everything above is gold just wanted to add for reference/help:
html code:<i>your text inside will become italic.</i> but anything outside this will just be regular pain text.
jcink css stylesheet:
i {
color: #d3f4ed;
or for an h1 tag:
html code:<h1>this is now a header which is automatically placed on it own line</h1>
but anything outside this will just be regular pain text.
css stylesheet: h1 {
color: green;
i just wanted to clarify that you specifically said "how to style certain types of text decoration" but i think you mean how to style certain elements/tags or styling text in general because
text-decoration is a very specific css property like
color and
font in the above example. italic text is
not considered as a text-decoration. text-decoration only covers underline, overline, and line-through text. you can read about it
font however, the actually font property below, is how you in general change a fonts family (like arial to playfair or times new roman), weight (bold versus thin or normal text) and all that jazz.
html code:
<h1>this is now a header which is automatically placed on it own line</h1>
but anything outside this will just be regular pain text.
css code:
h1 {
font: italic 700 12px/12px Playfair Display;
font is actually the shorthand for this giant wall of text
css code:
h1 {
font-family: Playfair Display;
font-weight: 700;
font-style: italic;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 12px;
if you use the font shorthand you have to put both the
font-size and font-family in or else it wont work (font: 12px Playfair Display as an example). it's why i usually stick to just writing out all the font properties individually bcz i can never remember w/o google what the order is. 12px/12px is the
font-size/line-height respectively and you
don't need to add line height or specify it but i didn't want you to be confused if you see a
XXpx/XXpx around the internet or whatever since that's all it means.
also like mentioned above if you specifically want
every single h1 or bold tag to look a certain way then you don't give the element a tag name and just target the element above like so. however if you want for example two italic words to have different colors for example but be be right next to each other you should assign them specific
class names in your css like so:
html code:<i class="red-italic">your text inside will become italic.</i> <i class="blue-italic">this text is no longer plain either it will be italic with a different color.</i>
css jcink stylesheet:
.red-italic {
color: red;
.blue-italic {
color: blue;
those class names can be put on anything other h1s, h2s, paragraph (p) span (<span></span>). don't forget the period in front of class names in you stylesheet. okay sorry to throw another bone into the pot but i think that answered it and you can fosho ask specific coding questions about jcink i'm not really familiar with proboards.