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45written posts
shairyuuearned bits
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shairyuu Avatar
I've recently finished reading Zodiac Academy. And I would love to see a website built around it. It is very in-depth with Orders (Species) and magical powers. I know there are so many websites out there similar in having species or races and powers. But nothing like this where your Zodiac sign lines up with your element you can control or how you replenish your powers based on what order you have.
For example: if your order is a dragon. You replenish your powers by surrounding yourself in gold and or touching gold.

I would make it myself, but I honestly don't even know where to start with building a site, let alone manage one ^^;;
 I haven't read it but I'm intrigued by the idea!
I would love to see something like this. The story of the book is very detailed in regards to its magic and what not. I'm kinda looking into maybe trying to build a site myself. We shall see. I'm not really sure tbh. Keep ya posted!
45written posts
shairyuuearned bits
New Member
shairyuu Avatar
I've recently finished reading Zodiac Academy. And I would love to see a website built around it. It is very in-depth with Orders (Species) and magical powers. I know there are so many websites out there similar in having species or races and powers. But nothing like this where your Zodiac sign lines up with your element you can control or how you replenish your powers based on what order you have.
For example: if your order is a dragon. You replenish your powers by surrounding yourself in gold and or touching gold.

I would make it myself, but I honestly don't even know where to start with building a site, let alone manage one ^^;;