oh man do I have an origin story for you. I'm about to make batman look like a little baby.
my first ever username used to be DaBomb on goodreads in 2013. I uh.. kinda got banned there, and realized that I needed to reform my shitposting ways.
From there I moved between some transformers forums by the name of Astrinal. Yeah, transforming robots. Guess what, I did more dumb shit, and I left.
From there, thats when I took on the username of Digit on a couple sites. I think around 2016-2018 is when I changed Digit to Dijit, because I got sick and tired of being called "Dig-it" vs "Dijit". And the Diglet jokes.. My lord, my hatred for that pokemon runs as deep as my hatred for Genshin's Amber..
buuuuut yeah! I've been Dijit ever since!