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yorozuyaearned bits
Junior Member
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Chibi Magician Avatar
Yesterday I played Genshin all day and shocked someone with the amount of damage my Diluc does. >โ€ฆ.> I raised my boy well, he will murder quite efficiently. Though it was nice to be complimented on what my Diluc can do, especially since he doesnโ€™t have his perfect artifacts yet. ^-^ Plus I got to help my friend, help myself and meet some new people and use Genshin as a conversation crutch cause I cannot social.

As a childe main, if you are ever in need of a coop teammate/help ojou chan, lemme know ;)
ewww you've been rping for years? get a life bestie lmao
59written posts
yorozuyaearned bits
Junior Member
yorozuya Avatar
Setting: gintoki vs takasugi

After a short second, he somehow managed to regain his composure. With his tone being less loud than earlier. "We're seconds away-" He paused as he lets out a small cough, correcting that slight mistake. "I mean, I'm seconds away on finishing you off and now I have to do it again?"
ewww you've been rping for years? get a life bestie lmao