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JDearned bits
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I recently became the co admin of a stat based combat site. A lot of people want their characters to be as strong as possible, and I get that, but the people who view having strong characters as like a status thing and look down on new members who aren't as strong as them yet are oof. Especially when the same powergaming members throw temper tantrums when things don't go their way. Makes them look incredibly childish.
That is unfortunately and kinda crappy of them :(

Maybe try and encourage the people who have lower strength by saying (in a jokey way) they are *clearly* the better writers, given that they're writing against an uphill struggle ;) :P

Pet-Peeve: When newcomers don't bother to read the basic info and just ask questions, waiting on staff to answer them. I don't mind this at all, but when they then prompt with an additional ? or tag, it irritates me, because I'm like - if you're that impatient - you could just go read where the info is written.... you know... like everyone else :D lol
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JDearned bits
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don't fake who you are. from anything to your looks, your voice, your personality, what you like, who you like, what you wanna be.. literally ANYTHING. It will come back and hurt you. Maybe minor, maybe in a life-changing way. Either way - it will come back.
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Stealing this one because it's amazing.
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JDearned bits
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i'm too used to the feeling of drowning in apps to review. there's been no apps in the notification thread for the last three weeks, and while a break from reviews is nice, i'm having a LOT of paranoia. like, i just feel like i'm forgetting there's something to review (it's happened before), so i keep checking the thread, but there's nothing there. every couple of days i'm just checking the thread like "did i miss something?" /cries softly

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Lol - I'm like this when I'm up to date on all my admin tasks! I kinda sit there with my cup of tea going... okay - what did I miss?
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JDearned bits
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advertising pet peeve: when i have to input my date of birth to access the advertising board >_>

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Urgh this.

Or when the captcha code on the site makes me prove I'm human a MILLION TIMES before it believes me.
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JDearned bits
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Do you ever just get irritated seeing someone being sassy toward someone and they don't deserve that? Sometimes being the third party in a situation that is none of your business really bites, because you can't say anything lmao.
the fact you described this down to a T stresses me out. i thought this was just a "me" thing.
i feel this on such a level. like, if it wasn't anything MAJOR but like a minor sass or like sorta-kinda rude remark or tone? i won't say anything if the other person doesn't care, but honestly it will easily irritate me so fast and ruin like probably 3 or 4 hours of my day b/c i'll be sitting their thinking about that minor ass tone or rude remark for awhile because, like, hi, hello, hey? that was really uncalled for, can you kindly-the-fuck-not?

so then i have to lie to myself and make an excuse for that specific person or individual like, "maybe they were just tired or irritated about something or thinking about something that's gonna irritate them tomorrow or stressed about something tomorrow/today/from yesterday, etc. etc." i get it, i have those days too! a lot of them so i bite my tongue pretty hard for those i don't know, but if ur my friend and i know u u might get it a tiny bit. :eyes:

but idk, just seeing people or someone in general be unkind to another person really grinds my gears. be it a minor comment/reply/etc. or a major one is one of the top 5 ways to ruin my day or just irritate me for a few hours. 

Why is it that you can't say anything? There are ways to speak up without fanning the flames...? I always try and step in if I can - I just try and do it with politeness and benefit of the doubt. "hey so-and-so, I'm sure you didn't mean to but that last comment could be read as X - you might upset someone >.<" - kinda thing.... You might find someone isn't intentionally being sassy... This is the internet and sometimes it's hard to notice how your words come across...
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JDearned bits
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Having another staff member throw shade...
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OMG what why? This is a big no no for me >.<

I tell my staffers that can be as honest as they want with me in the staff private chat but in public we are a team and we all back each other up even if we personally don't agree with it. Like parenting - you have to be singing from the same hymn sheet.
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JDearned bits
Junior Member
JD Avatar
I think that's natural

People tend to have a natural distance from staffers. I don't know why - I behave just the same as a staffer as I do as a member - but I totally getcha.

They'll be other times though where I feel like people listen to me more and include me in more things because I'm a staffer rather than some sites where I've been a member and have just faded into the background.

My confession is that sometimes I have to hold myself back when people are rping their characters *wrong*. (lol). Like when I don't understand their character's motivations and it seems like they're just doing that plot because it's "cool" and not because it makes sense and, as a staffer, I'm like... urgh do I step in here on behalf of other members and be like - you're hurting the integrity of the writing culture, or can I leave this one be... and I have to play the balancing judging act on when it's okay for me to step in as a staffer and when it's just me being a perfectionist control freak lol
last edit on Nov 26, 2018 16:01:09 GMT by JD