How does this even work? Because I've been curious about it for a while now. Being able to not have to spend a million years and just as many words on shit like history, appearance, and etc seems nice. But how do you go about judging if a character does or doesn't have the capability to completely take a dump on lore, or power levels etc? Seconding what Aerie said, but also part of the move for me is that as time goes on I don't really find apps to be a clear indicator of a character or player's fit on a site and no amount of getting into the nitty gritty details is going to change that. If you're worried about power levels, having an abilities section or power mechanics in play is all you need. If you're worried about "taking a dump on lore" they can do that even with the most lore compliant app humanly possible. Mostly because things can change pretty drastically after an app is submitted. Especially on sites with original characters. There have plenty of times where I've gone into an app with an idea of what the character's going to be, but found that they've been better suited for a different direction. Apps for me serve two purposes: 1. prove the player knows something about their character and has a general idea of how they want to play them or what goal they want to work towards and 2. shows me how they write and if they're able to string a few sentences together. I've also found that the people who are going to be a problem can make it pretty obvious from even the shortest of apps, because the sorts of people who want to min-max or whatever tend to not be very quiet about it.