunities to replace them.

it honestly really sucks because like. i'd love to be able to finally let my soul rest + recover from various areas of burnout. but i know i'd chafe to go private for all the plots i wouldn't be able to play solely because my friend group is limited + we don't always share brainrots + i hate the mood drop that comes from giving up on a hyperfixation plot to not give it the best chance it has of being fed
no offense but doesn't this already exist? i thought it did? i feel like i remember semi-private sites used to being a thing, or where it was by invite only. honestly i agree, i feel like if you put all the time and effort into building a site, that you should be able to yeet people out (aka ask them politely to leave probably) if they aren't a good fit. especially if they're being kind of a dick? not like a massive one that would like, everyone would nod their head in agreement deserves a ban; but they piss off a few people, rub them the wrong way and kill the vibe of the group chat whenever they pop in? idk i feel like it would be worth discussing with staff tbh. that's just me tho
phantom of the black parade
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Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
profit of doom Avatar
no offense but doesn't this already exist? i thought it did? i feel like i remember semi-private sites used to being a thing, or where it was by invite only. honestly i agree, i feel like if you put all the time and effort into building a site, that you should be able to yeet people out (aka ask them politely to leave probably) if they aren't a good fit. especially if they're being kind of a dick? not like a massive one that would like, everyone would nod their head in agreement deserves a ban; but they piss off a few people, rub them the wrong way and kill the vibe of the group chat whenever they pop in? idk i feel like it would be worth discussing with staff tbh. that's just me tho

in my opinion, no, a middle ground between public + private doesn't actually exist, or at least, it doesn't functionally exist in the current animanga rpc.

what i mean by that is..... we just don't have the rp culture to really support sites that are trying to exist in a middle ground.

if you have a smaller friend group or starting member base, word of mouth invitations is only going to get you so far before you hit your limit of who you can bring in. they're also gonna be p similar to the existing community, which can be good to keep the same vibes + such but also bad since imo you're not exactly gonna bring in someone interested in, idk, threading out a huge tragic romance if you keep sending invites to people who hate rping tragedy.

you can post up want ads or general buddy requests to try to find new partners, but it's pretty rare for them to actually result in anything. animanga just doesn't do buddy requests the way the rl community does + there's just not a culture of taking want ads anymore (imo there's a reason why "if you want a plot played out, give the other half to an existing rp friend" has become conventional rp wisdom). and trying in bigger resource communities tends to be a waste of time too just because the vast majority of rl rpers just don't give animanga the time of day (which is fair, in my opinion, when the vast majority of animanga rpers don't tend to give them the time of day either).

and to advertise the site "normally" to try to bring in fresh blood, you're basically doing all the same work as a fully public site, just with the extra baggage of the "semi-private" label to turn people off + make it harder to actually bring anyone in. and by that point, you might as well just suck it up, take the label off, and just deal with it whichever side of the fence you decide to go with.

in other words, sure, you can slap a "semi-private" label on a site and keep doing your thing. but if the resulting site experience would be basically the same as if it were a fully private one and/or if you're basically running the site as though it were a fully public one, is the site really functioning as a middle ground between the two? to me, that answer is no, and i really wish we as a community could change that, since i think it would be a huge qol change for the community.
last edit on Apr 28, 2023 15:35:49 GMT by Kuroya

local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
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profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
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they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
Kuroya Avatar

in other words, sure, you can slap a "semi-private" label on a site and keep doing your thing. but if the resulting site experience would be basically the same as if it were a fully private one and/or if you're basically running the site as though it were a fully public one, is the site really functioning as a middle ground between the two? to me, that answer is no, and i really wish we as a community could change that, since i think it would be a huge qol change for the community.

so i guess my question to you would be this then- do you have any suggestions? i'm not trying to be a dick or antagonistic, i'm genuinely curious. i guess i wasn't aware that this was really an issue or something that other people thought about, so i'm intrigued to know what other people think about this. i understand the appeal of bringing in new people to your sites, as it can get stale writing with the same handful of people all the time, etc, but there is an appeal to having some matter of control over who joins your site, especially if you're trying to do a site with a very high demand plot or something, or has canons that need to be handled with great care, etc. that being said, it's all a hobby too at the end of the day so it doesn't matter either lmao 

anyway my staffing confession is that i despise writing rules and i always make do it 

792written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
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my staffing confession is that once i get a core memberbase, I stop advertising as much.

It's not that I don't want new members, but I feel like chasing them constantly is too much work for me. I think with my current advertising, we get new members about once every few months, and that's enough of a flow for me. I very much prefer smaller sites with a more stable community than big sites that revolve a lot.

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anyway my staffing confession is that i despise writing rules and i always make do it 

I write rules cause I cannot follow them in rl, it's fine.

Hot take, I love doing work on the backend but not with people bugging me about it. I love doing fc reserves and everything else but if you bug me I will feel the need to wait.
phantom of the black parade
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Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
profit of doom Avatar
so i guess my question to you would be this then- do you have any suggestions? i'm not trying to be a dick or antagonistic, i'm genuinely curious. i guess i wasn't aware that this was really an issue or something that other people thought about, so i'm intrigued to know what other people think about this. i understand the appeal of bringing in new people to your sites, as it can get stale writing with the same handful of people all the time, etc, but there is an appeal to having some matter of control over who joins your site, especially if you're trying to do a site with a very high demand plot or something, or has canons that need to be handled with great care, etc. that being said, it's all a hobby too at the end of the day so it doesn't matter either lmao 

you're all good, i'm not getting any antagonism lol c:

as i've kind of been knocking around in my previous posts, personally, i think the only way for us to get that middle ground is for us to have a culture shift in the community that would actively support it (as in doing more than just vocalizing support for that middle ground or voicing dissatisfaction with the situation resulting from the current dichotomy).

the places i would probably say to start would be:

-- support sites that actively decide to use a semi-public or semi-private label by giving them a chance if it's a site you would have taken a chance on if they were a full public site.

-- actually make want ads feasible again (and buddy requests feasible in the first place) by making and taking them (on both public and private sites) to make it an actual feasible growth supplement for non-public sites (and generally improve the public site networking too).

-- move away from the "mega site" domination by joining + supporting smaller sites to shift the ecosystem away from stratifying towards super-massive public sites, small public sites fighting to stay alive, + private sites trying to exist outside of both

-- stop stigmatizing communities and/or groups who do occupy that middle space between fully public + fully private (since imo shaming them just makes it harder for them to both relax their stance in other spaces and exist/make their own spaces to not intrude on others)

i don't think a cultural shift is impossible, just. y'know. a whole lot harder since we'd have to be convincing a huge chunk of the community to all pull together and then keep pulling that way to see the change, and that's a lot easier said than done.
last edit on Apr 28, 2023 19:12:28 GMT by Kuroya

Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
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AkiraTsunamiearned bits
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
tbf. I would love to invite more people into a private little circle, but I have the anxiety and haven't actually talked to any of them aside from replying to posts on pixel lolol

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scarletearned bits
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I've heard of some sites that will do rolling open-periods. So maybe they open up publicly for new members for a month, then close entry until they feel like opening up for new blood again, aside from invite-only. You can then choose to open up the 'public' submission process again when things feel stale.

Keeps population more manageable, and 'bad fits' are more likely to leave after finding their thread partners lacking.
the chalk prince
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backend staff duties are actually quite relaxing for me. updating claims lists, shuffling accounts, keeping records, i love it all. i am also one of the few folk that tend to not mind doing advertising, since i'm a little bit of a weirdo and always quadruple check my posts before publishing them.

that being said, i have shifted to a more technical role as of late. by 'as of late' i mean within the last year or so, i've taken on more tasks having to do coding and other (mostly jcink) functions. i'm not complaining it's just what i've found i tend to gravitate toward these days. i'm by no means an expert or great at coding, but lately i've found it more relaxing than interacting with everyone within a single community. i like interacting with members, don't get me wrong, but if i were to choose a single role as a staff member- i'd choose the backend developer lol
last edit on Apr 30, 2023 23:20:46 GMT by yuan
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
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AkiraTsunamiearned bits
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
have yall ever looked at a skin you've finished and decided it's just not polished enough? lol. I'm looking for a personality table for my app profile and it's driving me insane.