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aloeearned bits
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she was all bad-bad, nevertheless
elli Avatar
math: ok so get this, turn ur linear equations into an array of just numbers
me: go on...
math: now turn the array inside out until it's just a bunch of 1s and 0s
me: ur losing me, but ok
math: then multiply the inside-out array by the original equation's constant
me: wait—
math: that's it, ur done, that's the solution
me, when that works:

idk what the fuck i'm supposed to do with this information


for some reason out of all my university level math courses, linear algebra comes up again the most LOL. solving systems of equations is surprisingly a common problem in a bunch of a different fields??
last edit on Jul 24, 2020 15:50:24 GMT by aloe
22written posts
aloeearned bits
New Member
aloe Avatar
she was all bad-bad, nevertheless

i whipped up a quick scratchpad-replacement on heroku here.

it's just your simple in-browser live-refresh HTML/CSS/JS text editor, but doesn't have the functionality to save & share code urls (because that requires a database/backend server/money to pay for that ;___;). i'm looking to see if there's a way i can save the code to your browser so that when you refresh you don't lose everything, but hopefully this is helpful for those who just want a simple editor & like scratchpad's interface. hopefully this is helpful to someone!
22written posts
aloeearned bits
New Member
aloe Avatar
she was all bad-bad, nevertheless

at this point i would kill for any mythology/demigod inspired rp. school camp university whatever !

ive had this idea in my head of a myth-inspired school setting, like a demigod school where students get sent to if they have a godly parent/godparent. & the pantheons could be from any pantheon at all, not just the greco-roman myths. i think it'd have a ton of potential for creativity and different kinds of plots \o/ unfortunately i don't have the time or energy to run a site so instead i will just wait until someone makes it >______> 
last edit on May 15, 2020 18:57:33 GMT by aloe
22written posts
aloeearned bits
New Member
aloe Avatar
she was all bad-bad, nevertheless
Ludo Avatar
I wish there was a nice way to tell someone that their writing comes off as needlessly pretentious. Like listen, I like a little flowery prose sometimes, but there's a limit to how much purple prose you can shove into a post before it just sounds cheesy. I don't mind writing with you, but I CAN'T take your posts seriously because you try WAY too hard...

sort of on this note it would be cool if like .. sharing or asking for feedback / constructive criticism was more accepted in rp ?? tho obviously you shouldn't hand out thoughts that nobody asked for i feel like only self-critiquing isn't the best way to grow & it'd be good to get other people's thoughts. also so that they arent going "wow i cant stand this persons prose" the whole time you're threading too lol
22written posts
aloeearned bits
New Member
aloe Avatar
she was all bad-bad, nevertheless
sorry to double post aha but i had a tangential thought after that long ramble: it’s kind of nice that rp is one of the few places where you can be like, anonymous still? the day that jcink asks me to log in with my email/fb/twitter is the day i personally quit
last edit on Aug 23, 2019 15:31:38 GMT by aloe
22written posts
aloeearned bits
New Member
aloe Avatar
she was all bad-bad, nevertheless
tfw your face claim was taken but under the character's alias so you didn't see it in the thread

and then multiple people look at your app and NOBODY TELLS YOU the face is already taken until it goes all the way to review
